Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Online ISSN : 1347-5215
Print ISSN : 0918-6158
ISSN-L : 0918-6158
Volume 45, Issue 7
Displaying 1-24 of 24 articles from this issue
  • Kazuma Higashisaka
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 806-812
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Nanoparticles have a variety of useful functions. They have already been put to practical use in products in many industrial arenas, such as the cosmetics and food fields. Therefore, we cannot avoid the unintentional nanoparticle exposure of vulnerable people such as pregnant women and infants, and the importance of evaluating the safety of such vulnerable generations, who are highly sensitive to chemical substances, has been pointed out worldwide. However, it is still difficult to determine the hazards posed by nanoparticle exposure in everyday life. From this perspective, to analyze the risk from nanoparticles to vulnerable generations, nano-safety science research has been conducted through the collection of toxicity information on nanoparticles based on their physicochemical properties and kinetics via the association analysis of physicochemical properties, kinetics, and toxicity. The results of this nano-safety science research have been used in nano-safety design research to develop safer forms of nanoparticles. The findings of these studies will not only provide insights that will help us to formulate new policies for the risk management of nanoparticles; they will also lead directly to the development of sustainable nanotechnology (nanotechnology that can be safely, usefully, and sustainably used). These developments will contribute not only to the development of the nano-industry and the promotion of its social acceptance, but also to future developments in the field of health science.

    Editor's pick

    Despite the usefulness of nanoparticles, there are now safety concerns about their use. Therefore, the importance of evaluating the safety of vulnerable generations such as pregnant women and infants, who are highly sensitive to chemical substances, has been pointed out worldwide. From this perspective, to analyze the risk from nanoparticles to vulnerable generations, nano-safety science and nano-safety design research has been conducted. The findings of these studies will lead not only to develop a nanotechnology that will enable the sustainable use of nanoparticles; they will also contribute to future developments in the field of health science.

Current Topics - Present and Future of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in New Fields
  • Hiroki Itoh
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 813
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Editor's pick

    Recently, therapeutic drug monitoring is recommended for many drugs even though the procedure is not covered by health insurance. This Current Topic focuses on four areas: (1) anticancer drugs, (2) anti-infective agents, (3) antipsychotics/antidepressants, and (4) antibody drugs. Among the drugs that are not approved for insurance coverage in Japan, the drugs for which TDM is recommended and drugs that are likely to be approved in the future are summarized in a review, which include their pharmacokinetic characteristics and the usefulness of TDM.

Current Topics: Reviews
  • Satoshi Noda, Shin-ya Morita, Tomohiro Terada
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 814-823
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Oral multi-kinase inhibitors have transformed the treatment landscape for various cancer types and provided significant improvements in clinical outcomes. These agents are mainly approved at fixed doses, but the large inter-individual variability in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (efficacy and safety) has been an unsolved clinical issue. For example, certain patients treated with oral multi-kinase inhibitors at standard doses have severe adverse effects and require dose reduction and discontinuation, yet other patients have a suboptimal response to these drugs. Consequently, optimizing the dosing of oral multi-kinase inhibitors is important to prevent over-dosing or under-dosing. To date, multiple studies on the exposure-efficacy/toxicity relationship of molecular targeted therapy have been attempted for the implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) strategies. In this milieu, we recently conducted research on several multi-kinase inhibitors, such as sunitinib, pazopanib, sorafenib, and lenvatinib, with the aim to optimize their treatment efficacy using a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approach. Among them, sunitinib use is an example of successful TDM implementation. Sunitinib demonstrated a significant correlation between drug exposure and treatment efficacy or toxicities. As a result, TDM services for sunitinib has been covered by the National Health Insurance program in Japan since April 2018. Additionally, other multi-kinase targeted anticancer drugs have promising data regarding the exposure–efficacy/toxicity relationship, suggesting the possibility of personalization of drug dosage. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of the clinical evidence for dose individualization of multi-kinase inhibitors and discuss the utility of TDM of multi-kinase inhibitors, especially sunitinib, pazopanib, sorafenib, and lenvatinib.

