The present investigation was designed to examine the effects of warming-up (W-up) on the blood lactate kinetics during 5 minutes of pedaling exercise. Five healthy male adults were the subjects. The intencity of the criterion task (CT) was about 80% VO
2max, and that of the W-up was a work load corresponding to the anaerobic threshold. Between W-up and CT there were five-minute rest periods on the bicycle ergometer. In order to determine the blood lactate values, blood samples were taken from the antecubital vein at the following times: rest, pre-CT, and 3, 5, 7, and 30-minutes after CT. Expired gas was analysed continuously for the calculation of VO
2, VCO
2, R, VE. The heart rate was recorded every min-ute from ECG.
Blood lactate values increased 3.23±0.91 mmol/
l after W-up, a significant increase over the resting values. The peak blood lactate during the W-up experiment (4.62±0.84 mmol/
l) was significantly lower than that of the control experiment (6.48±1.69 mmol/
l) . Differences in lactate before and after CT (ΔLa) was found to be significantly lower in experiments with W-up (1.39±0.99 mmol/
l) as compared with control experiments (5.37±1.62 mmol/
l) . In one subject, the blood lactate levels decreased during CT after W-up, while lactate levels increased during CT without W-up. VO
2 during CT were very similar in both experiments. These results indicate that this kind of W-up delays the rate of blood lactate accumulation during CT.
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