Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 15, Issue 2
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • II. Durch Sublimatlösung
    Shiro URABE
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 181-186
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Versetzt man Kuhmilch mit 9facher Menge gesättigter Sublimatlösung, so wird in 1-2 Tagen die Oberhaut der Milchkügelchen von dem fettigen Inhalt abgetrennt. Es ist anzunehmen, daß sich die aus Protein und Lipoid bestehende Oberhaut bei der Fixierung mit dem stark koagulierend wirkenden Sublimat zusammenzieht und aufbricht. Die nun nackt gewordenen Fetttropfen verschmelzen sich wiederholt miteinander, bis schließlich eine sehr große Fettkugel gebildet wird. Durch die Sublimat enthaltene ZENKERsche oder Susa-Flüsgigkeit, die aber zugleich sehr stark sauer und stark hydratiert wirken, erfolgt keine solche Erscheinung.
    2. Legt man ein Leberstück in gesättigte Sublimatlösung, so werden die fettigen Einschlüße in den Zellen größer. Wahrscheinlich ist auch diese Erseheinung auf wiederholte Verschmelzung zurückzuführen.
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  • Yasushi NAGOSHI
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 187-195
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Man versetzte die Kollagenlösung aus den Schwanzsehnen einer Maus mit Chondroitinschwefelsäure- wie auch mit Heparinlösung von pH 7.0. Die rekonstruierten kollagenen Mikrofibrillen wurden einzeln mit Orange G, Ponceau PR und Anilinblau und kombiniert mit der Mischung von ihnen gefärbt und im Elektronoskop untersucht.
    Der kleinmolekulare Farbstoff Orange G dringt auch bei diesen in vitro rekonstruierten kollagenen Mikrofibrillen in die D- und H-Teile fast gleich mäßig hinein. Daher wird die Querzonierung der Mikrofibrillen etwas undeutlich. Orange G bleibt bei der Färbung kaum in den weiten Räumen zwischen den Mikrofibrillen. Der großmolekulare Farbstoff Anilinblau lagert sich vornehmlich zwischen den Mikrofibrillen und in den D-Teilen derselben ab. Der mittelgroßmolekulare Farbstoff Ponceau PR verhält sich wie ein Farbstoff in der Zwischenstufe.
    Durch die simultane kombinierte Anwendung der obigen drei Farbstoffe können die Zwischenräume zwischen den Mikrofibrillen und die D-Teile der letzteren ganz besonders stark mit dem großmolekularen Farbstoff imprägniert werden. Die Verteilung der Farbstoffe zwischen und in Mikrofibrillen scheint nach dem Prinzip der VAN GIESONschen Färbung, der HEIDENHAINschen Azanmethode u. dgl. an den Gewebeschnitten für die Untersuchung unter dem Lichtmikroskop zu erfolgen.
    Es ist uns ein Weg gebahnt, aus der Größe und Menge der in den Gefügelücken der Ultrastruktur abgelagerten Farbstoffen ihre Weite genau abzumessen.
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  • Hiroshi OMOTO
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 197-214
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    A few specially mentionable findings on the histology of the respiratory tract of goat are given in the following:
    In the trachea, a circular smooth muscle layer lies inside of the tracheal glands, in the portion where the paries membranaceus is formed. This muscle layer becomes better developed distalwards and in the distal end part, comes to cover the nearly complete circumference of the trachea outside its mucous membrane. The right and left extrapulmonary bronchi, very short ducts soon replaced by large intrapulmonary bronchial branches, have a fine structure similar to that of the distal end of the trachea, except that the cartilages are circularly divided into many pieces and are arranged intermittently or in 2 or 3 layers.
    In the small bronchial branches ca. 2mm in diameter, the cartilaginous pieces are reduced both in number and in size, so weak longitudinal mucous folds come into formation and the bronchial glands also decrease abruptly. In the smaller bronchial branches ca. 1mm in diameter, more prominent longitudinal mucous folds are formed and the epithelium becomes a 2-3-rowed ciliated one, but the muscle layer is yet perceptibly developed. In the bronchioli terminales, the epithelium is composed of one layer of ciliated cells and outside the propria, a circular muscle layer is still visible. The bronchioli respiratorii are lined by a one-rowed nonciliated cylindrical epithelium and a small quantity of muscle tissue. Nothing mentionworthy was found in the alveolar ducts or the alveolar sacs.