  • Kazuaki Matsumoto, Masaru Samura, Sho Tashiro, Shino Shishido, Reika S ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 824-833
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    The target therapeutic ranges of vancomycin, teicoplanin, and arbekacin have been determined, and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is performed in clinical practice. However, TDM is not obligatory for daptomycin, linezolid, or tedizolid. In this study, we examined whether TDM will be necessary for these 3 drugs in the future. There was no significant difference in therapeutic effects on acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection between linezolid and tedizolid by meta-analysis. Concerning the therapeutic effects on pneumonia, the rate of effectiveness after treatment with tedizolid was significantly lower than with linezolid. With respect to safety, the incidences of gastrointestinal adverse events and blood/lymphatic system disorders related to tedizolid were significantly lower than those related to linezolid. Linezolid exhibits potent therapeutic effects on pneumonia, but the appearance of adverse reactions is indicated as a problem. There was a dose-dependent decrease in the platelet count, and the target trough concentration (Ctrough) was estimated to be 4–6 or 2–7 µg/mL in accordance with the patient’s condition. The efficacy of linezolid may be obtained while minimizing the appearance of adverse reactions by performing TDM. The target therapeutic range of tedizolid cannot be achieved in immunocompromised or severe patients. Therefore, we concluded that TDM was unnecessary, considering step-down therapy with oral drugs, use in non-severe patients, and high-level safety. Concerning daptomycin, high-dose administration is necessary to achieve an area under the curve (AUC) of ≥666 as an index of efficacy. To secure its safety, Ctrough (<20 µg/mL) monitoring is important. Therefore, TDM is necessary.

  • Mai Hashimoto, Hitoshi Maeda, Kentaro Oniki, Norio Yasui-Furukori, Hir ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 834-842
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Recently, the concept of psychonephrology was developed and has been recognized as a field of study that focuses on nephrology and mental health fields, such as psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. Indeed, patients with chronic kidney disease frequently suffer from mental problems as the disease stage progresses. Most psychotropic drugs are hepatically metabolized, but some are unmetabolized and eliminated renally. However, renal disease may affect the pharmacokinetics of many psychotropic drugs, as the decreased renal function not only delays the urinary excretion of the drug and its metabolites but also alters various pharmacokinetic factors, such as protein-binding, enterohepatic circulation, and activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes. Therefore, when prescribing drug therapy for patients with both renal disease and mental issues, we should consider reducing the dosage of psychotropic drugs that are eliminated mainly via the kidney and also carefully monitor the blood drug concentrations of other drugs with a high extrarenal clearance, such as those that are largely metabolized in the liver. Furthermore, we should carefully consider the dialyzability of each psychotropic drug, as the dialyzability impacts the drug clearance in patients with end-stage renal failure undergoing dialysis. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) may be a useful tool for adjusting the dosage of psychotropic drugs appropriately in patients with renal disease. We herein review the pharmacokinetic considerations for psychotropic drugs in patients with renal disease as well as those undergoing dialysis and offer new insight concerning TDM in the field of psychonephrology.

  • Atsushi Yonezawa
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 843-846
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    In recent years, many antibody drugs that play an important role in the pharmacotherapy of several diseases have been developed. Antibody drugs exhibit immunogenicity in vivo leading to the development of antibodies against the antibody drug (anti-drug antibody). Nonetheless, other factors also affect the pharmacokinetics of antibody drugs. Recently, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of infliximab was introduced for personalized medicine. However, the usefulness of TDM in antibody therapy remains unclear. In addition to intervention studies, real-world data analysis is important. Unlike small-molecule drugs, antibody drugs do not have a uniform molecular weight; therefore, using the conventional analysis methods, it is impossible to determine the true pharmacokinetic outcomes of these agents. To analyze structural changes of antibody drugs in the body, new technologies are necessary. In the future, along with the development of new drugs, the establishment of novel analytical methods is essential to facilitate the promotion of personalized medicine.

