Online ISSN : 1347-7617
Print ISSN : 0389-1313
ISSN-L : 0389-1313
18 巻, 2 号
  • 綿貫 勝, 飯塚 平吉郎, 堀 清記, 門脇 一郎
    1981 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 65-71
    発行日: 1981/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thirty male university students were selected as subjects. Experiments were carried out during the summer at around 3p.m. Each subject in the sitting-resting position inserted his left hand with palm downward and with fingers extended slightly into the cold chamber where the wind (wind velocity of 20cm/sec) blew horizontally from tip of the fingers for 30 min after sitting in a chair at rest for 30 min in the room of 27°C and 70% relative humidity. The skin temperature on the center of the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx of left middle finger was recorded continuously by copper-constantan thermocouple during periods of 5 min before cold exposure, cold exposure and 20 min of recovery.
    The results obtained were as follows;
    1) The mean values of temperature before cold exposure (T.B.), temperature of first rise after cold exposure (T.F.R.) and time for first temperature rise after cold exposure (T.T.R.) were 34, 3°C, 20.2°C and 6.6 min respectively. The mean values of the mean skin temperature after cold exposure from 20 to 30 min (M.S.T.), the lowest temperature during cold exposure (L.T.) and recovery time (R.T.) were 18.7°C, 15.5°C and 6.5 min respectively. Nine subjects experienced cold pains during cold exposure.
    2) Changes in skin temperature during cold exposure and recovery showed great individual variations. The vascular hunting reactions were observed after 20 min in almost all subjects. However a few subjects showed a rapid recovery of skin temperature after initial drop of skin temperature during cold exposure.
    3) The higher the T.B., the higher were the T.F.R., M.S.T, and L.T, and the shorter were the T.T.R, and R.T.
    4) Cold pains during cold exposure were felt more frequently when T.B, and T.F.R, were low and/or T.T.R, and R.T, were long. All subjects experienced cold pains when T.F.R, was lower than 8°C and T.T.R, was longer than 16 min.
  • 菅屋 潤壹, 小川 徳雄, 朝山 正巳, 宮側 敏明
    1981 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 72-79
    発行日: 1981/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    発汗発現の部位差を汗腺の分泌能のそれに関連して検討するため, 発汗量対中枢性発汗活動のプロットよりえた回帰直線を, 上半身のいろいろな部位のあいだで比較した。被検者は気候室内で安静椅座位をとり, 室温は2―3℃ずつ30―50分の間隔で35℃から45℃まで段階的に上昇させた。湿度は40%に保持した。室温の各ステップでは, 20分又はそれ以上の平衡時間をとったあとで局所発汗量を測定した。ここでは, 中枢性発汗活動は0.9Tre+0.1Tsであらわし, また, 回帰直線の勾配とx切片をそれぞれ発汗増加能, 発汗発現温度とみなした。汗腺の発汗増加能が低い部位ほど発汗発現温度が高いという一般的傾向が見られた。しかし, 一部の被検者の腋窩と前額は, 発汗増加能が他のどの部位より低いにもかかわらず発汗発現温度ははるかに低かった。各部位からえた回帰直線を外挿したところ, 横軸下の1点に集中することはなかった。このことは, 導管部での水の再吸収量は, おそらくその部位の汗腺の分泌能に比例して変化することを示唆する。腋窩と前額で見られる特異な温熱性発汗のパターンは, それらの部位の再吸収能が極端に低いことを示唆する。
  • 藤林 しむ, 吉田 敬一
    1981 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 80-85
    発行日: 1981/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Twelve healthy male Peruvian students, aged 18-23, who were residing in“low land” (Lima, 150m above sea level) were rapidly taken to“high land”in Peru (Cerro de Pasco, 4, 250m above sea level) by train, stayed there for 5 days and returned to Lima by bus. The change of their plasma levels of testosterone was studied before, during and after sojourn at high altitude.