    As in the human trachea (HAYASHI), sensory fibres and their terminations derived from the n. vagus are found in the trachea of goat too, but in the latter, their number and size are smaller than in man. The thick medullated sensory fibres end in branced terminations in the muscle layer, but never forming end-plates as seen in man. Their form, however, suggests the possibility that they are so many Type I terminations concerned with the reflex of lowering the blood pressure. The thin medullated fibres run into the propria and end subepithelially in unbranched and simple branched terminations, only a very few running further into the epithelium. In goat's trachea, no such branched intraepithelial terminations as found in the human counterpart were ever found.
    As in man and other mammals, in goat too, primary, secondary and tertiary plexus are formed in the interpulmonary bronchial branches, though somewhat poorer in development. In the muscle layer are found branched terminations originating in thick myelinated fibres, while in the propria mucosae are seen some unbranched and simple branched terminations formed by thin myelinated fibres. No intraepithelial fibres are found here. The above findings are rather similar to those obtained in dog (SAITO), but the terminations are somewhat poorer in development than those in dog's bronchus and major bronchial branches.
    Sensory fibres and their terminations are found in the small bronchial branches and even in the bronchioli of goat too, as it was the case with dog (SAITO) and bat (NUMATA). As in dog, these are better developed than in the larger bronchial branches. The sensory fibres are rather large both in number and in size and simple branched terminations are also found here and there, beside the unbranched ones.
    What is of interest, unbranched and simple branched terminations formed by rather thick medullated fibres are found also in the interalveolar septa of goat, as in those of bat, in a somewhat better development than in the latter.
    In the interlobular connective tissue of the lung of goat, nerve bundles containing many thick medullated fibres are found running in company with small pulmonary veins. These bundles run further to reach finally the pleura visceralis. The sensory fibres, as in bat, probably end in unbranched or simple branched terminations in the pleura, but I regret I failed in adequately ascertaining their terminal mode.
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  • Toshio OHNO
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 215-233
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The author undertook a study of the histology and the innervation of the penis containing the pars cavernosa urethrae of flying-squirrel using preparations stained with SETO's impregnation.
    The pars cavernosa urethrae has a broad lumen and many longitudinal mucous folds and is lined by a 2-3-rowed cylindrical epithelium. The corpus cavernosum urethrae surrounding the thin propria of the urethra is made of plexus of very fine veins. The tunica albuginea around it consists in a thin circular layer.
    No median septum is seen in the corpus cavernosum penis in the corpus penis. This body shows the cross-section of a cap and surrounds the corpus cavernosum urethrae in the proximal part, but more distalwards, it gradually takes an unguinal form in cross-section and ceases to encircle the corpus cavernosum urethrae. The tunica albuginea is very thick and is composed of an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layers. The cavernous body proper is penetrated by trabeculae originating in the tunica albuginea and the caverns lined by one-rowed endothelial cells are formed in the loose connective tissue sparsely stretched between the trabeculae.
    Neither the epithelium of the glans penis nor that of the inner plate of the praeputium can be macroscopically observed, for the epithelium covering both the parts is represented by one common epithelium as shown in the cross-sections in adult flying-squirrel, just as in man and other animals in fetal stage. Upon approaching the glans penis, the urethral lumen grows narrower and expands lateralwards and the corpus cavernosum penis grows gradually oval in cross-sections.
    Upon entering the glans penis, the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum urethrae goes out of formation. Going further distalwards, the mucous folds of the urethra become lower, then disappear altogether, the epithelium changes through a thick stratified cylindrical epithelium into a stratified flat epithelium, the lumen grows broader and seems to represent the part of the fossa navicularis in other mammals. The abovementioned common epithelium between the glans and the praeputium originates in this stratified flat epithelium. Between the fossa navicularis and the orificium urethrae externum the lumen is star-formed and the epithelium is a thick stratified flat one.
    The common epithelium, at the level of the fossa navicularis, surrounds the ossified corpus cavernosum penis, but more proximally, the corpus cavernosum urethrae and the bilaterally drawnout cartilaginous body formed on its ventral side also come within the surrounding common epithelium beside the corpus cavernosum penis. The common epithelium sens out side branches particularly well developed at the level of the fossa navicularis as well as around the cartilaginous body.