Communications to the Editor
  • Takanatsu Hosokawa, Shinya Tanaka, Takeshi Mori, Yoshihiro Baba, Yoshi ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 847-850
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    For the treatment of autoimmune diseases, depletion of B cells specific for auto-antigens is important because they will be a source of plasmablasts/plasma cells to produce autoantibodies. However, because some types of B cells like naïve B cells and memory B cells are at quiescent phase, they are insensitive to anticancer drugs which exert cytotoxicity by arresting the cell cycle. Here we show that B cell receptor (BCR) stimulation increases the sensitivity of anticancer drugs by promoting the proliferation of quiescent B cells. The BCR stimulation to primary naïve B cells enhanced sensitivity to several anticancer drugs which arrest the cell cycle through different mechanisms. The present results indicated that combination of the BCR stimulation and anticancer drugs is a promising strategy for the antigen-specific depletion of pathogenic quiescent B cells.

  • Izumi Morita, Yuki Kiguchi, Saya Nakamura, Ayano Yoshida, Haruna Kubo, ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 851-855
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    Antibodies that specifically target biomarkers are essential in clinical diagnosis. Genetic engineering has assisted in designing novel antibodies that offer greater antigen-binding affinities, thus providing more sensitive immunoassays. We have succeeded in generating a single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) targeted estradiol-17β (E2) with more than 370-fold improved affinity, based on a strategy focusing the complementarity-determining region 3 in the VH domain (VH-CDR3). Systematic exploration of amino acid substitutions therein, using a clonal array profiling, revealed a cluster of four substitutions, containing H99P and a serial substitution E100eN–I100fA–L100gQ that lead to a 90-fold increase in E2-binding affinity. This substitution quartet in the VH-CDR3, combined with the substitution cluster I29V/L36M/S77G in the VL domain, resulted in a scFv fragment with a further increase in the affinity (Ka, 3.2 × 1010 M−1). This enabled a highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay capable of detecting up to 0.78 pg/assay. The current study has, thus, focused on the significance of reevaluating the potential of mutagenesis targeting the VH-CDR3, and encouraging the production and use of engineered antibodies that enable enhanced sensitivities as next-generation diagnostic tools.

    Editor's pick

    Antibodies that specifically target biomarkers are essential in clinical diagnosis. Genetic engineering has assisted in designing novel antibodies that offer greater antigen-binding affinities, thus providing more sensitive immunoassays. Authors have succeeded in generating a single-chain Fv fragment (scFv) targeted estradiol-17b (E2) with more than 370-fold improved affinity (Ka 3.2 ´ 1010 M-1), based on a strategy focusing the complementarity-determining region 3 in the VH domain (VH-CDR3). This improvement is the greatest reported for mutagenesis targeting anti-steroid antibodies. The scFv mutant enabled an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that provided sensitive dose-response curves for determining E2, the midpoint of which was 4.46 pg/assay.

Regular Articles
  • Hideyuki Terazono, Masami Tsuchiya, Yosuke Maki, Naoki Yoshikawa, Yosu ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 856-862
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    It is essential for oncology pharmacists to update their knowledge, skills, and ethical attitudes. The Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Oncology is an academic society for healthcare professionals involved in cancer treatment. It has conducted in-person seminars every year to cultivate the knowledge necessary for practicing advanced cancer medicine. Owing to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the society was obligated to conduct a web-based seminar this year. A questionnaire survey was conducted before and after the webinar to explain how it works and to assess the learning attitudes of beginner and moderately skilled pharmacists in the field of oncology. Questionnaire surveys were conducted with the participants before and after watching the webinar. The questionnaires sought to determine participants’ perspectives on the webinar and their knowledge of the seven modules. Of the 1756 webinar attendees, 1661 (94.6%) answered the pre-webinar survey and 1586 (90.3%) answered the post-webinar survey. Results indicate that the median post-webinar knowledge score was significantly higher than the median pre-webinar score (p < 0.001) in all modules. Principal component analysis of the degree of knowledge of seven modules revealed that the improved score group consisted of those from younger age groups, with less experience as pharmacists, non-society members, and those with less experience in past society seminars. Moreover, the web-based seminar provided a uniform learning effect throughout the country without distinguishing between urban and rural learners. The web-based educational program was an acceptable educational tool for Japanese oncology pharmacists.

