秋田 典子, 安谷 覚, 大方 潤一郎
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to analyze the effect to Hotaka Town mahizukuri ordinance for growth management including the effect on small developments exempt from the review process of the ordinance, by comparing the development activities between the year before and after the enforcement. We found out that 1)the land use plan and the ordinance were generally complied with, 2)a significant effect was observed on protection of designated farmlands, 3)but the amount of the small developments veiled the effect of the ordinance.
野嶋 慎二, 松元 清悟
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to clarify the process and the factor that community making citizen organizations started and developed. The results are as follows. 1)The factors of start of citizen organizations are "Administrative planning and conception", "Subsidization", "Infrastructure improvement", "Event", "Changing into tourist resort" and "Tendency of community making". 2)The Process of community making is classified into three terms. At first term a few citizen organizations started and developed, at second term many citizen organizations started by citizens and governmental officers co-operatively with "Planning and conception" and "Subsidization" and so on, and at third term many citizen organizations started and developed.
石川 宏之, 小林 重敬
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the factors that contribute to the development of citizens' museum activities. As main method of research, we used questionnaires and interviewed representatives of citizens' groups involved in the preservation of the local natural and historical heritage. This investigation led to the following results. first, the number of active people and the financial scale of the citizens' group influence citizen participation in the planning and the explanations, while the group's field of activity influences participation in research work and preservation. Secondly, in order to encourage the involvement of citizens in museum activities, communication and cooperation between administrative and educational organs and local residents and groups is important as well as proper support for the activities.
谷 武, 三宅 醇
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Keeping pets are prohibited in a lot of public housing. But the fact is that many households have been keeping pet. Due to the above reason, many household are suffering from troubles with pets. The purpose of the study is to explain the residence consciousness for keeping pets in public housing. Analysis shows that more than 2/3 of the households have troubles with pet. Most of the older households wish to prohibit against keeping pets, while many younger households agree to keep pets. Furthermore opinions about keeping pets are divided regarding permission got keeping pets in all housing estates. The permission for keeping pets in some housing estates will need to be examined from now on.
山崎 正洋, 伊藤 史子, 渡辺 俊一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
In Taiwan, the big earthquake has been occurred on Sep 21th 1999. and it promotes machizukuri at middle Taiwan, where there was little mahizukuri before the earthquake. In order to find new movement of Taiwan's machizukuri, we analyzed 3cases, "Ho-ri Chen in Nantou Pref.", "Nanhei-ri at Tosei Chin in Taichu Pref." and "Ryuganrin-area at Churyo Gou in Nantou Pref.". As a result, the characteristics of Taiwan's machizukuri of reconstruction are as follows. (1)There is a citizen-made reconstruction plan which covers a wide range of area and field. (2)These is a case which residents begin to make reconstruction plan and to do activities of machizukuri. (3)Even in non-urban area, machizukuri with citizen participation is introduced by experts of machizukuri.
坂口 陽子, 小泉 秀樹, 伊藤 史子, 渡辺 俊一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
In Japan, advanced local governments try participatory planning on making city master plans. One of the problems on this issue is how to keep the consistence between the commonality of local area plans and the publicness of regional or citywide comprehensive plan. Neighborhood Planning Program in Seattle, USA is one of the advanced cases in which systems and techniques to keep the consistency exist. the authors analyzed the system and its actual condition, then concluder as follows; 1) The program is based on local consensus prior to regional or citywide publicness because of difficulty to secure the commonality, which has little institutional basis. 2) In case of failure in keeping the consistency and the occurrence of conflict, judgement by the independent administrative board will function.
保井 美樹, 大西 隆
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper argues the possibility of introducing an alterative system of providing public facilities and services by analyzing the special districts (SPs) in the U.S. Although there are criticisms that the SPs have promoted fragmentation of the responsibilities of local governments and widened the gap among districts, the number of SPs has steadily increased over the decades. The authors analyze that the SPs secure three systems; to provide the special services that supplement or upgrade those provided by local governments, to charge to beneficiaries, and to reflect the payer's interests into its formation, operation and dissolution. The authors conclude that the new public entity to provide specific public services like the SPs could be one option when budgetary resources are limited and diversity of public service provision are requested.
