Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan
Online ISSN : 2185-0593
Print ISSN : 0916-0647
ISSN-L : 0916-0647
Volume 44.2
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • Learning from the Practice in Goteborg, Sweden
    Hitomi Nakanishi, Eiko Nishi
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 1-7
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    This paper examines the strategic transport planning in Goteborg, Sweden. The K2020 project which focuses on the development of public transport system aims at coping with the problems caused by increased car traffic. Easing the traffic congestion in short-term and reducing the impact on environment in long-term, K2020 contributes to the sustainable urban development. In addition, it also can response to the "aging" supporting the voluntary activities of the elderly. The paper concludes with the findings which are essential transport-related factors for sustainability, that is, a)long-term strategic perspective in urban development, b)immediate action to solve problems in short-term, and c)cherishing the city symbol.
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  • Ken'ichi Katou, Takako Yamada
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 8-14
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    This paper proposes a pedestrian model in urban shopping areas to describe pedestrian movements in the downtown shopping area. For each pedestrian, we give a scenario lists shop categories to visit in order. In our model, the urban shopping area is divided into blocks and the size of shops are calculated for each shop categories. Following the scenario for each pedestrian, one of the shopping blocks in the urban area is selected by probability. We applied our model to the urban areas of Aomori city and Yamagata city and evaluate the parameters to fit our model by using actual pedestrians data and categorized shop data. The parameters accurately represent the characteristics of Pedestrian movements in Aomori and Yamagata city respectively.
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  • Through the Analysis of the Adjustment Project of the Urban Planning Master Plan for Ho Chi Minh City
    Shigehisa Matsuura
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 15-24
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    The objective of this paper is to examine the issues and measures to enhance the practicability of the urban planning master plan in Vietnam through the analysis of the adjustment project of the master plan for Ho Chi Minh City. The measures proposed in the adjustment project include: 1) creation of concept maps to indicate urban planning policies, 2) establishment of new land use categories, 3) creation of design guidelines to control urban development, 4) designation of prioritized development areas, and 5) provisional small-scale infrastructure systems. In this paper, the issues and prospects for the implementation of these measures are discussed based on the current circumstances in the city government and legal conditions in Vietnam.
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  • Tetsunobu Yoshitake, Shiori Saitoh, Fumio Kajiwara, Chikashi Deguchi
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 25-31
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    This paper aims at investigating the possibility to utilize municipal city planning councils (Shingi-kai) to consider various issues regardless they are covered by city planning law or not. A questionnaire survey was conducted for the municipalities with population over 100 thousands, including Tokyo wards. The survey clarified 1) ca.82% municipal city councils practically discuss not only the city planning decision issues but also other issues beyond the city planning law, 2) ca.36% corresponding officials of the councils recognize the necessity of certain organization to discuss comprehensive issues. 3) 39% municipalities, such comprehensive issues are discussed in city/comprehensive planning councils or other committees. 4) The potential of city planning councils, and the difficulties to provide legal/practical basis for the councils were revealed.
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  • Upon a Case of Hisayama Town in Fukuoka Prefecture
    Toshiki Kobayashi, Fukuo Akimoto, Yasushi Ishitobi
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 32-40
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    City planning is necessary to comply with the master plans (hereafter, MP).In addition, the location, zones, and other details of the district plans should be indicated in MP. This study has shown (1) the approach for indicating the location, zones, and other details of the district plans clearly in MP, (2) the process of formulating in MP, (3) the characteristics of a district plans, (4) whether district plans are consistent with MP and (5) the issues regarding district plans and MP. In MP, it is desirable that it mention about the location, zones and other details of the district plans, to specify conditions of consistency with the district plans clearly. In the process of deciding city planning, when there are discrepancies between MP and actual location, zones other details of district plans, it is necessary to discuss about MP in urban planning council to try to make it consistent with the district plans. Farther it is desirable to set these procedures too.
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  • To give suggestions for the National Spatial Planning in Japan and the East Asia Region
    Kyungrock YE
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 41-48
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    The purpose of this study is analyzing the contents of European Landscape Convention (ELC) and its role on the spatial development policy of European Continent. After this, several suggestions about National Spatial Planning in Japan are delivered. For the sustainable development of European Continent, Council of Europe's member states adopted ELC and try to link its concept and application measures to their spatial development policy. To summarize ELC's concept and guiding principle of European sustainable spatial development, all European Continent is regarded as cultural landscapes and have to be protected, management and planned. And for sustainable development of European Continent, the inner value of landscape itself must be characterized and assessed before to adopt external needs on the process of spatial planning and policy implementation.
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  • Tetsu Yoshida, Tetsuharu Oba
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 49-57
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    In this study, we investigated numbers and location of illegally parked bicycles in Kyoto central city twelve times (once in August, September, and November, 2007/ Friday and Sunday/ 13:00, 19:00), and by Kernel density clustering, we derived five centers where bicycles are easily, illegally parked. Furthermore, by using decision-tree, we made combination of local characteristic features clear of places where bicycles are illegally parked much. Conditions of places we got are following, such as bicycles are pared in footway along arterial road (-1), are parked where distance from nearest arterial road is over 11m and lower than 53m and there are no shops and establishments that same managers run same ones at other places (-2) and so on.
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  • Yoshitaka Kajita, Fukuo Akimoto, Koji Matsui
    2009 Volume 44.2 Pages 58-65
    Published: October 25, 2009
    Released on J-STAGE: January 01, 2017
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the actual conditions and factors of recent population recovery in the central area of Fukuoka City, focusing upon changes of habitation style. Firstly, in the central area as a whole, factors of population recovery are analyzed. Secondly, focusing upon chome unit, the relationship between population growth and apartment housing supply is analyzed. In conclusion, (1) 0-29 years old people single households have increased in high-rise private rented apartment houses; (2) The correlation ratio between population growth and 6 and over storied apartment supply is 0.779; (3) In the area of population density increase without 6 and over storied apartment supply, households have moved in 5 and under storied apartment houses.
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