Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 23, Issue 2
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
  • Kazumasa KUROSUMI, Yasuo KOBAYASHI, Shuzo SATO
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 113-122
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In gland cells of the exocrine pancreas of the guinea pig and the anterior pituitary of the hamster both of which were fed in normal condition, electron microscopy explored the occurrence of curious concentric lamellae which are probably composed of multiple apposition of many cup-shaped cisternae of the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Cavities of the cisternae are empty and almost collapsed in the case of the guinea pig pancreas, but in the hamster pituitary they contain a relatively large amount of homogeneous substance. It must be emphasized that these bodies, in both of the pancreas and the pituitary, are not whorls or spirals but they are actually concentric circles as seen in some plane of sectioning. In another plane of sections such as those vertical to the former, the structure may be seen like an up-to-down cut-surface of onions. Most of the membranes of these concentric lamellae are smooth-surfaced, but peripheral parts may be studded with ribosomes. The structures reported here may be one of the variations in arrangement of the endoplasmic reticulum, but functional or pathological (if this structure is an abnormal being) significance of these lamellar bodies may not be decided at the present level of accumulation of knowledges concerning this structure.
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  • Susumu SHIBASAKI
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 123-142
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The six adult rats weighing 120-150g, starved for 3 days and without water for 24 hours, were used for this experiments. At the end of the starvation period they were divided into two groups, non-treated control and dextran iron administered. The latter were given about 2cc of diluted dextran iron solution into the stomach. The animals of both groups were killed and their duodenal mucosa removed at 30-60 minutes after the administration of the iron were fixed in CAULFIELD solution, embedded in methacrylate-resin and observed with the electron microscope (JEM-5).
    The luminal surface of the normal rat absorptive cell is covered with a plasma membrane provided with closely packed cytoplasmic projections called microvilli. The microvilli contain fine fibrillar substances which project into the apical cytoplasm, assumably and seemingly connect with the terminal webs. There are observed many mitochondria in the perinuclear, especially supra- and infranuclear regions. Rough surfaced endoplasmic reticula are frequently observed in the vicinity of the mitochondria, which consist mainly of flattened sacs. The GOLGI apparatus of the absorptive cell consists of a small amount of GOLGI-vacuoles, well-developed GOLGI-lamellae and a few GOLGI-vesicles. The spherical or oval shaped nucleus is generally situated in the basal part of the cell, and nucleoplasm is seen granular, and the double layered nuclear envelope sometimes shows slight corrugations. At the corner of the free surface of the cell is observed a terminal bar directly beneath the striated border. In the upper part of the lateral cell boundary, the plasma membrane is generally smooth, and several desmosomes are often observed. On the other hand, the basal part of the lateral cell membrane shows abundant intercellular interdigitations of varying shapes and sizes, and the intercellular spaces are also observed in the vicinity of these interdigitations.
    About 30-60 minutes after feeding the dextran iron appears in the cytoplasm as small dense particles or small groups of particles. The iron particles pass through the intermicrovillous cell-membrane by the mechanism of the pinocytosis, so intracellular iron particles frequently are enveloped in a thin, smooth membrane. The envelope is apparently derived from the plasma membrane lining cell surface in the process of pinocytosis. During the iron absorption mitochondria of the absorptive cells more or less decrease their densities and their internal cristae become obscure, but rough surfaced endoplasmic reticula do not show conspicuous deformation. However, in the vicinity of the GOLGI appartus there are observed many dense iron granules and small vesicles, and based on this finding it is assumed that the absorbed iron particles are collected in the GOLGI region to be condensed to the dense granules or aggregates. Finally the iron particles in the cytoplasm are gradually excreted into the intercellular spaces, especially found between the basal parts of the lateral boundaries of the neighboring cells where the well developed interdigitations are found. Near the interdigitations frequently appear many iron particles with a thin smooth-envelope. In this stage of iron absorption small intercellular spaces containing iron particles are sometimes visible at the tip of the cytoplasmic process making the interdigitation; this indicates possibly that the interdigitating portions are actively concerned with the excretion of iron particles into the intercellular space.
