Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 14, Issue 2
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • II. On the Alteration of Succinic Dehydrogenase from Late Fetal Life to Adult in the Rat Brain
    Nagaaki MORIKAWA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 165-183
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author studied histochemically the alteration of succinic dehydrogenase of the brain of rats from late fetal life to adult. The results obtained were as followed.
    1. The grey matter, which was generally very slight in activity on the 20th day of gestation, showed a gradually increased activity with advancing development, and revealed varying ages, at which different parts of the brain acquired its adult activities. The white matter was entirely negative throughout its development.
    2. The enzyme activity in the neocortex began to increase from 14 days after birth, while that in the basal ganglia from 10 or 14 days. The both regions showed the adult levels of activity at 2 months of age.
    3. The ages, at which the enzyme activity began to increase in the diencephalon, were as followed; in the habenular nucleus, ventral thalamic nucleus and nucleus subthalamicus on the 7th day after birth, in the metathalamus on the 10th day, and in almost all nuclei of the thalamus and hypothalamus on the 14th day. The enzyme activity in the hypothalamus, metathalamus and subthalamus reached the adult level at 1 month, but that in the habenular nucleus, thalamus and mamillary body at 2 months.
    4. In the midbrain the enzyme activity began to increase from 7 to 14 days of age. The adult activity was gained in the optic tectum at the 2nd month after birth, in the nucleus of the 4th nerve at the 14th day, and in other parts of the midbrain at about the 1st month.
    5. The enzyme activity in the pons began to rise from 3 or 5 days of age, and reached the adult level at about 1 month after birth.
    6. The cerebellar cortex and nuclei began to show an increase in enzyme activity from 7 days of age, and the latter attained the adult level on the 45th day, while the former on the 2nd month.
    7. The enzyme activity in the medulla oblongata began to rise from 5 days of age, and attained the adult level on 21 days.
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  • Takayasu KITAMURA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 185-197
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Zur Untersuchung wurde eine ganz normal erscheinende, erwachsene Maus benutzt.
    1. Die Reihenfolge der Dicke der subepithelialen Bindegewebsschicht der Mundhöhle ist: im größten Teil des harten Gaumens>am weichen Gaumen>am Zahnfleisch>an den Lippen>am unter dem lingualen Zahnfleisch gelegenen Schleimhautteil des Unterkiefers>in der vorderen Hälfte der Wangenschleimhaut>am Rücken und Rand der Zunge>in der hinteren Hälfte der Wangenschleimhaut>auf der Unterfläche der Zunge>am Mundboden.
    2. An dem harten Gaumen, Zahnfleisch, weichen Gaumen, Zungenrücken und auf der lateralen Fläche der Zunge sind unter dem Epithel hauptsächlich Retikulumzellen und Fibrocyten vorhanden. An den Mundlippen, Wangen und unterhalb des lingualen Zahnfleisches des Unterkiefers gesellen sich nicht wenige Retikulo- und Fibrohistiocyten noch dazu. In der Tiefe der Schleimhaut treten zahlreiche Fibrocyten mit den Bindegewebsfasern auf.
    3. Die Retikulohistiocyten und Fibrohistiocyten kommen der Zahl nach in der folgenden Reihenfolge vor: Mundlippe>weicher Gaumen>Wangen>unterhalb des lingualen Zahnfleisches des Unterkiefers>Zahnfleisch>harter Gaumen> untere Fläche der Zunge>Mundboden.
    4. Diejenigen Orte, an welchen die Histiocyten im subepithelialen Gewebe mehr oder weniger zahlreich zu sehen sind, sind das Zahnfleisch, der harte und weiche Gaumen, die Wange und die Mundlippe, dagegen finden sie sich unterhalb des Zahnfleisches des Unterkiefers, an der unteren Fläche der Zunge und am Mundboden unter dem Epithel selten. Das subepitheliale Gewebe der letzteren zwei Orte ist mit reichlichen Bindegewebsfasern versehen, und die dort befindlichen Bindegewebszellen sind allermeist Fibrocyten.
