Online ISSN : 1884-3697
Print ISSN : 0029-0343
ISSN-L : 0029-0343
61 巻, 2 号
  • 川平 和美, 横山 知子, 衛藤 誠二, 田中 信行
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 67-73
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of cold and warm water bathing of hemiplegic lower limb on its isokinetic muscle strength were studied in 12 chronic stroke patients (9 males and 3 females, 53.3±14.2 yo, Ueda's grading 8.5±1.6 Grade).
    Measurements of the isokinetic muscle strength of the knee flexion/extension were repeated three times; 1) after sitting for 10min at room temperature (21-22°C) as a control, 2) after cold water bathing (18°C) of hemiplegic lower limb for 5min, 3) after warm water bathing (41°C, 700ppm artificial CO2 bath) of hemiplegic lower limb for 10min. The measurements were performed, using Cybex 6000 (Cybex international Co) at velocities of 60, 120, 180 and 240°/sec. Artificial CO2 bath was prepared by dissolving Kao Babu (Kao Co) in 41°C warm water.
    Peak torque of the knee flexions at any velocity decreased significantly after cold water bathing and imcreased after warm water bathing. Change in the maximum power and total work were similar to that of the peak torque. The muscle strength of the knee extension were not changed by neither cold nor warm water bathing.
    The correlation coefficient between Ueda's Grade and its isokinetic muscle strength ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 and significantly improved after warm water bathing at velocity of 120 (°/second) in flexion. Warm water bathing might make it easy to exert their muscle strength at 120°/sec in flexion corresponding to their severity of their hemiplegia.
    Regarding to the influence of spasticity, patients with no ankle clonus or pseudoclonus showed a tendency to increase in muscle strength of flexion and extension after warm water bathing. In patients with evident clonus, a tendency to decrease on extension and increase on flexion was seen after warm water bathing.
    Further studies on the effects of warm water bathing of partial and full immersion in the treatment for spasticity of hemiplegic limb would contribute to stroke rehabilitation.
  • 佐藤 浩平, 工藤 興寿, 横山 義弘, 土佐 典夫
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 74-78
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although it is well known that orthopedic complaints such as lumbago and shoulder pain can be reduced by hot spring bathing, the mechanism of such reduction is not yet fully known. Therefore, to clarify the mechanism, how the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans, which form connective tissue of articulations and cartilage, changes during hot spring bathing was investigated. Urine was sampled from those visitors at a hot spring who have orthopedic complaints such as lumbago but with no internal disease immediately before the session of hot spring bathing and at intervals of 1 week for a period of 5 week after starting hot spring bathing. The glycosaminoglycan fractions were separated from urine using the cetylpyridinium chloride precipitation and ethanol precipitation methods. Uronic acid contents were then estimated by the carbazole reaction method. The glycosaminoglycan levels in urine increased temporarily one week after starting hot spring bathing, then decreased to the level before starting bathing. The results of investigations using two-dimensional electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membranes revealed that chondroitin and chondroitin sulfate increased one week after beginning hot spring bathing. Because chondoritin is a progressive degradation product of chondroitin sulfate, the increase in chondroitin means that the metabolism of the chondroitin sulfate in the connective tissue was temporarily accelerated by hot spring bathing and was reflected as a reduction in complaints.
  • High-resolution computed tomography 上の low attenuation area により評価された重症度との関連
    光延 文裕, 御舩 尚志, 保崎 泰弘, 芦田 耕三, 柘野 浩史, 岡本 誠, 原田 誠之, 谷崎 勝朗, 越智 浩二, 原田 英雄
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 79-86
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    肺気腫は肺の破壊を伴う進行性の呼吸器疾患であり, 早期診断が困難なこともあって, 診断後の有効な治療法は見当たらない。本論文では, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) 上の low attenuation area (LAA)<-950HUにより, 肺気腫の早期診断を試み, 同時に温泉療法の有効性について検討を加えた。今回は, 対象13症例を, %LAAにより, 40%以上 (7例, 進行した肺気腫) と39%以下 (6例, 早期の肺気腫) の2群に分け, 両群問の比較検討を行った。
