In order to compare the size and pattern of craniofacial complex among irus monkeys from different habitats to each other, roentgenographic cephalometric measurement on seven items for linear measurement and ten items for angular measurement were carried out on dry skulls of eighty-six irus monkeys from Malaya, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. In the groups from Malaya and the Philippines, the mean values of linear measurement are larger in male than in female, and differences are especially significant in the distances between the gonion and infradentale, posterior nasal spine and prosthion, and nasion and incision. In the angular measurement, the difference between sexes is significant in the mandibular plane angle, occlusal plane angle, lower central incisor to occlusal plane angle, lower central incisor to mandibular plane angle and Frankfort horizontal plane to sella-nasion angle. In male, the Philippine group is larger than the Malayan in the size of cranium, but there is no significant difference in pattern. In female, the Malayan group is the smallest in these four groups and the size of the cranium of the Thailander and Vietnamese, as well as the pattern of craniofacial complex, are most similar to each other.
As compared with the human cranium, the facial pattern of irus monkeys is characterized by a strong inclination of the cranial base, small values of the gonial angle and foreward inclination of anterior teeth.