    5. Kurz zusammenfassend kann man sagen, daß die unter dem dicken, verhornten Epithel vorhandenen Zellen meistens Retikulumzellen und Fibrocyten sind, daß aber unter dem mittelmäßig dicken, nicht verhornten Epithel sowie in den gut entwickelten bindegewebigen Papillen auch Retikulohistiocyten, Fibrohistiocyten und Histiocyten vorkommen, ausgenommen, daß die Histiocyten sich unterhalb des Zahnfleisches des Unterkiefers selten zu sehen sind. Unter dem dünnsten Epithel sind die Bindegewebszellen dünn und schlank.
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  • I. Succinic Dehydrogenase and Cytochrome Oxidase
    Yosihisa TAMADA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 199-219
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author has studied histochemically the alteration of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase and lipids in the liver of rats from late fetal life to adult and has added the morphological researches of mitochondria. The results were as followed.
    1. Succinic dehydrogenase of late fetal or newborn rats was generally slight in activity. The activity in the hepatic cells increased rapidly in the whole hepatic lobules and attained the maximal intensity at 7 days after dirth. The activity around the central vein showed a subsequent gradual decrease to reach normal reaction at 14 days of age. Negative reactions were observed in the wall of blood vessels, bile ducts and connective tissues throughout the development.
    2. The activity of cytochrome oxidase exhibited the similar change to that of succinic dehydrogenase.
    3. Lipids were examined histochemically by several tests, and were confirmed to be mainly composed of neutral fat.
    4. Mitochondria exhibited a distinctive granular shape in the time, when the activities of both succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase revealed the maximal activity.
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  • II. Nonspecific esterase, Lipase and Cholinesterase
    Yosihisa TAMADA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 221-241
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author has studied histochemically the alteration of nonspecific esterase. lipase and cholinesterase of the liver of rats from late fetal life to adult. Non specific esterase was examined by the BARRNETT-SELIGMAN method using indoxyl acetate as substrate, lipase by GOMORI's method with tween 60, and cholinesterase by KOELLE's method with acetylthiocholine iodide as substrate.
    1. The activity of nonspecific esterase was exhibited slightly in the cytoplasm of hepatic cells and walls of the blood vessels at late fetal or new born age, and it reached the adult level at 5-7 days after birth. Large crystals of indigo blue were revealed in the hepatic cells with marked fatty infiltration, which was recognized at 1-3 days of age.
    2. The results of lipase activity agreed with that of nonspecific esterase. When tissue sections werc fixed in 80% alcohol, the activity of lipase completely disappeared within 3 weeks of age, but the reaction remained around the central vein after 1 month of age.
    3. The activity of cholinesterase was negative in the hepatic cells within 3 weeks except the walls of blood capillaries and some blood cells, but appeared slightly in the hepatic cells after 1 month.
    4. Both activities of lipase and nonspecific esterase throughout the development were intensely inhibited by sodium-taurocholate (5×10-3M), but they were not influenced by eserine-salicylate (10-4M).
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  • III. Alkaline and Acid Phosphatases, Glucose-6-Phosphatase and Phosphorylase
    Yosihisa TAMADA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 243-263
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author has studied histochemically the alteration cf acid and alkaline phosphatases, glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphorylase of the liver of rats from late fetal life to adult and added the histochemical research of glycogen.
    1. The activity of alkaline phosphatase in the bile capillaries was negative in the late fetal life, and attained maximal intensity at 1-3 days after birth. Subsequently it showed the gradual decrease from the central part of the lobules and loss of activity by 3 weeks.
    2. The activity of acid phosphatase was slight in the late fetal life, followed by gradual increase to attain the normal level at 3 weeks. Up to 3 weeks of age, the activity was usually more intensive in KUPFFER's cell than in the hepatic cells.
    3. The activity of glucose-6-phosphatase was moderate in the hepatic cells in the late fetal life, and it increased gradually to attain maximal intensity at 1 month. The enzymatic activity was absent in the nuclei of the hepatic cells and was concentrated around the nuclear membrane within the cytoplasm. It was present more evidently in the peripheral area of the hepatic lobules than the central zone.