    1. 進行した肺気腫症例 (40%≦LAA) では, 温泉療法による換気機能の改善は見られなかった。
    2. 早期の肺気腫症例 (LAA<39%) では, 温泉療法により, %FVC (73.0%から84.6%) およびPEFR (2.76L/secから3.63L/sec) の明らかな改善傾向が見られ, PEFRの改善は推計学的にも有意であった (p<0.05)。
    3. 早期の肺気腫症例においても, %FVC, PEFR以外の換気パラメーター (FEV1, MMF, V50やV25) の改善は見られなかった。
    以上の結果より, 肺気腫の有効な治療のためには, 適切な早期診断が必要なこと, そして, 早期の肺気腫に対しては温泉療法が有効であることが示唆された。
  • 前田 真治, 山北 秀香, 後出 秀聡, 木村 広, 井上 市郎
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 87-94
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    高濃度の炭酸ガス浴装置を用い, 温熱作用と新陳代謝亢進を期待して腰痛患者を対象にその効果を調べた。
    炭酸ガス浴中の炭酸ガス濃度は衣服の中でも同じであり, 衣服を着用したまま入浴可能である。
    炭酸ガスは強力な血管拡張作用をもち, プラセーボ群と比較しても表面皮膚温の上昇に差がみられ有意に局所の血液循環を改善することが示唆された。
    血圧, 脈拍, 血液ガスは大きな変化がなく, 心肺循環機能に影響が少なく, 炭酸ガスを吸入しないような装置の工夫があるならば安全な治療法であると思われた。
    日本整形外科学会腰痛治療成績判定基準の腰痛点数の変化からも, プラセーボに比較して有意に改善を示し, 炭酸ガス浴が腰痛に対して有効であると思われた。
    Visual Analogue Pain Scale, Face Scale によるQOLの変化からもプラセーボに比して痛みが約半分程度に改善しており, 炭酸ガス浴が患者のQOLの向上にもつながるものと考えられた。
  • 堀切 豊, 日吉 俊紀, 川平 和美, 田中 信行, 渡邊 智, 藤原 敏雄, 川崎 義巳
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 95-100
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phthalides and ligustilide in Senkyu extract and limonene and fravonoids in Chimpi extract have been reported to have strong vasodilation effects.
    In the present study the circulatory effects of Senkyu and Chimpi extract (crude drug extract) were studied as bath agent in 40.0°C bath water (Senkyu ext. 224mg and Chimpi ext. 272mg/2001). Thirteen healthy men (36.2±5.8 years old) took a bath at 40.0°C for 10 min with and without (only with flavor and dye) crude drug extract and the circulatory effects were followed for 30 min after bathing.
    Heart rate and cardiac output were increased equally by 10 min bathing either with or without crude drug extract. Although systolic blood pressure was slightly increased during bathing, diastolic blood pressure and total peripheral resistance were significantly decreased during and after bathing with and without crude drug extract. Forehead skin blood flow and sublingual temperature were significantly increased during bathing, and remained at higher level for 10-30 min after bathing with crude drug extract. Venous blood pO2 and pH were significantly increased and pCO2 was decreased equally with and without crude drug extract. Plasma NE was significantly increased by bathing with crude drug extract.
    Bath agent with Senkyu and Chimpi extract are considered favorable as bath agent to keep high skin blood flow and sublingual temperature probably due to its vasodilating effects.
  • 大塚 吉則, 薮中 宗之, 高山 茂
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 101-105
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    60歳~83歳のインスリン非依存性糖尿病患者48名 (男性16名, 女性32名, 平均年齢66.8歳) を対象に, 糖尿病教室の一環として6年間に9回の森林浴を行い, 血糖値に与える影響を検討した。参加者は合併症の程度や体力に応じて, 3-4kmと7-8kmの2コースに分かれて歩行し, のべ参加人数は116例に達した。歩行中低血糖症状や身体の不調を訴えた者はいなかった。森林浴後血圧は低下傾向を示し, 歩行中の最大心拍数はほぼ全例で1分間90拍前後であった。血糖値は各々の森林浴前後で有意に低下し, 9回の平均では186±6mg/dlから109±4mg/d1へと41.4%の低下を示した (mean±SEM, p<0.00001)。また短距離歩行群では79±10mg/dl, 長距離歩行群では76±7mg/dlの血糖値低下が歩行後認められたが, 両者の低下率に差はなかった。運動療法は糖尿病治療の基本であるが, 特に高齢者には心肺系に負担のかかりにくい運動が望ましく, 森林内を歩行する森林浴は精神的なりフレッシュ作用もあり, 高齢者糖尿病の運動療法に適しているものと思われる。
  • 清水 和彦, 宮原 英夫
    1998 年 61 巻 2 号 p. 106-114
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 61 patients with hemiplegia who were under a rehabilitation program, the grade of gait disturbance of each patient was examined by 6 physical therapists. The examination consisted of observation on 46 kinds of gait or related actions; of which 14 were with a handrail, 16 with a cane and 16 with empty hands. Each rater was requested to rate the patient's performance on the basis of 4 stages: impossible, possible with human assistance, possible but not practical, and practical from the standpoint of ADL (activities of daily living). We assigned 1 to the former two cases, whereas 0 to the latter two, respectively.
    The data collected in this way were analysed by making the cross-table and counting the number of possible tests in each patient and that of possible patients in each test, respectively. By using these results, we rearranged the order of both cases and tests. We found that the rank of this new arrangement of the tests roughly paralleled to that of the difficulty of the tests and could be diverted to be utilized for the scaling of the latter.