村木 美貴
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this paper is to examine how local jurisdictions can corporate for regional planning in the regional government so-called Portland Metro, and Council of Governments (COGs), Oregon, U.S.A. The paper firstly reviews the frameworks and planning functions in Metro and COGs, followed by an examination of cooperation mechanism with local jurisdictions. From the analysis, coalition is found at two stages: policy advisory meetings with mayors and technical advisory meetings with planning directors. It is conclude that development of facilitate-function and establishment of technical advisory committee in Japanese regional associations are valuable from the study.
小林 隆, 日端 康雄
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study aims to clarify the possibility of citizen opinion making by electronic conference system that can use multi-media data. We carried out the citizen participation experiment that used multi-functional electronic conference system that has some function to make information flow among the personal opinions. We have got two following conclusions. 1)We should construct spatial data such as images, movies, maps in order to support citizen argument in electronic conference system and we ought to improve quotation operability of the data. 2)In order to keep continuation of argument, we must create a function to avoid movement to a comprehensive theme and to restructure the comment chain when new theme is risen up.
阿部 浩之, 湯沢 昭
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
A workshop has been adopted as a mean of the consensus making of the participants in the scene of the various communities planning. The aims of this paper are to analyze the process of consensus making process uses the tape which recorded the speech of workshop participants. The main results are summarized as follows; (1)The 15 keywords are collected to grasp the subjects of the workshop. (2)In workshop, it was able to be confirmed that the discussion was developed with the PDS cycle. (3)The speech quantity of the participants in workshop affected contents and conclusion, and the speech quantity was affected by the capacity of the facilitator.
加藤 浩徳
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to analyze a behavior of people who oppose to the infrastructure construction project. In this paper, the rational behavior theory is applied to a choice of opposing activities of the opposing people. For collecting data, the author surveyed the behavior of opposing citizens in the project of Yokohama Urban Ring Road and developed a choice model based on a MNL model. As a result of a simulation analysis by the choice model, the author found that a level of public hearing impacts on the opposing activities in different ways by a type of people. This means that an effect of a PI measure to opposing activities is based on the feature of the area and background.
井沢 知旦, 浦山 益郎
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This Paper clarifies the possibility that community organization manages public space instead of public sector analyzing the factors that community organization such as Shinmachi, Nabari City can create and manage community common space by working Nabari River improvement in partnership with governments. In conclusion, we can find four factors as follows: First community organization is operated democratically. Secondly it can unify neighborhood opinions and reflect them to public works. Thirdly it persuades people by itself and co-creates public space by donating some lands of roadside sites. Finally it makes confidential relationship with governments to co-manege public space with public-private partnership.
山根 聡子, 藤田 忍, 白政 宏通
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This research argues about the elements for better partnership of SUMAI-MACHIDUKURI specified non-profit juridical persons and administrative organs, and was done through analysis of results of questionnaires to those juridical persons. These juridical persons are distinguished by the fields they mainly work in, and those fields are social welfare, community development, and environmental problems. Most of them think that both supports from and cooperation with administrative organs are very important, but the present situations are insufficient. The number of experience of supports from and cooperation with administrative organs correlates with the scale of each juridical persons and their activities. Many of them say that becoming juridical persons made good influences on their activities.
高野 寛之, 中井 検裕, 村木 美貴
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this paper is to examine how Regional Associations (RAs) can work as the regional planning authority, and attempts to clarify their roles and issues as regional planning bodies. The study begins with the general review of RA's functions and followed by the questionnaire surveys to the prefecture-based councils, RA's and local councils in Nagano prefecture. It is said that the RAs should work as the regional facilitator between prefecture-based council and member local authorities to coordinate their discussions and policy-makings; also, establishment of region-wide planning ordinance in order to control local planning matters.
