Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
58 巻, 3 号
通巻 179号
  • 非教団所属者における拡散的宗教性の影響
    三谷 はるよ
    2014 年 58 巻 3 号 p. 3-18,130
    発行日: 2014/02/28
    公開日: 2015/04/07
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study investigates the relationship between religiosity and volunteering in Japan. Previous research has shown that people who belong to religious affiliations and who attend religious institutions regularly tend to volunteer. However, little is known about whether religiosity facilitates volunteering among those Japanese not involved in religious groups, and which dimensions of religiosity have apositive influence on such activity. Therefore, this paper, employing data from representative national Japanese samples, examines the influence of dimensions of religiosity on volunteering among Japanese without religious attachments.
     The study finds that while both collective religiosity (religious affiliation and attendance) and diffused religiosity (prayer and belief in guardianship) predict volunteering among the Japanese, only diffused religiosity is related to volunteering among non-members of religious denominations.
     The finding indicates that volunteering among the latter group is promoted by religiosity, particularly diffused religiosity. The result that private prayer and individual religious belief or experience promote volunteering is in line with recent research in Western countries. Meanwhile, a direct relationship between religious attendance and volunteering among those who are not attached to religious denominations has not been shown. This suggests that Japanese temples, shrines, and churches do not directly foster volunteering by forming networks of people, but that they indirectly promote it by enriching the piety that has been culturally diffused in the community.
  • 若者は保守化しているか?
    永瀬 圭, 太郎丸 博
    2014 年 58 巻 3 号 p. 19-33,129
    発行日: 2014/02/28
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
     Gender role attitudes are one of the factors hindering gender equality, thus inspiring many studies throughout the world. In Japan, however, little analysis has been done on the factors involved in gender role attitude changes, and most previous studies have focused on short-term trends.
     Therefore, using data from the Survey on Japanese Value Orientations from 1973 to 2008 conducted by NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, we examined how and why gender role attitudes in Japan have changed, and whether younger cohorts have become more conservative. To understand the factors involved in changes in gender role attitudes, especially how cohort replacement and individual change contributed to aggregate trends, we used a linear decomposition method.
     We obtained the following results. First, both men and women became more egalitarian between 1973 and 2003, but since then, gender role attitudes have little changed or have been traditionalized. The gender role attitude change in the 2000s is mainly attributable to individual change, and there is no evidence that more recent cohorts are more conservative. In addition, the stagnation or conservative shift after 2003 cannot be explained by social changes in educational level, labor force participation rate, rate of unmarried people, and so on. We propose that the recent trend in gender role attitudes is a consequence of uncertainty in people's daily life, for example decreasing wages and more competitive working conditions, caused by sweeping reforms based on neo-liberalism.
  • 大阪市長選挙における投票行動の実証研究
    伊藤 理史
    2014 年 58 巻 3 号 p. 35-51,128
    発行日: 2014/02/28
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper explains Japanese politics in the post-1955 system using the theory of mass politics (Kornhauser 1959). Since the prior theory of class politics does not adequately explain the Japanese situation in the post-1955 system, many scholars have focused on the theory of populism, which does not regard voters as an important aspect. In contrast, the theory of mass politics consists of two aspects that are connected by public opinion: available politicians and accessible voters. The former is synonymous with the concept of populism, and the latter concerns those who are socially and politically marginalized.
     This paper focuses on the breakthrough of the Toru Hashimoto camp in Osaka as a model case for Japanese politics in the post-1955 system. Voting behavior in the Osaka mayoral election of November 27, 2011, is analyzed using a social survey on political attitudes and civic participation in Osaka City. Path analysis is used to examine the model, which is based on the theory of mass politics. The results are as follows: (1) CFI and RMSEA values show the validity of the analytical model; (2) voters who are socially and politically marginalized voted for Hashimoto because of their distrust of public officials; (3) voters who are not socially and politically marginalized voted for Hashimoto because they favored the competitive principles of the market (neo-liberalism); and (4) there are no indirect effects of voters’ socio-economic status on voting behavior. Therefore, mass politics modified by both accessible and non-accessible voters is confirmed. Based on these results, a framework can be presented for analyzing Japanese politics in the post-1955system.
  • 内務官僚池田宏の都市計画論の分析から
    西川 純司
    2014 年 58 巻 3 号 p. 53-66,127
    発行日: 2014/02/28
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
     In the 1970s, many theories on the neighborhood protest movement reported negative effects from the development policy of the postwar period, and aimed to return to the value of life. They often criticized the Urban Planning Act of the prewar period and Hiroshi Ikeda, the Home Ministry bureaucrat who was its author, as the origin of development-oriented urban planning. However, we can find nowadays in the Anglo-Saxon world many govern mentality studies that are different from the conventional schema, “civil society / State (Capital)”.To understand better the characteristics of modern urban planning and its structure, we study Hiroshi Ikeda’s urban planning theory from the standpoint of govern mentality. Here we found that his theory was based on the practicalknowledge of trying to resolve hygiene issues in urban space, recognized asa social problem from the middle of Taisho period, by means of an adequate supply of sunlight. We show that he had great interest in the hygienic status of the residential environment, and considered promoting health by means of the regulation of the physical environment. In addition, we found that Ikeda’s urban planning focused on collective lives being objectified statistically, and that it had a structure which inevitably required aggressive intervention such as the restriction of individual freedom in order to reform sanitary conditions. These results indicate that the theories in the 70s on the neighborhood protest movement explain only one aspect of the problem of the city and its environment, and that therefore they overlook the problem concerning governmentality that mobilizes the resources to reduce the risk to society.
  • Aufbau, Konstitution, Konstruktion
    梅村 麦生
    2014 年 58 巻 3 号 p. 67-83,126
    発行日: 2014/02/28
    公開日: 2015/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper aims to clarify the multiplicity of constructions of the social world and social sciences argued in Alfred Schutz’s Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt (1932),where Schutz has argued the “meaning structure of the social world”, “constitutivephenomenology of natural attitude”, and “constructs of second degree”. In thesephrases, reduced to Schutz’s German terms, there are three concepts related tothe construction of the social world and social sciences: Aufbau, Konstitution andKonstruktion. To interpret each concept adequately, this paper also refers to theconcepts of Wilhelm Dilthey, Edmund Husserl and Max Weber.
     In summary, this paper shows the following: Aufbau indicates the multi-phasedstructure (composed of meaning and personalities) and structurizing of thesocial world; Konstitution shows the primary relationship between consciousness (and experiences in it) and meaning, between meaning and action; Konstruktionsignifies the abstract and scientific concepts in social sciences (Idealtypus) and theirformation. Moreover, Schutz emphasizes that actors in everyday life themselvesuses such an abstract Konstruktion, and therefore Schutz postulates that thoseconstructs are included in Konstitution of meaning in actors themselves, and, on theother hand, that social scientists can approach to Konstitution of meaning in actorsonly through the former Konstruktion about the latter Konstruktion, constructs of constructs, that is, constructs of second degree. In this way Schutz sees, in the relationship of the multiple constructions, in other words, in the connection between Constitution and Konstruktion, the characteristic of the meaning Aufbau of social sciences and their object: that is, the social world.