    4. The activity of phosphorylase could not be demonstrated in all sections of rat's liver except a few cases.
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    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 265-277
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Bie einer Serie von erwachsenen Kaninchen wurde der Popliteallymphknoten exstirpiert; die Tiere wurden dann nach einer bestimmten Zeit getötet und die Lymphgefäße der betreffenden Extremität durch Tuscheinstichinjektion in die Zehe dargestellt. Nach Fixieren in Formolwasser wurden an diesen Tieren die Lymphgefäße des Unter- und Oberschenkels präparatorisch, die Lymphbahnen der Kniekehle mikroskopisch an Schnittserien untersucht.
    Die zu dem Popliteallymphknoten ziehenden Lymphgefäße des Unterschenkels suchen bei den des Popliteallymphknotens beraubten Tieren einen Abflußweg in ihren Verbindungsästen mit den Oberschenkellymphgefäßen, nämlich folgende:
    1. Äste, die die V. saphena magna begleitend weiter aufsteigen und in der Mitte des Oberschenkels sich zu den die Vasa femoralia begleitenden Lymphstämmen gesellen.
    2. Ein Ast, der mit der V. saphena parva in die Kniekehle eindringt, um sich in der Tiefe derselben zu den die Vasa poplitea begleitenden Lymphgefäßen zu gesellen.
    3. Ein Lymphkapillarnetz, das sich an der Fascie der Patellargegend verbreitet und dessen abführende Lymphgefäße sich entweder in die die V. saphena magna begleitenden Lymphgefäße oder unmittelbar in den Ln. inguinalis superficialis entleeren.
    Was nun die vor dem Stumpf der abgeschnittenen Vasa afferentia herausgesickerte Tusche anbetrifft, so dringt sie in das Gewebe der Wundgranulation ein und verbreitet sich, indem sie innerhalb desselben solche Partien sucht, die im Vergleich mit den übrigen Partien ziemlich reich an Lymphozyten sind und den mit Silber imprägnierten Schnitten nach, ein argyrophiles Netz feiner Fasern enthalten.
    Diese Partien, die sich anfangs unregelmäßig gestaltet zeigen, aber als Ganzes einige miteinander zu einem Netz verbundene Stränge aufweisen, lassen zuerst Auflockerung des Fasernetzes, dann stellenweise Lakunenbildung (16 Tage nach der Exstirpation) und schließlich Kanalisation in der ganzen Strecke (21 Tage nach der Exstirpation) erkennen.
    Die an der Stelle der beraubten Lymphknoten zuerst auftretenden Lymphbahnen sind weder Lymphkapillaren noch Lymphgefäße, wie früher BAUM, VECCHI und OKAMOTO meinten, sondern die Maschen des retikulären Gewebes, das in Form von Strängen in dem Wundgranulationsgewebe entsteht. Erst durch Kanali sation diesser Stränge entstehen Lymphgefäße, die die zu- und abführenden Lymphgefäße des exstirpierten Lymphknotens verbinden.
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    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 279-289
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Bei den jungfräulichen wie auch bei den geborenhabenden, zur Zeit nicht schwangeren Kaninchen sind die netzbildenden argyrophilen Fasern und die Blutkapillaren nur in der Umgebung der Endverzweigung der Drüsenausführungsgänge zu finden.
    Tritt die Schwangerschaft ein, so vermehren sich diese beiden und umhüllen die sich dauernd sprossend vermehrenden Drüsenazini, sodaß die anfangs zwischen den Drüsenazini zurückgebliebenen kollagenen Fasern in einem späteren Schwangerschaftsstadium von den argyrophilen Fasern ersetzt und nicht mehr zu finden sind.
    Das Netzwerk der argyrophilen Fasern ist während der Stillperiode zwischen den Sekret-entleert-verkleinerten Drüsenazini gut wahrnehmbar. Zwischen den mit Sekret gefüllt vergrößerten Drüsenazini ist es jedoch durch diese zu einer dünnen Platte, an welcher faserige Struktur schwer zu erkennen ist, zusammengedrückt.