宮川 智子, 中山 徹
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to investigate twenty cases of treatment and redevelopment of contaminated land from the view of care for the public in the Netherlands and Germany. These countries have national laws to treat land contamination, however the approaches are also linked with planning and decision making with the public. This research tries to incorporate both of the statutory and non-statutory process to treat land contamination and redevelopment. The results showed that overall approaches has been done by the statutory procedure, as well as to undertake non-statutory approaches. It became also clear that undertakings of public inquires and public consultation, and the presence of residents to be the promoting elements to further involvement of the public.
佐々木 栄洋, 安藤 昭, 赤谷 隆一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this study is to clarify a transition of the land use of urban district and research a problem of land use considered tsunami disaster prevention in tsunami-prone area. So, we selected Taro district, district around Yamada bay and Ryori district in the coastal zone of Iwate Prefecture as the analysis object district, and we analyzed the land use using map overlay method by the geographic information system. In conclusion, the land use feature in tsunami-prone area was quantitatively shown and the progress pattern of residential property development was clarified, furthermore, the increase of residential property was not the extension of possible property to reside but was the conversion of land use.
照本 清峰, 王 雪雯
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
On September21 1999, a severe earthquake occurred in central Taiwan. Zones around Chelungpu fault, the earthquake source fault, suffered particularly great damage. After the earthquake, Taiwan government decided to impose building restrictions both in city planning area and in non-city planning area within the trace of Chelungpu fauit. This paper shows the conditions and problems of the buildings restriction based on an examination of documents and interviews. In this paper, firstly, a brief outline of 921 Chi-Chi earthquake is presented. Secondly, the contents of buildings restrictions are introduced. Thirdly, issues concerning relocations from fault zones are discussed. Finally, risk mitigation strategies of zones around the trace of active faults in Japan are examined.
朝倉 真一, 永橋 為介, 野嶋 政和
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this paper is to figure out historically and theoretically the character of public retail and wholesale center in around the 1920s in Kyoto by focusing on the context of modern commercial and distributive policy change and the context of modern city management and planning. It could be concluded as follows; (1)Public retail was set first as the one of social work programs for the poor in down town, but the character was getting pilot of a good modern retail, and was set strategically around developing suburb in Kyoto. (2)Particularly, after wholesale center was set in 1927, not only public retail but also private retail and wholesale places were all organized and governed in modern hierarchical system of both modern commercial and distributive policy and city management. (3)This change of commercial and distributive policy was related to and supported by the modern city management policy and new city planning in Kyoto.
内田 雄造, 大谷 英二
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Community development of the discriminated settlements has been changed on a large scale including their contents, themes and planning styles. Positioning the community development of the discriminated settlements in comparison with the community development of Asian low income settlements and the community development by Community Development Corporation in U.S.A., many suggestions for future development of the Japanese "Machizukuri" are taken out from the major changes of community development of the discriminated settlements in Japan.
桜井 康宏, 竹田 昌美
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This Paper aims to clear actual conditions of high-school students' life style from the viewpoint of their daily life and their stress and whereabouts. So we made questionnaire survey at ISHIKAWA and FUKUI prefectures in 2000, and we got 1142 samples from 11 high-schools. And we examined following indexes; club activities, daily outgoings, their own private rooms. Interest in course study, familiarity with friends, familiarity with teachers, familiarity with parents, stress and whereabouts. We analyzed mutual relations of those indexes, and we cleared conditions of their solitary whereabouts.
加藤 浩司, 北原 理雄
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to analyze the process concerning the conservation of Saito Farm in Kashiwa, Chiba. The result was the followings; 1)The success in the conservation were mainly based on the land owner's strong will. 2)The another factors were the continuous discussion about the purchase of the farm at the local government assembly and the positive attitude of the local government toward the problem from the beginning. 3)The government has informally decide to ask a voluntary citizens group to take part in the natural environment management program of the former site of the farm. Behind the decision, it was important for the success that the group has taken the initiative in the management of the farm, under the land owner's understanding.
瀬崎 覚司, 野嶋 慎二, 玉置 伸俉
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to clarify the method of community open-space by landscaping of "Kura" in residential block that has been practiced by residents and governmental officer co-operatively at Horai-cho of Takefu City in Fukui, and to clarify the factors for succeeding of the project. The results are as follows. 1)The method of community open-space improvement has "Type of selling a lot" and "Type of moving in residential block", the method of connecting buildings has "House moving type" and "New construction type", and the method of landscaping has "General building type" and "Kura type". 2)The factor for succeeding of the improvement is that residents, specialist and governmental officer played their own parts, and that they discussed for many years at community organization.