  • Qian Zhou, Wei-Wei Wu, Chun-Lei Yu, Peng Wang, Xiao-Qian Wen, Bi-Ling ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 863-871
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Advance online publication: April 28, 2022

    Saikosaponin A (SSA)—a natural compound extracted from Radix bupleuri—possesses antitumor properties in several types of carcinomas. However, the role of SSA on bladder cancer and the mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we have described the effect of SSA on human bladder cancer cell lines T24 and 5637 in the context of the regulation of mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis. In vitro, the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay and cell wound healing assays were used to determine the proliferative effect of SSA treatment. Flow cytometry and Western blotting were performed to evaluate the apoptosis and related mechanisms. To further confirm that apoptosis is mediated through Caspase activation, Hoechst 33258 fluorescence staining assay was done after cells were treated with SSA and caspase inhibitor-Z-VAD-FMK. In vivo, an orthotopic xenograft mice model was adopted to evaluate the effect of SSA. The tumors were analyzed by hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining, immunohistochemical analysis, and Western blotting. In vitro, the results with CCK-8 assay showed obvious SSA-induced suppression in cell growth in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Flow cytometry analysis, Hoechst 33258 fluorescence staining assay and the assessment of the changes in the B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) family protein expression level revealed that SSA could significantly induce cell apoptosis, which was associated with apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathways. In vivo, the results revealed a reduction in cell proliferation. In conclusion, our data suggest that SSA inhibits the growth of bladder cancer cells by activating the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway and inducing cell apoptosis.

  • Ayumi Sanada, Takaaki Yamada, Seiji Hasegawa, Yoshie Ishii, Yuichi Has ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 872-880
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    The self-duplication and differentiation of dermal stem cells are essential for the maintenance of dermal homeostasis. Fibroblasts are derived from dermal stem cells and produce components of connective tissue, such as collagen, which maintains the structure of the dermis. Cell–cell communication is required for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and the role of exosomes in this process has recently been attracting increasing attention. Dermal stem cells and fibroblasts have been suggested to communicate with each other in the dermis; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In the present study, we investigated communication between dermal stem/progenitor cells (DSPCs) and fibroblasts via exosomes. We collected exosomes from DSPCs and added them to a culture of fibroblasts. With the exosomes, COL1A1 mRNA expression was up-regulated and dependent on the Akt phosphorylation. Exosomes collected from fibroblasts did not show the significant up-regulation of COL1A1 mRNA expression. We then performed a proteomic analysis and detected 74 proteins specific to DSPC-derived exosomes, including ANP32B related to Akt phosphorylation. We added exosomes in which ANP32B was knocked down to a fibroblast culture and observed neither Akt phosphorylation nor enhanced type I collagen synthesis. Additionally, an immunohistochemical analysis of skin tissues revealed that ANP32B expression levels in CD271-positive dermal stem cells were lower in old subjects than in young subjects. These results suggest that DSPCs promote type I collagen synthesis in fibroblasts by secreting exosomes containing ANP32B, which may contribute to the maintenance of skin homeostasis; however, this function of DSPCs may decrease with aging.

  • Takao Tobe, Misaki Kubo, Takahiro Toda, Mitsuhiro Morita, Mika Watanab ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 881-887
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Advance online publication: April 27, 2022
    Supplementary material

    To identify patients at a high risk for primary and secondary osteoporotic fractures using fracture risk assessments performed using the current method and the proposed method, in an acute care hospital and to identify departments where high-risk patients are admitted. This retrospective study included patients aged 40–90 years who were hospitalized at Fujita Health University Hospital. We collated the clinical data and prescriptions of all study participants. We also gathered data pertaining to risk factors according to Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX). Of the 1595 patients, the mean number of major osteoporotic fracture risk predicted using FRAX was 11.73%. The department of rheumatology showed the highest fracture risk (18.55 ± 16.81) and had the highest number of patients on medications that resulted in reduced bone mineral density (1.07 ± 0.98 medication). Based on the FRAX, the proportion of patients in the high-risk group in this department was significantly higher compared with those in the remaining departments with respect to glucocorticoid administration, rheumatoid arthritis, and secondary osteoporosis. However, the departments included in the high-risk group were not necessarily the same as the departments included in the top group, based on the administered medications. FRAX score is calculated based on various risk factors; however, only glucocorticoid corresponds to medications. We should focus on medication prescription patterns in addition to FRAX to improve fracture risk assessment in hospital-wide surveillance. Therefore, we recommend the use of FRAX along with the prescribed medications to identify departments that admit high-risk patients.