    The body proper of the corpus cavernosum penis, upon entering the glans penis, is taken up by the increasing connective tissue of the tunica albuginea. This connective tissue body is at first oval in cross-sections, then turns circular, shows ossification at the level of the navicularis and becomes a cartilaginous tissue in the proximalmost part.
    The terminations of the thick and the thin medullated sensory fibres richly contained in the n. dorsalis penis are classifiable by form into several types. First, PACINIan bodies of extremely small size are found in a very small number outside the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum penis.
    Numerous sensory fibres are found in the pars cavernosa urethrae in flying-squirrel as in man, but none of them end in genital nerve bodies but always in subepithelial and intraepithelial branched terminations. The stem fibre in such a termination, after losing its myelin, branches out into some terminal fibres, which often show change in size in their winding courses and usually end in sharp points and more rarely in blunt points. The ramification of these branched terminations is far simpler than in man.
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  • II. On the Actional Differences between Injected Histidine and Injected Histamine
    Kazuko TOJYO
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 235-248
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    As the effects of Histidine in the diet on the secretory function of gastric gland cells were investigated in author's former study, the author has studied here if the actional mechanisms of Histidine are similar to those of Histamine, and has obtained the following conclusions.
    1. The production of secretion granules in the peptic cells is believed to be promoted by Histamine and not by Histidine.
    2. Histamine does not promote the discharge of productin from the gastric surface cells but Histidine does actively promote it. Accordingly, Histidine seems as if it would promote the production of secretion granules in the peptic cells if man observed only the peptic cells.
    3, Histidine seems to be related to the vacuolization of secretion granules (discharging stage of secretion granules) in the peptic cells.
    4. The actional difference between Histidine and Histamine is deduced to be owing to the side chain combined with the imidazol group.
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  • 1. Bezüglich der Dicke und Struktur des Epithels
    Yoshihiro MORI
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 249-261
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Das Epithel der Nasenhöhlenwand der Maus ist im Ganzen hinten dicker als vorn und oben dicker als unten. Die Dicke des flimmernden Epithels beträgt im Mittel 12μ, die des Riechepithels aber im Mittel 40μ.
    2. Bei den Nasenmuscheln ist das Epithel an der medialen Fläche immer dicker als an der lateralen.
    3. Das Flimmerepithel überzieht den Vorderteil der Nasenscheidewand und die untere Hälfte ihres Mittel- und Hinterteils, den Mittel- und Hinterteil des Maxilloturbinale, untere Hälfte des Vorder- und Mittelteils des Nasoturbinale, den Mittel- und Hinterteil der lateralen Wand der Nasenhöhle, den Hinterteil des Nasenhöhlenbodens und die Wand der Kieferhöhle.
    4. Das Riechepithel erscheint in der oberen Hälfte des Mittel- und Hinterteils der Nasenscheidewand, in der oberen Hälfte des Mittel- und Hinterteils des Nasoturbinale, in der ganzen Fläche des Ethmoturbinale und im Hinterteil des oberen Abschnittes der lateralen Wand der Nasenhöhle.
    5. Das geschichtete Epithel ist zu sehen: im vordersten Teil der Nasenscheidewand, im Vorderteil des maxilloturbinale, im Vorderteil der lateralen Wand der Nasenhöhle, im vordersten Teil des Nasoturbinale und im Vorder- und Mittelteil des Nasenhöhlenbodens.
    6. Das JACOBSONsche Organ mündet nicht im Ductus nasopalatinus, sondern unmittelbar im vorderen Teil der Nasenhöhle.
    7. Der Ductus nasopalatinus wird von halbverhorntem Epithel überzogen. Der Gang schmälert sich nach der Mündung in die Mundhöhle hin.
    8. Die Drüsen in der Nasenhöhlenwand sind meistens serös, und es finden sich weniger schleimige Drüsen. Drüsen findet man im Unterabschnitt der Nasenscheidewand, besonderes in ihrem Hinterteil recht zahlreich. Sie sind auch in der Wand der Kieferhöhle zahlreich vorhanden.
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  • Tutomu WADA
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 263-283
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Regarding the pathway of stimuli in the vegetative nervous system, there exists a difference of opinion between neuronists and reticularists. This difference seems due to an unclarified morphological information about the structure of synapsis. An attempt was made in the prescent study to deal with this aspect. Intramural ganglion-cells stained with SUZUKI's silver-method were used. The results obtained are as follows.
