Using of Shimizu Morita’s medium, large anaerobic vibrios were isolated from dental scrapings. They formed large colonies up to 1.0-1.5 mm in diameter, which were circular, brownish and convex. Cell morphology was slightly sigmoidal form 3.0-5.0 microns in length and 0.4-0.5 microns in thickness. Long spiral forms were frequently observed in the broth cultures Gram negative and several granules were observed in the bodies by Giemsa staining. They were peritrichously flagellated under light microscope. Morphologically, the organisms seemed to be identical with Spirillum crassum (Veillon et Repaci, 1912), Fusobacterium plauti or Fusocillus plauti (Séguin, 1928, 1942), Spirillum buccale Fortner (Gins, 1934), Fusiformis dentium Hoelling (Kazeeff, 1939), Oral anaerobic vibrio (Shimizu and Morita, 1943) and Spirillum sputigenum (Rosebury et al., 1950, Macdonald, 1953 and Madlener, 1958). Electron microscopic study revealed that the flagella arose from middle four-fifth of the cell, lining up in a slightly spiral single file around the long axis of the cell. Both terminals of the cell lacked flagella. Isolated 12 strains were saccharolytic, and produced acid from glucose, galactose, laevulose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, raffinose, dextrin, mannitol, sorbitol, inositol and salicin. Inulin, xylose and glycerol were not fermented. They did not produce indol, H.S, urease, catalase and gas from glucose. Nitrate reduction and M.R. test were negative. All were non-hemolytic and failed to liquefy gelatin. They reduced methylen blue and neutral red. V.P. test was positive. Acid production, coagulation, reduction and peptonization were observed in litmus milk. Isolated 12 strains were biologically as well as serologically homogeneous. Anti-sera of these strains did not react with Selenomonas sputigena, which was reported previously. None of guinea pigs injected with living cells of these strains by ip route showed any signs of infection or toxicity during the 14 days observation period. Injected rabbits by iv route and injected mice by ip route died within 20 hours on account of dyspnea. The taxonomic position of this organisms is not clear. This organisms reported here should be distinguished from Selenomonas sputigena.