玉置 啓二
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper considers critical reactions of journalism in Paris to Le Corbusier's theoretical urban project "une ville contemporaine" presented at Salon d'Automne in 1922. First of all, 327 periodicals in Paris between October 1922 and January 1923 were investigated to find 68 articles concerning "une ville contemporaine". These articles were principally written by art critics who have various opinions on Le Corbusier's purist aesthetics. Many of them admire passionately its magnificence, but on the other hand, criticize severely its application for historic cities in existence. At the end of Salon d'Automne, Le Corbusier presented the original plan for "Plan Vision" as the first application of "une ville contemporaine" to Paris, in great respect for its historic monuments.
三浦 卓也, 齊藤 知恵子
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
"Kinitachi-daigakumachi" was developed by Hakonetochi as the residential suburb based on the modern garden city plan. Consideration in landscape is succeeded to in that stage of a plan in the present as well which should have it. It is examined about the consideration with explaining original plan intention by this research like a landscape. Then, a result of investigation about the Kunitachi station building built by a developer is reported. Kunitachi station building being done when evaluation is high like a landscape examines the whole plan intention of the town from the consideration like a landscape. The whole plan intention of the "Kunitachi-daigakumachi" is examined from the consideration like a landscape.
村田 尚生
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to reveal the reason why Ieyasu TOKUGAWA located castle on Nagoya and planning principle of this castle, thorough the view of his strategy to rival and his belief. Findings are as follows; 1)Atsuta-Jingu Shrine called Peng Lai island which is on big turtle's back. And it has Kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword, the Three Sacred Treasures of Tenno, Japanese emperor, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA located his castle on tail of the big turtle to control emperor's power. 2)Ieyasu TOKUGAWA prefer to "FUJIMI" which means viewing Mt. Fuji and implies never die. He frequently located his castles and mansions in view point of Mt. Fuji. It cannot be seen through from Nagoya. So he constructed extraordinary big main tower of castle to view Mt. Fuji.
加藤 薫, 渡辺 貴介, 津々見 崇
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to find out how the successive presidents of City Planning Institute of Japan have recognized each situation of city, city planning and CPIJ, and have shown their ideas, moreover, how the last citified 50 years is summarized from their words. The conclusions are following: 1)6 contents are in their each recognition, and the transition can be divided into 3 periods. 5 contents are in their ideas, and the transitions can be divided into 3 periods. And these 2 divisions can be divided into 3 periods. 2)Though these recognitions and ideas, "civil participation", "adapting to the change", and "wide and peculiar field of city planning" are universal concept of city planning. 3)From the character of the words and the transitions, present is considered as the time of contribution to the society with various concepts.
脇田 祥尚, 黒谷 靖雄, 田中 隆一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this study is to clarify how a community development evolve by academic network engaged in various specialty. We focus on the activity of Community lab. In Matsue city. Concerning on the evolution of activity, we clarify five characteristics, 1. Converting from lecture to practice, 2. New idea coming out thorough practice, 3. Making a slight idea new project, 4. Networking knowledge, 5. Occasion to make educational chance. We also clarify four characteristics about practice project, 1. Improving through practice, 2. Spreading citizen network, 3. Partnership with public and citizen, 4. Transformation of sense.
秋本 福雄
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
In the 1920's. the suburban expansion in the US resulted in the creation of county planning authorities. California was one of the pioneering states in county planning. Los Angeles County, under its charter power, established the first official county planning commission in the US in 1922, and adopted the first county zoning ordinance in the US in 1927. County planning was a new venture of preventing mistakes. This paper focuses in California, to show that its county planning commissions firstly established subdivision regulations, secondly expanded zoning regulations to the outskirts of cities and lands bordering main highways, and thirdly established a concept of Land Use Plan as a part of the Master Plan and expanded zoning regulations to rural areas.
