Online ISSN : 1882-6482
Print ISSN : 0021-5082
ISSN-L : 0021-5082
33 巻, 5 号
  • ワイブル確率紙による解析
    佐渡 昌子
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 663-672
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    By using the Cascade Impactor the authors collected 600l of air sample per day, at the roof of the School of Pharmaceutical Science, Toho University, Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture. Each air sampling, which had been taken for about two hrs, is repeated three times per week for two years, beginning January 1969.
    The atmospheric pollens were recovered from the Cascade Impactor, and the number of pollens per each samples were counted under the microscope, identifying the species of pollens.
    Six types of species were classified according to the classification of pollens in Japan reported by Dr. M. Ikuse. The accumulated number of pollens per each species per day i.e., per air samples, were plotted on the ordinate of Weibull Probability Paper, on the abscissa of which the day of measurement was shown, as an elapse of days from the first day of appearence of the pollens concerned.
    The following results were obtained:
    1) The author has already reported in the previous paper that the number of pollen per unit volume of air do not follow the Normal Curve. The Weibull Paper without assuming the Normal Curve, revealed to be suitable to show the seasonal variation of the number of pollens in air.
    2) The Weibull Paper, on the logarithmic scale, is suited to show the details of the begining of emission of pollens.
    3) By using the Weibull Paper, it is possible, to separate the compound distribution composed of more than two species of pollens into the original distributions.
  • 藤瀬 浩, 青山 光子
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 673-679
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    熱傷事故防止の一助とするために, 東京23区内において1年間 (1976年) に救急車で医療機関へ搬送された熱傷患者 (1,379件) について熱傷発生の実態を統計的に調査した。熱傷原因の61%は高熱液体, 22%は火炎によるものであった。その他の原因としてアイロン・ストーブなど熱固体, ガス爆発, 花火, 感電, 化学薬品によるものがあった。液体による熱傷のうち, 皿・茶碗・ヤカン・ナベ・まほう瓶などの高熱液体では, 特に幼児が事故を起こす傾向が高く, 4歳以下の幼児では人口100万人対の熱傷発生率が648人となっていた。また幼児では体部の受傷が増え, 重症例が増える傾向があった。5∼9歳および20∼29歳の年齢群でも, 液体による熱傷の危険性は他の世代よりも高かった。火災および室内の火炎による熱傷は60歳以上の高齢者に多く, 発生率は他の世代の2倍以上であった。高熱固体による熱傷は幼児および高齢者に集中していた。季節および時間による熱傷発生頻度では冬期および夕食前後に高率に発生しており, 特に液体による熱傷はこの時間に多かった。熱傷事故を減少させるためには, 台所用具・風呂・暖房用具などの改善が望まれるが, 熱傷の多くは充分な注意によって防止できるものであると思われた。
  • 佐藤 広文
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 680-692
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study was undertaken to clarify the effect of aggregate life on the adrenocortical function. Adrenal weight, and 11-OHCS concentration in the adrenal gland and the serum were measured on Wistar rats. The experiment consists of the following two parts.
    Experiment 1. The influences of group size and occupied space per rat on the adrenocortical function were observed. Immediately after weaning, the rats were divided into five groups by the group size and the occupied space, and then were reared for 50 days. The following results were obtained.
    The aggregate life caused an increase in the adrenocortical function. The group size had more influence on this increase than on the occupied space, especially in a small occupied space. And females showed the adrenocortical function to be higher than males. And furthermore, as for the group size, the adrenocortical function in two rats per cage was lowest in females.
    Experiment 2. The relationship between the adrenocortical function and the social rank in a group was investigated. This experiment was carried out on 3 rats per cage. The social rank in a group was evaluated by the profiles based on the number of fights and the rate of victory.
    From the results, subordinate rats showed the adrenocortical function higher than dominant rats.