    Editor's pick

    Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) is a well-known scoring system for predicting the probability of fragility fractures (FF). However, among the factors used in FRAX, glucocorticoid is the only medication factor. Authors assessed the risk of FF at each clinical department using FRAX and medication patterns. As a result, the departments included in the high-risk group by FRAX were not necessarily the same as the departments included in the top group, based on the administered medications. Authors recommend the use of FRAX together with prescribed medications on hospital-wide surveillance of fracture risk assessment.

  • Tomoaki Ishida, Kohei Jobu, Shumpei Morisawa, Kei Kawada, Saburo Yoshi ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 888-894
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    In obese patients with type 2 diabetes, reduced insulin sensitivity, increased production of inflammatory cytokines, and increased oxidative stress were observed, which lead to decreased protein synthesis and increased proteolysis in the skeletal muscles. Juzentaihoto (JTT) is herbal medicine and we have previously reported that the administration of JTT hot water extract alleviates skeletal muscle atrophy in a mouse model with streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes. In this study, we evaluated the inhibitory effects of JTT on muscle atrophy in a mouse model with obesity and type 2 diabetes. JTT was administered to KKAy mice with type 2 diabetic obesity and its effects on the skeletal muscles were evaluated. After JTT administration in KKAy mice, the wet weight and muscle fibre cross-sectional area of gastrocnemius increased and the time duration of exercise in the rotarod test improved. In addition, the serum levels of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 decreased, adiponectin levels increased, and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance improved. Furthermore, JTT administration decreased the mRNA levels of ubiquitin ligase (atrogin-1, muscle RING-finger protein-1), increased the mRNA levels of Sirtuin1 in gastrocnemius. Our results suggest that JTT improves insulin resistance, suppresses inflammation, and reduces oxidative stress in KKAy mice, thereby suppressing skeletal muscle atrophy. JTT administration in clinical practice is expected to improve muscle atrophy in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

  • Munenobu Kashiwa, Ryo Matsushita
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 895-903
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    A model-based, cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted to evaluate the difference in cost-effectiveness of nivolumab (NIVO), between first-line therapy in combination with chemotherapy and third-line or later monotherapy for patients with unresectable, advanced or recurrent gastric or gastro-esophageal junction cancer, with the aim of supporting the economic evaluation of healthcare in Japan. Data on overall survival and progression-free survival were obtained from the phase 3 clinical trials, ATTRACTION-4 and ATTRACTION-2. A partitioned survival model was developed to predict costs and outcomes. Direct medical costs were considered from the perspective of the Japanese national health insurance (NHI) payer. The model time horizon was set to 10 years. Health outcomes were defined as life years (LYs) and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of NIVO compared to the control group was estimated. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the uncertainty of parameter setting. A willingness-to-pay threshold of 15 million JPY (Japanese yen) was used. Compared to each control group, the ICERs for NIVO treatment per 1 LY gained were 65745714 JPY for first-line treatment, 7420202 JPY for third-line or later treatment, and 74750097 JPY and 10496602 JPY per QALY gained, respectively. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses estimated that the probability of NIVO treatment being cost-effective for first-line and third-line treatment was 23.5 and 74.3%, respectively. From the perspective of the Japanese NHI payer, NIVO was cost-effective as third-line or later monotherapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer, but not in combination with first-line chemotherapy.

    Editor's pick

    For the patient, the national health insurance of Japan is a wonderful system which can be proud to the world. Efficiency of medical care is an important issue to make this system sustainable into the future. Nivolumab, a breakthrough cancer drug, is widely effective, but its high price raises efficiency concerns. Authors performed model-based cost-effectiveness analyses in first-line and late-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer. The first-line treatment had an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of more than 7 times that of the late-line treatment. Authors showed challenges between economics and best practices in healthcare.