吉嶋 法生, 大西 隆, 城所 哲夫
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Bangkok Metropolitan General Plan enforced in 1922 is considered to be the first modern urban comprehensive planning effort with a long establishing process since the enactment of Town and Country Planning Act in 1975 in Thailand. During this period, the transformation in the policy formulation mechanism from bureaucratic policy to more democratic one partially driven by the emerging middle class had determined the trajectory of this process. In this paper by dividing this process into three phases according to the characteristics of each policy-making mechanism the efforts both of establishing effective land use planning system and of institutionalizing the coordination mechanism of various infrastructure developments in each phase are analyzed.
田中 重光
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study cleared the modern-ness of the Huangpu city planning. The land use could be divided into three zones across the river. A port feature and a city feature were closely related. In the land use regulation, population distribution and the restraint plan serviced facilities utilizing copper shallows and also it dragged a railway and it planned to do modern port facilities. In the road plan consulted Washington plan of the Lenfant. The reason agreed because the physical condition to have read geography and the conveniently condition which was considered in the approaching city. In the open-space plan introduced Howard garden city conception and the open-space system. The parkway took part of the recent times of the giving city planning in the cell and moisture in the city.
朱 青, 小林 重敬, 高見沢 実
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Since implementation of the reform and opening policy of China., Beijing city converted in the land use in the city center ward of the factory move by attempting to think much of the city environment, for the industrial structure to covert. This study considers about administrative systems project techniques and procedures of land use conversion of Beijing city center wards thorough analysis of actual states and case studies. As conclusions directions for improvement of the systems are suggested from the viewpoint of partnerships between city planning public and private companies.
高荷 久昌
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
It took almost 20 years to redevelop the Takeshiba Marine Terminal from the original planning through the first opening facilities. There have been three major redevelopment concept periods in this project; 1)"the waterfront recreational facilities", 2)"the commercial conventional facilities" and 3)"the business facilities". As a result, the facilities in the last plan (1989) show a multi-layered structure, of which reflects the three periods. This Takeshiba redevelopment model is found in similar 18 other marine terminal redevelopment projects in Japan.
堀崎 真一, 北沢 猛, 西村 幸夫
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This article is the case study of the change of the design guideline and the analysis of method of use in Yamashita Park and Nihon Odori District. The authors focused how the role of the guideline and method of use by local government has changed according to the change of the condition. They conclusions of the study are as follows; The design guideline has used responding to maturity of the district and each stage, the method to guide were different. And the role of guideline has changed.
山田 等, 岡崎 篤行, 樋口 忠彦
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
In order to conserve historical environment of cities as their individuality, buildings may be asked to be harmonized with streetscape subject to certain regulations. However, it is often difficult to describe concrete conditions of this harmonization in detail. Using a case study on prize-winning architectures of Kanazawa Urban Structure Award, a kind of urban design awards established by citizens of the City of Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture, the following issues were investigated in this study. First, parts of architecture, appreciated by judges of the award in terms of harmonization, were selected. Secondly, factors of architectural design considered by designers for harmonization were analyzed. Lastly, architectural contexts of Kanazawa, which were inherited to newly-built architectures, were clarified.
元重 洋右, 仲間 浩一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This article investigates the reward system for the urban landscape in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka prefecture. We describe the reward for "architectural cultural" in thirteen years, the reward for "green townscape" in seventeen years and the reward for "urban color" in seven years. These three past rewards were unified and the first urban landscape reward system was started. The object of three past rewards is examined and the reward and the suitable situation within the limit of city planning are explained. Through the re-examination of the reward system it is hoped that the system becomes beneficial for the future city planning.
篠原 曜子, 明智 圭子, 増井 正哉, 上野 邦一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study reveals the facts of Machiya's architectural forms changes by its commercial usage from with historical passage. It investigated Matsuyama District in Ouda-cho, Nara Prefecture, where historic street and scenery still remain. Through architectural survey and hearing, it clarified the transitions in architectural forms by renovation and reconstruction, tendency in commercial activities, and changes in usage of individual houses. Although no architectural transformation case has been until pre-wa Showa era, massive renovation concentrates during the period between 1955 to 1965, and sales methods and the extent in commercial usage has also during the same period due to renovation. Also. The purpose of the renovation was to improve the image of the store, rather than the functional improvement.