    1. In 11 subjects, excepting one subject who complained heavy symptoms of acute mountain sickness, mean value (±S.D.) of control plasma testosterone level at Lima was 6, 06±1.94ng/ml; the values during sojourn at altitude were 8.57±3.23, 8, 94±2, 59, 8, 49±2, 53, 7.93±2, 28 and 8.07±2.30ng/mlon the 1st day to 5th day, respectively; the value immediately after returning to Lima was 7, 07±1.69ng/mland 6.82±1.69ng/mlat one week later. The increase from the control value during sojourn at altitude was statistically significant (p<0, 01-0, 05) except the value on the 4th day.
    2. The increasing rate of plasma testosterone level during sojourn at altitude was higher in new commers than that in the subjects who had experienced short stay at high altitude above 3, 000m in the past.
    3. From these results and available references in which the increased hematopoietic action and erythorcytic 2, 3-DPG level by the administration of testosterone were described, several possibilities were assumed that secretion of androgen, including testosterone, have a close relation with physiological mechanism of acclimatization to high altitude in man.
  • ―マッキンリー登山隊の場合―
    島岡 清, 森 滋夫, 原 真
    1981 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 86-91
    発行日: 1981/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two well conditioned climbers performed physical training in hypobaric chamber for 4 consecutive days (June 11-14, 1980) before their Mt. McKinley Expedition. Simulated altitude was 4, 000m on the 1st day, 5, 000m on the 2nd day, 6, 000m on the 3rd day and 7, 000m on the last day. Daily exposures were 3 to 3.5 hours. During exposures, subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer intermittently for 50 to 90 minutes with the load of 300 kpm/min to 450 kpm/min. After these training procedures they left Japan on June 20th and arrived at McKinley base camp site (4, 200m) on 26th by way of Anchorage. Without any action for acclimatization they started base camp (B. C.) at 19: 30 on 26th and reached the top of the Mt. McKinley (6, 192m) at 02: 30 on 27th and returned to B. C, at 05: 00 on that day. It took only 7 hours from B. C, to the top and they both had no symptoms of altitude sickness during the climbing. From these results it is undeniable that physical training in hypobaric chamber was effective to the actual high altitude mountaineering.
  • 栃原 裕, 山崎 信也, 吉田 敬一, 孫 章烈, 磯田 憲生, 小林 陽太郎
    1981 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 92-100
    発行日: 1981/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to clarify the influence of air-conditioning on female workers, the survey with questionaire was made in a printing factory. In summer (August), autumn (October) and winter (December), 210 female workers engaged in light inspective tasks were asked about their whole body thermal sensations, local thermal sensations (on forehead, shoulder, hand, waist and foot), comfort sensations, health statuses and clothings. Air temperature, air humidity, air velocity and radiation convection temperature were measured simultaneously, and corrected effective temperature (CET) was calculated by the chart. The results obtained were as follows:
    1) The average comfort temperatures in the thermal sensations were CET of 22.6°C in summer, 21.4°C in autumn and 20.3°C in winter. There was a seasonal difference in the optimum thermal condition for the workers.
    2) Because of wide vertical range of air temperature in air-heating season, the incidences of local warmth feeling on face and feeling of chilled waist and feet in winter were higher than that in summer and autumn.
    3) Under the same thermal conditions, the workers felt warmer in the afternoon than in the morning. This might be explained by the elevation in the metabolism due to specific dynmic action after the lunch.
    4) Unhealthy workers tended to vote thermal sensation for“cold”or“hot”more frequently than healthy workers.
    5) The ratios of wearing undershirt, drawers and rug of workers voted thermal sensation for“cold”were higher than that of workers voted thermal sensation for“hot”.
    6) Middle aged workers (40-59 year old) felt warmer than young workers (18-39 year old) under the same thermal conditions, mainly because the ratios of wearing undershirt and drawers of middle aged workers were higher than that of young workers.