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  • Yoichiro SASAI
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 143-151
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. The histochemical properties of acid mucopolysaccharides of mucin in pretibial myxedema and scleromyxedema were surveyed.
    2. In myxedema, the mucin stained deeply with alcian blue, somewhat lightly with aldehyde fuchsin, and showed partly metachromasia.
    3. In scleromyxedema, the mucin stained intensely with alcian blue, was metachromatic with toluidine blue, and manifested relatively strong affinity for aldehyde fuchsin.
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  • Kazuo KANO
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 153-163
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    As has been reported in the author's previous paper (KANO 1961), apparent hydropic degeneration based upon glycogen infiltration appears in beta cells of the pancreatic islets of the tortoise (Clemmys japonica) during hibernation (from December to February). In order to know whether it is possible or not to bring about the hydropic degeneration in pancreatic beta cells by certain experimental procedures, the following experiments were carried out. Experiment 1. Tortoises (Clemmys japonica) having no hydropic beta cells in islets (in September and October) were given intraperitoneal injections of 12g of glucose per kg of body weight daily for 20 days. Experiment 2. Hibernating tortoises having hydropic beta cells in islets (in January and February) were given intraperitoneal injections of 0.3 unit of insulin and 0.2-0.3g of glucose per kg of body weight daily for 33 days. Experiment 3. Hibernating tortoises having hydropic beta cells in islets were given intraperitoneal injections of 2.4 unit of insulin per kg of body weight daily for 21 days. Experiment 4. Hibernating tortoises having hydropic beta cells in islets (in January) were kept in an incubator at 25°C to awake from the hibernation and fed ad libitum on some fish meat for 30 days.
    Tissues from pancreas were fixed in LEVI's solution and in ZENKER formol. Paraffin sections were cut 4μ thick and stained with hematoxylin eosin or HEIDENHAIN's azan. Glycogen was demonstrated by the periodic acid-SCHIFF method (PAS) and identified by saliva-digestion test.
    Experiment 1. By the prolonged intraperitoneal administrations of glucose there appeared degranulation and hydropic degeneration in beta cells of islets, alpha cells showed, however, almost no signs of hydropic change, packed by fairly large amount of alpha granules. By PAS-method much glycogen was demonstrated in islets cells, proving that the hydropic degeneration is nothing other than the glycogen infiltration of the islet cells. Besides in the islet cells the glycogen was observed abundantly in duct epithelium and centroacinous cells of the exocrine pancreatic tissue. These findings well correspond to the results of observation on control specimens taken from the hibernating animals. The hydropic degeneration of the beta cells found in this experiment may be regarded as a partial phenomenon of the widespread increase of glycogen in tissue cells caused by the hyperfunction of the beta cells and hyperinsulinemia which had been resulted by the glucose administration.
    Experiment 2. The prolonged intraperitoneal administration of small doses of insulin and glucose to the hibernating tortoises was not able to diminish or to take away the hydropic change from beta cells.
    Experiment 3. In the hibernating tortoises received large doses of insulin, the hydropic degeneration of beta cells was somewhat diminished, but never disappeared. This fact may suggest that in the cold-blooded animal like the tortoise the hydropic degeneration of islet cells found in the hibernation season should not be brought about merely by the hypoinsulinemia. It must be, however, taken into consideration that in the cold climate the hypofunction of tissue cells induced by low temperature of animals may probably inhibit the effect of insulin.
    Experiment 4. The beta cells were found generally packed by considerable amounts of granules and without any signs of hydropic degeneration. Alpha granules were seen in moderate amount in general. Glycogen disappeared almost completely from islet cells. This finding may indicate that accelerating suppressed function of cells during the hibernation by means of keeping the animals warm is more effective to vanish the hydropic degeneration than the administration of large doses of insulin. The low temperatur of animals induced by cold climate may presumably play an important roll in producing the so-called hydropic degeneration in islet cells during hibernation.
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  • Yasumasa YAMADA, Tomiya ABE, Nobuo SHIMIZU
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 165-171
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. A method for histochemical demonstration of aconitase was presented based on OCHOA's indirect method using isocitric dehydrogenase and TPN combined with nitro-BT reduction.