小田 雅俊, 加我 宏之, 下村 泰彦, 増田 昇
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this study is to investigate the riverside design in Osaka of the Edo period, which by making clear the relationship between managements, uses and the design of riverside. We grasped the management regulations of riverside in those days, and then selected 15 famous landscape portraits. According to the characteristics of uses in those landscape portraits were classified into terminal, market, landing place, and place of entertainment. We analyzed the relationship between the uses and the design of riverside; as a result, we made clear that the riverside was designed to secure by the management regulations and to function by the characteristics of uses in each places.
羽生 冬佳, 渡辺 貴介, 十代田 朗
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study aims to find out the functions and the spatial characteristics of "Daimyo"'s estates in Edo, and their relation to the development of Edo city and to the leisure life of the public. Based on "Ezu", map of old Edo city, and literatures in those days, with the assistance of findings from existing Edonology studies, the analysis was conducted. Finding are as follows, 1) More "Daimyo" estates had been located along trunk roads, waterways in suburban area after Meireki big fire, and after reaching the critical point of an city region, development progressed to an inner city. 2) "Daimyo" estates had taken, as a result, the roles of pioneers of land suppliers in several ways, and had also functions as temporary resort places for Edo citizens.
中島 直人, 西村 幸夫, 北沢 猛
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this paper is to trace up the life history of Yoshitane Tochinai, and advocator of the movement for urban beauty. In the early 1920's, Tochinai, originally a journalist, argued that the citizen themselves should improve urban environment and started the society for the research of civic art in Tokyo. Then, he interpreted civic art to the citizens. Besides, he advocated historic preservation and tried to arouse public opinion for urban improvement in his birthplace Morioka thorough his articles. After 1930, he published a series of papers on urban landscape as identities of local cities and lectured for urban improvement in towns of the Iwate prefecture. In 1935, he founded the society of Japanese urban landscape in Tokyo.
石山 千代, 北沢 猛, 西村 幸夫, 窪田 亜矢
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study aims to make clear transitional process including the present utilization and its factor of the relation between primary schools and small urban parks designed during the reconstructive period after the Great Kanto Earthquake Disaster. Most changes were given by school's demands and social background. Their appearances depended on its original spatial structure and ward etc. They have being hanged flexibility.
高橋 正義, 十代田 朗, 羽生 冬佳
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This paper aims to clarify the characteristics of Beppu in national tourism policy from 1947 to 1963, the city plans of Beppu for tourism, carried-out project in the plans and it's factor. Findings are as follows: 1) The national government gave a mean to Beppu as a base of the main tourist route. 2) The city plan on 1950 succeeded to a concept of resort city in past plan on 1947, however, it could contain neither concrete site plan nor zoning plan for tourism, because of time and financial limit. 3) The project was pushed into the scheme of City Planning Law although the special law allowed the extra project. 4) The national government gave the different mean to Beppu while the national government forwarded industrial policy in 1963.
山村 高淑, 城所 哲夫, 大西 隆
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
In this paper, we examined the present state of commercial use of historical buildings in the old town of Lijiang, China, in order to investigate the problems of cultural-tourism development based on the World Heritage. In recent years, the uses of historical buildings built by the Naxis, the indigenous ethnic group of Lijiang, have drastically changed and now over 60% of shops are souvenir shops and restaurants for tourists. Furthermore, over 50% of the shopkeepers are temporary residents and a large majority of them rent rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the minority's residential location and their culture is rapidly changing as the tourism is developing. And they implicate that policy re-evaluation is essential for sustainable tourism-development.
黒田 乃生, 下村 彰男
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
After registered as The World Heritage, more than a million of tourists visit The Historic Village of Shirakawa-go every years as one of the many sigh seeing destinations. Although the outbreak of tourists has benefited the host community, it has given some negative impact to the local livings. Through the survey of the tourists and residents, it has been clarified that halt of the tourists have negative impressions at the current circumstance and their impression is closer to that of residents who don't work for the souvenir shops, restaurants and tourists inn. This validates a need to create new type of tourism, which enables one to experience and understand the heritage and culture of the community.