  • Hiroto Kataoka, Tetsuya Saita, Asuki Oka, Momoka Yamada, Masashi Shin
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 904-909
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Brigatinib and gilteritinib are oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). We aimed to develop a simple and sensitive indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify brigatinib and gilteritinib in various biological matrices. Antiserum against these TKIs was obtained from mice by using 3-methoxy-4-(-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl) piperidin-1-yl) aniline as a hapten, which has a common substructure with these TKIs. The generated antibody was used to develop an indirect competitive ELISA for these TKIs in human serum. The lower limit of quantification of brigatinib and gilteritinib in human serum was 6.2 and 6.8 ng/mL, respectively. The developed ELISA was used to examine the pharmacokinetics of these TKIs after oral administration in mice and rats. This ELISA is expected to be a valuable tool in pharmacokinetic studies of these TKIs.

  • Hiroyasu Sakai, Yujie Zhou, Yu Miyauchi, Yuta Suzuki, Yohei Ikeno, Ris ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 910-918
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug used to treat a variety of cancers. Muscle loss in cancer patients is associated with increased cancer-related mortality. Previously, we suggested that cisplatin administration increases the atrophic gene expressions of ubiquitin E3 ligases, such as atrogin-1 and muscle RING finger-1 (MuRF1), which may lead to muscle atrophy. In this study, C57BL/6J mice were treated with cisplatin (3 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) or saline for 4 consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after the final injection of cisplatin, quadriceps muscles were removed from the mice. The gene expression of Psma and Psmb, which comprise the 20S proteasome, was upregulated by cisplatin administration in the quadriceps muscle of mouse. Systemic administration of cisplatin significantly reduced not only the quadriceps muscle mass but also the diameter of the myofibers. In addition, bortezomib (0.125 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) was administered 30 min before each cisplatin treatment. The co-administration of bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor, significantly recovered the reductions in the mass of quadriceps and myofiber diameter, although it did not recover the decline in the forelimb and forepaw strength induced by cisplatin. Increased 20S proteasome abundance may play a significant role in the development of cisplatin-induced muscle atrophy. During cisplatin-induced skeletal muscle atrophy, different mechanisms may be involved between loss of muscle mass and strength. In addition, it is suggested that bortezomib has essentially no effect on cisplatin-induced muscle atrophy.

  • Hiroko Tokumoto, Eiichi Yamamoto, Takashi Hakamatsuka, Nahoko Uchiyama
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 919-925
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Advance online publication: May 14, 2022
    Supplementary material

    The microscopic test method (microscopic examination) used to identify crude drugs is a common method in the identification of the original plant source by determining the characteristics from a small sample quantity. However, in recent years, the number of examiners who are familiar with the microscopic examination technique has decreased. In recent years, high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT) has been used to visualize the internal structure of plants. HRXCT scans an object using X-rays and enables visualization of the internal structure of the crude drug using a computer. Therefore, in this report, HRXCT was used to easily observe the internal morphology of crude drugs using the Ephedra Herb as an example. The same internal morphological characteristics were observed using both, microscopic examination and HRXCT methods. Image analysis using HRXCT did not require specific techniques, such as sectioning, and the same tissue could be observed from any orientation using a single scan. It afforded remarkable technical simplification and reduction in time to inspect the organization's characteristics. Therefore, image analysis using HRXCT is a useful method for crude drug identifications.

  • Yoshino Kawaguchi, Taro Shimizu, Hidenori Ando, Yu Ishima, Tatsuhiro I ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 926-933
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    B cells are types of lymphocytes that are involved in the production of antibodies against pathogens. They also deliver and present antigens for the priming of T cells. Recently, we developed an in vivo splenic marginal zone (MZ) B cell-targeting liposomes decorated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing a hydroxyl-terminus group (HO-PEG-Lip). In an expansion of a previous study, we used HO-PEG-Lip as an in vitro antigen delivery tool to splenic B cells to test the ability of this formulation to overcome the limitations of the poor antigen uptake ability of B cells for implantation. To achieve our purpose, various factors were optimized. These factors include cell number, liposome concentration, pre-opsonization of liposomes, fresh serum concentration, and incubation time, all of which affect the extent of interaction between liposomes and B cells. As a result, we confirmed that the HO-PEG-Lip required incubation at 37 °C for at least 20 min with 50% mouse fresh serum followed by a subsequent incubation at 37 °C for at least another 30 min with splenic B cells. By using such a loading system, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled ovalbumin (OVA), a model antigen, encapsulated in HO-PEG-Lip could be efficiently loaded into splenic B cells. In addition, HO-PEG-Lip and FITC-labeled OVA encapsulated in HO-PEG-Lip were efficiently associated with MZ-B cells with high levels of complement receptors (CRs) rather than follicular B cells with low levels of CRs. These results propose a novel and useful system to efficiently load antigens into B cells in vitro by taking advantage of complement systems.

