A study was conducted to evaluate dietary intake, food intake pattern and blood composition in athletes over a 4-year period from 1988 to 1991. We measured the mean daily intakes (energy and nutrient intakes, PFC rates, minerals and vitamins) from 3-day dietary records for 110 highly trained male athletes (swimming, track & field, canoeing, soccer, cycling and weight-lifting) and 87 female athletes (swimming, track & field, canoeing, basketball and volleyball) living in Nagasaki Prefecture. We compared these measurements with the recom-mended dietary allowances (RDA) for normal Japanese. Energy, fat, calcium and iron intakes were below the RDA, especially for most female athletes and male weight-lifters.
The following mean values were obtained
[MALE] SOCCER (Senior High School boys) : Energy intake 3241 kcal ; Protein 106.2 g ; Fat 88.6g ; PFC rates P (13.2%), F ( 25.0%), C (61.8%) . CANOEING (Senior High School boys) : Energy 2830 kcal ; Protein 99.2g ; Fat 83.9g ; PFC rates P (14.1%), F (26.3%), C (59.6%) . TRACK & FIELD (Adults) : Energy 2870 kcal ; Protein 105.4 g ; Fat 89.3 g ; PFC rates P (13.2%), F (25.0%), C (61.8%) .
[FEMALE] BASKETBALL (Adults) : Energy 1866 kcal ; Protein 70.0 g ; Fat 51.9 g ; PFC rates P (15.0%), F (25.1%), C (59.9%) . BASKETBALL (Senior High School girls) : Energy 2421 kcal ; Protein 88.9 g ; Fat 90.9 g ; PFC rates P (14.8%), F (34.0%), C (51.1%) . VOLLEYBALL (Senior High School girls) : Energy 2290 kcal ; Protein 71.6g ; Fat 72.1 g ; PFC rates P (12.6%), F (28.4%), C (59.0%) .
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