  • 松井 清夫, 坂本 弘, 堀尾 清晴, 佐藤 広文
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 693-698
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    騒音暴露時の副腎皮質機能変動に関しては機能上昇と低下の所見が交錯して報告されている。それは暴露音の強さと暴露時間の差異にもとづくのではないかと推察される。本報では広帯域騒音を60, 80, 100dB (c) で8時間暴露し, その経過中の数時点で副腎重量, 副腎中11-OHCS濃度および cholesterol 濃度を測定した。また, 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に15分間100dB (c) の騒音に再暴露して, 同様の観察項目の測定をおこなった。さらに, 8時間暴露終了直前にACTHまたは histamine を投与し, それらに対する副腎反応性も観察した。
    1) 騒音暴露により副腎11-OHCS濃度は急速に上昇し, 15分で最高値に達した後ただちに低下し対照群と同一水準に復帰する。暴露がなお継続されているが, 復帰後は対照群と同様に正常日内変動リズムを示す。
    2) 8時間暴露終了時点における副腎11-OHCS濃度は, 対照群および各音強暴露群間で有意の差は認められなかった。
    3) 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に100dB騒音を15分間再暴露すると, 80dB群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は再び上昇する。しかし, 8時間100dB暴露群では有意な上昇はみられなかった。
    4) 8時間暴露終了直前にACTH投与をおこなうと, 対照群および各暴露群ともに副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇した。
    5) 8時間暴露終了直前に histamine を投与すると, 対照群, 60dB暴露群および80dB暴露群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇するが, 100dB暴露群では上昇がみられなかった。
    6) 副腎中 cholesterol 濃度は, 8時間暴露終了時頃80dBおよび100dB暴露群で有意な減少がみられた。
    7) 副腎重量はすべての実験および群で有意な変化はみられなかった。
    以上の結果から, 副腎皮質機能日内変動とストレス反応とでは支配中枢が異なること, 強音暴露時にはストレス反応がみられるにとどまらず中枢支配状況の異常が出現することについて考察した。
  • 第1報 振動負荷および振動感覚閾値測定の方法について
    原田 規章
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 699-705
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of these papers (Part 1, Part 2) is to clarify the temporary threshold shift (=TTS) of human vibratory sensation after localized vibration exposure and to take data for hygienic allowable limit of vibration of portable mechanized tool.
    Part 1 was a preparatory experiment on the methods of vibration exposure and vibratory sensation measurement. In this Part 1, five healthy subjects were exposed to six kinds of vibration, the frequencies of which were 31.5, 125 and 500Hz, respectively, and each acceleration which was 1g or 5g (Fig. 2).
    Each subject put his right hand on the vibrator plate in a relaxed sitting posture and was exposed with sinusoidal vibration (Fig. 1). Vibratory sensation thresholds (63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz) at the fingertip were measured before and after the vibration exposure. The skin temperature on the back side of the same finger, which was considered to effect the vibratory sensation threshold, was also measured.
    The room temperature was kept at 20∼23°C during the experiment.
    In this paper, vibratory sensation threshold and exposed vibration were expressed with peak values of acceleration.
    The result was as follows:
    1. The accumulation effect of vibratory sensation threshold owing to repeated vibration exposure was eliminated by the 15min. rest and some exercises of four extrimities between the serious vibration exposure (Fig. 3).
    2. Variations of the skin temperature owing to vibration exposure were not so great. Therefore, it was considered that the effect of the skin temperature on the vibratory sensation threshold was negligible in the method used in this experiment (Table 1).
    3. After vibration exposure, increases of vibratory sensation thresholds were statisticaly significant on the exposed side. And, the values of TTS of vibratory sensation were affected by the frequency and acceleration level of exposed vibration. But, the increase of vibratory sensation threshold was not clearly observed on the unexposed side (Table 1).
    4. After vibration exposure, TTS of vibratory sensation decreased almost linealy with the logarithm of the time (Fig. 4). Therefore, it was considered that prompt measurement after vibration exposure is necessary to obtain an exact value of TTS. On this point, the measurement method of vibratory sensation threshold in this experiment was available.