  • Tsuneki Horikawa, Keiichi Hiramoto, Shota Tanaka, Kazuya Ooi
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 934-939
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Advance online publication: May 17, 2022

    Various diabetic drugs have been developed as the number of patients with type 2 diabetes has increased. Sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT)-2 inhibitors have been developed as novel therapeutic agents. However, SGLT-2 inhibitors cause skin dryness. The mechanism through which SGLT-2 inhibitors cause skin dryness is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanism through which dapagliflozin, a SGLT-2 inhibitor, induces skin dryness. Specific pathogen-free KK-Ay/TaJcl (type 2 diabetes model) mice were orally administered with SGLT-2 inhibitor (dapagliflozin) daily for 4 weeks at a dose of 1 mg/kg/d. Skin dryness induced in KK-Ay/TaJcl mice became severe after dapagliflozin administration. Dapagliflozin treatment decreased collagen type I and hyaluronic acid levels in mice; additionally, it affected the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β/hyaluronan synthase pathway, further reducing hyaluronic acid levels. The results indicate that the reduction in hyaluronic acid levels plays an important role in the occurrence of dry skin in diabetes.

  • Shota Yanagida, Ayano Satsuka, Sayo Hayashi, Atsushi Ono, Yasunari Kan ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 940-947
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Evaluation of drug-induced cardiotoxicity is still challenging to avoid adverse effects, such as torsade de pointes (TdP), in non-clinical and clinical studies. Numerous studies have suggested that human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) are a useful platform for detecting drug-induced TdP risks. Comprehensive in vitro Proarrhythmia Assay (CiPA) validation study suggested that hiPSC-CMs can assess clinical TdP risk more accurately than the human ether-a-go-go-related assay and QT interval prolongation. However, there were still some outliers, such as bepridil, mexiletine, and ranolazine, among the CiPA 28 compounds in the CiPA international multi-site study using hiPSC-CMs. In this study, we assessed the effects of the positive compound dofetilide, the negative compound aspirin, and several CiPA compounds (bepridil, mexiletine, and ranolazine) on the electromechanical window (E-M window), which were evaluated using multi-electrode array assay and motion analysis, in hiPSC-CMs. Similar to previous in vivo studies, dofetilide, which has a high TdP risk, decreased the E-M window in hiPSC-CMs, whereas aspirin, which has a low TdP risk, had little effect. Bepridil, classified in the high TdP-risk group in CiPA, decreased the E-M window in hiPSC-CMs, whereas ranolazine and mexiletine, which are classified in the low TdP-risk group in CiPA, slightly decreased or had little effect on the E-M window of hiPSC-CMs. Thus, the E-M window in hiPSC-CMs can be used to classify drugs into high and low TdP risk.

  • Toshinori Hirai, Hidefumi Kasai, Masahiro Takahashi, Satomi Uchida, Na ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 948-954
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    Some population pharmacokinetic models for amiodarone (AMD) did not incorporate N-desethylamiodarone (DEA) concentration. Glucocorticoids activate CYP3A4 activity, metabolizing AMD. In contrast, CYP3A4 activity may decrease under inflammation conditions. However, direct evidence for the role of glucocorticoid or inflammation on the pharmacokinetics of AMD and DEA is lacking. The pilot study aimed to address this gap using a population pharmacokinetic analysis of AMD and DEA. A retrospective cohort observational study in adult patients who underwent AMD treatment with trough concentration measurement was conducted at Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Medical Center East from June 2015 to March 2019. Both structural models of AMD and DEA applied 1-compartment models, which included significant covariates using a stepwise forward selection and backward elimination method. The eligible 81 patients (C-reactive protein level: 0.26 [interquartile range; 0.09–1.92] mg/dL) had a total of 408 trough concentrations for both AMD and DEA. The median trough concentrations were 0.49 [0.31–0.81] µg/mL for AMD and 0.43 [0.28–0.71] µg/mL for DEA during a median follow-up period of 446 [147–1059] d. Three patients received low-dose oral glucocorticoid. The final model identified that AMD clearance was 7.9 L/h, and the apparent DEA clearance was 10.3 L/h. Co-administered glucocorticoids lowered apparent DEA clearance by 35%. These results indicate that co-administered glucocorticoids may increase DEA concentrations in patients without severe inflammation.