    Intramural ganglion-cells of a cat can be classified into two kinds: Argyrophil or dark-cells and argyrophobic or light-cells.
    1. Dark-cells.
    Of this kind of cells, DOGIEL's I type cells are raraly found on the AUERBACH's plexus in the colon of a cat. They have a simple shape and small size, can not be observed on MEISSNER's plexus (Fig. 1). A great part of dark-cells are occupied by DOGIEL's II type cells, and they exist on AUERBACH's plexus Their shape varies from unipolar to quaripolar. Since their long process terminates in the muscle-layer, they may be regarded as of a motoric nature. In general DOGIEL's II type cells have small processes, as receptor for stimuli, which form faintly stainable fibullar expansion in their terminals.
    The forms of the ends of small processes are classified into the following three types:
    a) A large number of strongly argyrophile neurofibrils with exoplasm come out of the cell to form short Y or T shaped processes which tend to end in dispersion. Sometimes these processes contain some argyrophobic fibrils (Fig. 3).
    b) A number of neurofibrils spread out from a wide range of the cell surface forming a bandlike process which is connected with the pericellular net of the adjacent light-cell (Fig. 4).
    c) A short rodlike process comes out from the cell with a wide root, and the neurofibrils in it terminate in the “Hüllplasmodium” or pericellular nets of the adjacent light-cell (Fig. 5).
    2. Light-cells.
    Light-cells are found in the colon of a cat much more numerous than dark-cells. On the basis of their features they can be classified into the following three forms:
    a) A cell with trabant cells and a synaptic apparat with the fiberends from other neurons.
    b) A cell without trabant cells intercalated at the parting of a large bundle of neurofibrils, Its cytoplasmic process with argyrophobic fibrils extends to the peripheric side of the bundle passing by.
    c) A smaller cell without trabant cells. It is most frequently found throughout the AUERBACH's plexus.
    3. Synapsis.
    a) The periterminal nets of a light-cell without trabant cells are connected with the branched ends of the long process of a dark-cell, and in some occasions they are connected with other dark elements.
    b) The long process of a dark-cell, either with a main stem or with its collaterals, innervates light-cells individually or in group of two or three cells. A collateral tends to form periterminal nets in the ‘Hüllplasmodium’ of the cell.
    c) No free nerve endings can be observed in the area of the pericellular terminal nets of a light-cell.
    d) Branches come out of pericellular nets making fine meshed periterminal nets in the ‘Hüllplasmodium’. The fine neurofibrils coming out of the latter nets continue branching and making small loops they end in rings and nodes. They terminate as free ending or finest neurofibrillar nets on the surface of the cell.
    e) On the hemispheric surface of cytoplasm a light-cell with trabant cells has both 10 to 20 free endings and a very finely ramified ending.
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  • II. On the Effects of Histidine Deaminase and of Diamine Oxidase etc. on the Action of ‘Productin’ Secreted into the Blood
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 285-301
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The effects of Histidine deaminase (Histidase), Diamine oxidase (Histaminase) and the anti-histamic substances on the action of the gastric hormone productin which was secreted into the blood as naturally as possible by the injection of Acetylcholin-Eserin, on the secretory function of the gastric peptic, parietal cells and the pancreatic cells were studied.
    1. After the injection of Histidase, productin in the blood has not a capacity to promote the secretory function of the gastric peptic cells, but has a capacity to promote the copious discharge of secretory substance from the gastric parietal cells, and to promote the production of zymogen granules in the pancreatic cells. As regards these results, there are discrepancies if the Histidase injected is considered to decompose productin in the blood.
    2. After the injection of Histaminase, productin in the blood promotes the vacuolization of the secretion granules produced in the peptic cells and promotes the discharge of secretory substance from the parietal cells and promotes also in a lesser way the production of zymogen granules in the pancreatic cells.
    3. After the injection of heated Histaminase, superior production and inferior vacuolization of secretion granules in the peptic cells; production and discharge of secretory substance in the parietal cells; and considerable production of zymogen granules in the pancreatic cells were recognizable.
    4. After the injection of the anti-histamic substance Restamine, the effects of productin are similar to those of the case in which Histidase was injected.
    5. After the injection of Raw potato juice (solution of its aceton sediment), the anti-histamic action of which was demonstrated by FUJIE, the effects of productin are similar to those of the case in which Histaminase was injected.