    Nach der Entwöhnung (50 Tage nach der Geburt) sind die netzbildenden argyrophilen Fasern so lange nachweisbar wie die Drüsenazini und die diese versorgenden Blutkapillaren bestehen bleiben (60 Tage nach der Geburt). Erst nach der Rückbildung der letzteren (70 Tage nach der Geburt) treten an der Stelle der argyrophilen die kollagenen Fasern auf.
    Daß die netzbildenden argyrophilen Fasern so lange existieren wie die Düsenazini und die diese versorgenden Blutkapillaren fortbestehen und daß die Lymphkapillaren, die sich nicht innerhalb des Drüsenläppchens, sondern außerhalb desselben in dem interlobulären Bindegewebe, ein dichtes Netz bildend, verbreiten, sich während der Schwangerschaft und der Stillungsperiode stark erweitern, weist darauf hin, daß die Maschen des argyrophilen Fasernetzes die den Gewebssaft bis zu den Lymphkapillaren führenden prälymphokapillären Saftbahnen von KIHARA darstellen.
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  • Kazumasa KUROSUMI, Yoichi AKIYAMA
    1958 Volume 14 Issue 2 Pages 291-307
    Published: April 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Cells of the follicular epithelium and interstitial cells of the rabbit ovary, spinal ganglion cells of dogs, and oocytes of a sea-urchin (Heliocidaris crassispina) and the rabbit were examined with the electron microscope. The minute structures of nucleoli of these cell types were compared with each other and the following results were obtained.
    1. All of the nucleoli studied consist of a great number of extremely minute granules, whose diameter in mammalian nucleoli measures about 150-200Å, while the granules in the nucleolus of sea-urchin oocyte are larger than 300Å. No limiting membrane is observed between the karyoplasm and the nucleolus.
    2. The mode of the aggregation of the granules in nucleoli is widely variable and may be classified into the following three types.
    i. Nucleolonema (according to ESTABLE and SOTELO 1951). An aggregate of the granules seen as a thread or filament about 0.2μ thick,
    ii. Pars amorpha (according to ESTABLE and SOTELO 1951). An irregular mass of the aggregated granules,
    iii. Pars sphaeroidea (designated by the present authors). A regular spheroidal body of the granular aggregate having a variable size.
    3. It was observed that more than two types of the above classification could be mingled within a single nucleolus in some cases, and that a nucleolus was made up of one type of the granular aggregation exclusively in others.
    Cells of the follicular epithelium and interstitial cells of rabbit ovaries consist of only the nucleolonemata or of a mixture of nucleolonema and pars amorpha. The nucleolus in spinal ganglion cells of the dog is a round glomerular body which consists of closely entangled nucleolonemata. In the nucleolus of rabbit oocytes, nucleolonemata compose a reticulum at the center of the nucleolus and several round bodies (partes sphaeroideae) are scattered around the reticulum. Direct continuation between the nucleolonema and the spheroidal part was seen. In contrast to the nuleolar structures in a variety of cell types metioned above, none of the corrresponding features to the nucleolonema has observed in a nucleolus of the the sea-urchin oocyte, but the nucleolus, in this case, is composed of only one spheroidal body (pars sphaeroidea) of enormously large dimension.
    4. As described above, the morphology of the nucleolus is by no means uniform, but it varies widely according to the cell type and to the animal species. There exist certain evidences suggesting that such a variability in form of the nucleolus may depend upon a varying functional state of the nucleolus.
    An appearance of complicated filaments, the nucleolonemata, results in a vast increase of the surface area of the nucleolus and may activate the interaction between the nucleolus and the karyoplasm or the cytoplasm, whereas a condition with pars amorpha or pars sphaeroidea may represent a rather inert stage of the nucleolar function.
    5. In ovarial interstitial cells of rabbit, the nucleolus frequently situates near the periphery of the nucleus. A part of this nucleolonema extends itself toward the nuclear membrane and attatches to the inner surface of the membrane. Such a figure is sufficient to suggest an active interaction between the nucleolus and the cytoplasm. We have not encountered, however, any feature to show an outflow of a substance of similar electron density to that of the nucleolus through the nuclear membrane. Thus, the authors can only suggest a possibility that a substance of the nucleolus may flow out to the cytoplasm, but cannot yet prove this phenomenon.
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