  • Yuting Huang, Hirokazu Ando, Mai Tsujino, Kazuki Yoshihara, Li Zhang, ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 955-961
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Rehmannia glutinosa is an important medicinal plant in Asia, and its roots are used as an ingredient in herbal medicine. However, the roots exhibit different medicinal effects depending on the processing conditions. Since the catalpol content differs greatly during the process, the catalpol content is an essential index for quality evaluation. R. glutinosa roots have various weights, diameters, and lengths, and there are differences between individuals and within an individual immediately after harvest. We found that, catalpol content in the roots tended to increase as root diameter increased. Furthermore, it has been reported that catalpol content decreased with drying, and our results also supported this phenomenon. To clarify the reason for the decrease in catalpol content, we investigated the effect of β-glucosidase in R. glutinosa cells. An in situ assay for β-glucosidase activity revealed that the activity in the tissue inside the cambium disappeared one month after drying under natural conditions, and the activity in the tissue outside the cambium completely disappeared after two months. Because catalpol content remained almost unchanged even after drying for two months, it was clarified that β-glucosidase activity had minimal involvement in the decrease in catalpol content in R. glutinosa roots. Based on the above results, we proposed that slicing the roots and rapidly removing water by natural drying is best to obtain dry root with little loss of catalpol content.

  • Yusuke Kono, Hiroki Kajita, Takuya Okada, Rina Nakagawa, Takuya Fujita ...
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 962-967
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022
    Supplementary material

    Sarcopenia is not only a major cause of disability but also a risk factor for obesity and diabetes in elderly persons. Exercise is an effective method for improving the sarcopenic condition by inducing the secretion of interleukin (IL)-6, which has the capacities to both promote muscle hypertrophy and regulate lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis, by skeletal muscle. We previously showed that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) promote IL-6 secretion by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated C2C12 mouse skeletal muscle myotubes via paracrine mechanisms. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the effect of paracrine actions of MSCs on IL-6 and proinflammatory cytokine expression in contractile C2C12 myotubes by applying electrical stimulation. IL-6 secretion by C2C12 myotubes was increased by electrical stimulation, and a more significant increase in IL-6 secretion was observed in electrically stimulated C2C12 myotubes cultured in conditioned medium from MSCs. The activation of nuclear factor-κB in C2C12 myotubes was also promoted by the combination of conditioned medium from MSCs and electrical stimulation. Moreover, the increases in tumor necrosis factor-α and IL-1β mRNA expression in C2C12 myotubes induced by electrical stimulation were suppressed by culture in conditioned medium from MSCs. The present findings suggest that MSCs transplantation or injection of their extracellular vesicles improve the therapeutic effect of exercise against sarcopenia without exacerbating inflammation.

  • Yoshito Kumagai
    2022 Volume 45 Issue 7 Pages 968-971
    Published: July 01, 2022
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2022

    Morphinone (MO) and its glutathione adduct (MO-GSH) are excreted into bile of guinea pigs after subcutaneous administration of morphine (M). In the present study, we examined metabolites of M in guinea pig feces. Surprisingly, minimal amounts of MO and MO-GSH were excreted into the feces, whereas dihydromorphine (DHM) and dihydromorphinone (DHMO), which are not found in bile of guinea pigs administered M, were detected in the feces. Incubation of MO and MO-GSH with the contents of the large intestine under anaerobic conditions resulted in their conversion into DHMO. These results suggest that MO-GSH undergoes C–S cleavage by gut microbes to form MO, which is anaerobically reduced to DHMO excreted into feces.