    6. Contrasted with the productin theory of FUJIE, and the results obtained by the injection of a histamine-histaminase mixture (SHIMIZU) and the results obtained by TOJYO in her study of the actional differences between histidine and histamine, the main point of similarity seems to be in the case of Histaminase injection. Here, productin is believed to be a substance of which the essential action is controlled and the action owing to the decomposed product of productin is caused by Histaminase. That is, the similarity between productin and histamine may be presumed.
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  • Kunio IMAKO
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 303-324
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    A report is made of the end-apparatuses of afferent nerves and their relations to other cells in the snout-skin of an adult pig.
    Thirty μ frozen sections were impregnated by SUZUKI's modified BIELSCHOWSKY's silver-method. The results obtained are as follows:
    1. In the epithelium of the snout-skin there occur two sorts of intraepithelial nerve-endings, i. e., main thick fibers which are derived from myelinated fibers and accessory thin fibers that may be primarily of an unmyelinated nature. A few accessory fibers run closely around the main fiber. The main fiber terminates at the uppermost germinal layer with small end-knobs. Both intraepithelial nerve fibers, main and accessory, pass either through the intercellular space or through the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Knob-like endings are generally situated inside the cytoplasm of the cells forming small vacuoles, not neurofibrillar net-balls. No visualisation was made of the cylindrical columns of epithelial cells associated with intraepithelial nerve fibers, as described by BOEKE in EIMER's organ of a mole.
    2. In the basal part of the epidermis between coriale papillae there occurs an aggregation of so-called MERKEL's tactile cells. Careful observations led to conclude that there might be two varieties, as reported by IMAKO, in the outer layer of the root-sheath of the tactile hair in a golden hamster. The one belongs to the first type of tactile cell after IMAKO-SUZUKI, in which a nerve fiber terminates in its cytoplasm under the flat nucleus forming a disc-like termination with a vacuole. The other constitutes the second type of tactile cell after IMAKO-SUZUKI, in which there are found neither disc nor vacuole, and the nerve fiber terminates in the cytoplasm simply forming the reticulum with fine meshes around the nucleus. It became clear on careful observations of frozen sections that the second type cells occur less than the first type cells in the pig's snout-skin. The mode of nerve innervation on tactile cells shows a close resemblance to the structure of a rosary. A branch of the nerve fiber passed through each cells to form a series of tactile cells. On its way through the cytoplasm, the nerve fiber swells to shape a knob-like termination. Unlike many author's observations on the tactile cells the present author agreed with BOEKE's observation that the so-called tactile meniscus or disc was situated inside the cytoplasm.
    3. In the corium under epithelial papillae there occur a kind of corpuscular sensory end-organ. This organ belongs to a type of club-like end-bulb which shows often many windings and twistings. It is covered with a thin capsule of the connective tissue which is likely to be an elongated endoneural sheath of HENLE, and to be composed of two intracapsular bulbs, the dark inner one and the light outer one. Between these two bulbs there exists a thin lamelle with lenticular or oval nuclei. As this thin lamelle was assumed to be a deformed SCHWANN's sheath, the inner bulb might probably be a prolonged medullary sheath of the myelinated fiber. The outer bulb is composed of a homogeneous substance, being devoid of a lamellar structure, as seen in corpuscles of PACINI and TIMOFEEW. The band-like sensory terminal fiber runs into the axis of the inner bulb. Sometimes the terminal fiber bifurcates in the core, but its convolution and ramification are not marked. In many cases it ends at the top of the core forming a vacuole due to the enlargement of neurofibrils, but in a very few cases it terminates only with a fibrillar expansion. It never ends with a sharp spearhead appearance. In a core involving the terminal fiber, there were found small argyrophilic granules and argyrophilic striae, but no thin accessory unmyelinated fiber or ‘Faden-apparat’ of TIMOFEEW. In spite of careful observations an aggregation of coriale tactile cells could not be identified.
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  • Yasuyuki AWAZAWA, Iwao AWAZAWA
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 325-329
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    As results of our inquiries there are found differences in the largeness concerning the breadth of the genuine enamel lamellae in several kinds of mammals. Among such mammals as bos and homo sapiens, simia and felis, the largeness concerning the breadth of the enamel lamellae is discernable as follows: the bovine>the simian or the human>the feline. (There is observed no tangible difference between the simian and the human. The breadth size of the enamel lamellae of the both animals seems to resemble each other.)