  • 第2報 振動感覚の等TTS曲線と許容基準について
    原田 規章
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 706-717
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The following experiment of vibration exposure was performed with a similar method on the basis of the result of the preliminary study in Part 1. The purpose of this study is to clarify in detail the relationship between the temporary threshold shift (=TTS) of vibratory sensation and the frequency and severity of exposed vibration.
    In this case, six subjects, all healthy students, were exposed to localized vibration, which frequencies and levels of acceleration referred to exposure boundary of ISO (1973) (Table 1).
    In this paper, vibratory sensation threshold was expressed with peak value of acceleration and exposed vibration with peak value of acceleration, velocity or amplitude.
    The result was as follows:
    1. TTS of vibratory sensation, immediately after vibration exposure of equal velocity level, showed maximum values at 250Hz exposure and smooth curves from 8Hz to 1, 000Hz exposure. On the vibration exposure of the same frequency, the greater the intensity of vibration was, the greater TTS of vibratory sensation was (Fig. 1).
    2. On the unexposed side, some TTS of 125Hz and 250Hz vibratory sensation were statisticaly significant (Fig. 2).
    3. The changes of skin temperature owing to vibration exposure showed similar pattern on the exposed side and the unexposed side. So fine were the changes that they were not significant immediately after vibration exposure but significant 6min. after, by the analysis of variance on the both sides (Fig. 1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4). And it was considered that the effect of the skin temperature on the vibratory sensation threshold was negligible, because the average values of skin temperature ranged from 30°C to 35°C.
    4. The prediction equations for TTS of vibratory sensation are shown in (Table 2, Fig. 5). The values of TTS of vibratory sensation measured in Part 1 were in reasonably good agreement with the predicted values by these equations (Fig. 6). Therefore, it was considered that these prediction equations have similarity under the condition of this experiment.
    5. Equal TTS curves were compared with exposure boundary of ISO (1973) (Fig. 5-2, Fig. 7).
    As the result, both characteristic curves were similar to each other at the frequencies from 63Hz to 500Hz, while different at the higher and lower frequencies. About this difference, it was discussed that Pacinian corpuscle, which is conceibable to be the receptor of vibratory sensation threshold measured in this experiment, has less sensitivity in these lower frequencies and that there would be room for further study in exposure boundary of ISO in that higher frequencies.
    And it was considered that 30min. level of exposure boundary of ISO was equivalent to TTS of 12.5-15dB on the 63Hz vibratory sensation, 17.5-22.5dB on the 125Hz and 22.5-27.5dB on the 250Hz. Eight-hour level of exposure boundary of ISO was equivalent to TTS of 5dB, 7.5dB and 10-12.5dB, respectively.
  • 高野 健人
    1978 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 718-729
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of carbon monoxide (CO) on the tissue respiration was studied in the renal cortex of the rabbit using the fluorometric method which has been developed for the determination of reduction of intracellular pyridine nucleotide component.
    Blood Po2 of the renal artery and vein was measured with a gas analyzer, and the renal blood flow was examined with a electromagnetic flowmeter.
    The redox state of the renal cortical surface was altered by the CO inhalation of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3%, or the exposure to hypoxic hypoxia.
    Even when considering the Haldane effect, CO hypoxia caused a increase in fluorescence response at milder hypoxidosis that caused by the exposure to hypoxia, and developed the characteristic slope of the fluorescence increment which was not observed during the exposure to hypoxia.
    Varying the CO and oxygen concentrations in the inhaled gas, it was demonstrated that there were dose-response relationships between the redox state of the renal tissue and the CO concentration or the oxygen concentration in the inspired gas.
    The prolonged exposure to CO resulted in a slow decrease in the renal blood flow, while the exposure to hypoxia showed a more rapid and marked decrease in blood flow.
    Some implications of hystotoxic properties of CO were discussed from toxicological points of view on the results obtained, and it was suggested that CO had the direct effect on the respiratory chain when the blood contained COHb over approximately 18.3%, and the histotoxic property appeared to play an important role in the CO toxicity at COHb levels over 31.2%.