    2. The incubation medium was composed of 4ml of 0.2M sodium cis-aconitate, 10ml of 0.05M veronal buffer (pH 7.4), 2ml of 0.005M manganese chloride. 5mg of TPN, 10mg of nitro-BT, and 4ml of distilled water.
    3. The liver, kidney, small intestine and brain of the rat, and the prostate of man and dog were investigated with this method. Strong activity was demonstrated in the hepatic cells of the peripheral part of the hepatic lobules, in the epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney, and glandular cells of the prostate.
    4. The method is examined with respect to the specificity of enzyme activity concerned by adding or omitting substrates, cofactors, activators and inhibitors to or from the mixture. It is clear that the method demonstrates aconitase with coexistent isocitric dehydrogenase and TPN-diaphorase. DPN-linked isocitric dehydrogenase might not be concerned in this method.
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  • Simpei KAWATA, Masaomi OKANO, Masaaki ISHIZUKA
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 173-184
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The comparative observation of the nasal mucous membrane of domestic animals has been the object of our study, and in the present work the sensory innervation of the nasal cavity of the sheep was investigated. The ovine nasal cavity was divided into three main parts according to its anatomical structures, namely ventral turbinate, dorsal turbinate, and ethmo-turbinates. KAWATA's silver impregnation method and hematoxylin and eosin stains were applied.
    1. The ventral turbinate.
    Epithelium: The sensory nerve distribution in the epithelium of this turbinate is rather scanty. The sensory nerves terminate in single, unbranched fine strands. The density of the nerve distribution is very poor in part 1, poor in part 2 and moderate in part 3.
    Lamina propria and submucosa: Various kinds of nerve elements are observed among the vessels and the aggregates of the glands. Sometimes a simple glomerular ending and a single wavy nerve fiber terminal are observed in the layers of part 1 and 2 and more frequently in the layer of part 3.
    2. The dorsal turbinate.
    Epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa: Histologically the ventrall and the dorsal turbinates are roughly homologous to each other.
    3. The ethmo-turbinates.
    Epithelium: Countless olfactory cells are observed in the epithelium of part III, these olfactory cells decrease in number in part II, and the epithelium is composed of ciliated cells and contains almost no olfactory cells in part I.
    Lamina propria and submucosa: The very fine olfactory nerve fibers projecting from the olfactory cells are collected into bundle, which, as a centripetal nerve fiber, proceeds toward the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. The anastomosed of nerve fibers is seen between the tightly packed glands.
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  • I. Identification in the Tissue Culture
    Noboru MIZUNO, Seung-up KIM, Michio OKAMOTO
    1962 Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 185-211
    Published: December 20, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. The fate of the embryonal granule cells have been the object of the strenuous study and opinion is still divided. In order to pursue this problem by means of tissue culture, identification was attempted as the first step in this present report.
    2. The most striking feature of the tissue culture of the cerebellar cortex of the kitten and pnppy younger than 3 weeks after birth is the tremendous migration of the small cells. Among the small cells in the cerebellar cortex of the animals in this stage, the internal granule cells, glial cells and the small cells of the cortex are considered besides the embryonal granule cells.
    But from the facts as follows the majority of the small cells are considered to belong to the embryonal granular layer.
    a) The embryonal granule cells which are observed in the cerebellar cortex pressed between the cover glass and slide glass look very much like the small cells migrated in the tissue culture of cerebellar cortex of young animals.
    b) These small cells do not appear in the tissue culture of the cerebellar cortex of the animals mature enough to lose the embryonal granular layer.
    c) The small cells which appear in the tissue culture of parts of the brain other than the cerebellar cortex can be identified with the oligodendroglia, immature oligodendroglia and indifferentiated cells. Some of them remain difficult to differentiate from the embryonal granule cells, but this is rather natural considering the entity of the embryonal granule cells.
    d) The embryonal granule cells seen in the tissue culture correspond well to the cells which have been reported so far by several authors in silver impregnated preparations.
    3. Discussion was made about the differentiation of the small cells from the oligodendroglia and other indifferentiated cells. Mention was made also on the internal granule cells cultivated in vitro.
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