玉井 明子, 久 隆浩
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this paper is to clarify features of continual sightseeing community planning in the local industry area, and to find out the method for smoothing self-activity of inhabitants. This time, we clarified the role of the intermediate organization by analyzing the process of sightseeing community planning in konda town on Sasayama city, as a case study. The findings are as follows. The commerce and industry association has been playing the intermediary role, such as a mediate between inhabitants and administration, and interregional exchange. It was proven that carrying out the support that is appropriate for the appropriate time to inhabitants was the key to success led to continual community planning.
渡辺 貴史, 横張 真, 田中 伸彦
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Farmland in urban areas provide many environmental functions, one of which is to stimulate feelings of pleasure (those of comfort, attachment etc). Among these, that of extent is seen as having an important function from the point of view of improving the residential environment in the context of regional planning. The present study examines the relationship between physical attributes of farmland in urban areas and individual reactions to them, to identify desirable physical attributes of farmland in urban areas, using a psychological experiment. According to these results, a strong relationship between the density of house in residential areas at the side of farmland and feelings of extent was identified.
小林 優介, 福井 弘道, 石川 幹子
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study is to present the evaluation method of the forest distribution based on watershed units and to clarify the feature of forest distribution. For this purpose, the forest distribution group and the forest situation index by watershed units are presented. Using these methods, this study is applied to the watershed of Kashio River in the southern area of Yokohama City. The results are as follows. 1) The forest distribution group classified by using the forest situation index and the forest coverage is effective to show the forest conditions from the point of view of its continuity and coverage. 2) There exists the strong relationship between the landforms and the forest distribution groups.
入江 彰昭, 平野 侃三
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
The purpose of this study is to determine the effective from of open space in reducing heat islands. This paper tried to measure effect of open space in its surrounding area and effective from of open space on air temperature by analyzing Landsat TM data and air temperature, geographical elements. The results of are follows study shows; 1) Minimum temperature is most important for measuring effect of open space to relieve the urban climate. 2) It is about 300m to effect of open space in its surrounding area on air temperature. 3) Geographical elements influence Minimum temperature. 4) Effective form of open space is to surround the area with open space.
大場 里恵, 小場瀬 令二
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study investigates the outline of allotment gardens in Tokyo area and the policy of the local governments to financial support for landowners of allotment gardens, in order to clarify the relations between policy of the local government and the financial situation of landowners, by estimating the income and the expenditures of landowners and comparing its financial situation with that of farmers. Findings are mainly the following. 1) The city where land price is expensive tends to adopt a sufficient financial support for landowners. 2) Many landowners have a financial loss in the process of allotment gardens management; however, they are more advantageous than farmers. 3) The allotment gardens which are agricultural land for conservation make considerable profit without financial support of its local government.
神吉 紀世子
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
This study surveys how handicapped persons assisted by cares visit green parks actually, and what is the necessary equipments or preparation to promote such visits. This survey is to advise a new forest park plan in a hilly topography. From interviews to 20 assisting or nursing groups for handicapped persons, it became clear that they need human resources for park guidance much as well as physically improved facilities. Then as possible human resources, we focused on-going volunteer activities, we found the possibility among them to be assistants as park guides for handicapped persons, if there are opportunity to learn how to assist, and if some other organization can manage schedule.
山口 邦雄, 渡辺 俊一
2001 年 36 巻 p.
発行日: 2001/10/25
公開日: 2017/12/01
Many studies on the municipal master plan have been developed in the last few years. They were mainly focused on various issues in the process of making the master plan, including how to reflect people's opinions in the plan. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between the master plan and the local community building (machizukuri) activity after a master plan is made. The analysis of two cases of different local initiatives shows that such a relation is "Interactive". One is the plan's "break-down" role to guide the urban image of locality and to lead the individual concrete planning decisions; the other which we think is very important is the local activity's "bottom-up" role to feed back various practical issues to the master plan.