    As a conclusion, it is comprehensible that those mammals have the breadth size of the enamel lamellae that is peculiar to their species.
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  • Masao OYA
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 331-341
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Im Bindegewebe der Spinalganglien aus 5 gesunden männlichen Hingerichteten (23-45jähr.) wurden spindelförmige gelbliche Pigmentkörnchen führende, mannigfaltig gestaltete Zellen stets in beträchtlicher Zahl vorgefunden. Durch eingehende histologische und cytologische Beobachtungen an diesen, vorher nahezu unbekannten Zellen wurden folgende Ergebnisse gewonnen. Das frische Untersuchungsmaterial wurde mit LEVIschem Gemisch, REGAUDscher Methode und Formol-Alkohol fixiert, darauf in Paraffin eingebettet und in 4μ dicke Serienschnitte zerlegt, die Färbung geschah vorwiegend mit Eisenhämatoxylin nach HEIDENHAIN, daneben wurden auch Hämatoxylin-Eosinfärbung, KULLsche Anilinfuchsin-Aurantiafärbung, Azan, Perjodsäure-SCHIFFsche Reaktion, Toluidinblaufärbung, GOMORIsche Chromalaunhämatoxylin-Phloxinfärbung, Sudan III-Färbung und Berlinerblaureaktion für Eisennachweis angewandt.
    1. Die spindelförmige Pigmentkörnchen führenden Zellen dürften zweifelsohne den bindegewebigen Zellen angehören, aber es wurde durch diese Untersuchung nicht festgestellt, ob sie den Histiocyten oder den Fibrocyten zuzurechnen sind. Was die Verteilung dieser Zellen im Bindegewebe der menschlichen Spinalganglien angeht, so fanden sie sich am zahlreichsten in der Faserkapsel des Ganglions (Perineurium) und zwar in der inneren Schicht derselben, außerdem kamen sie jedenfalls in schwankender Zahl im lockeren Bindegewebe zwischen den Ganglienzellen und im Bindegewebe zwischen den Nervenfaserbündeln (Endoneurium) vor. Besondere Lagebeziehungen zwischen diesen Zellen und Blutgefässen wurden nicht wahrgenommen. Die Zahl dieser Zellen zeigte keinen bemerkenswerten Unterschied nach den einzelnen Fällen. Weder in den Mantelzellen der Ganglienzellen noch in den SCHWANNschen Zellen der Nervenfaser wurden solche Pigmentkörnchen vorgefunden.
    2. Wie in den Abbildungen gezeigt, waren Größe und Gestalt der pigmenthaltigen bindegwebigen Zellen recht mannigfaltig: sie bildeten öfters mittels den protoplasmatischen Fortsätzen miteinander verbunden die Zellennetze. Die Pigmentkornchen waren zum größten Teil spindelförmig und kristall-ähnlich, doch mengten sich Körnchen mit anderen Formen in verschiedener Zahl bei: ihre Größe war auch variabel, so waren die Pigmentkörnchen in einer Zelle nicht immer gleichgroß. Die Menge der Pigmentkörnchen war nach den einzelnen Zellen schwankend, sie verteilten sich aber im ganzen Cytoplasma sogar innerhalb der Fortsätze fast gleichmäßig und dicht, in den Kernen wurden sie aber vollkommen vermisst.
    3. Die spindelförmigen Pigmentkörnchen waren stark lichtbrechend, zeigten eine gelbliche oder gelblich braune Eigenfarbe, besaßen die durch Osmiumsäure verschwärzten Abschnitte. In mittels des REGAUDschen Fixierungsverfahrens behandelten Paraffinschnitten waren sie mit Sudan III orange tingierbar. Aus obigen Beschaffenheiten ging hervor, daß die Spindelkörperchen den Lipofuszingranula zuzurechnen sein dürften. Sie blieben mittels Hämatoxylin-Eosin- und Chromalaunhämatoxylin-Phloxinfärbung nach GOMORI ungefärbt, während sie durch Eisenhämatoxylin nach HEIDENHAIN stark gefärbt wurden, so daß in den durch diese Färbemethode gefärbten Präparaten ihre Form, Größe und Verteilung am besten verfolgt wurden. Sie wurden weiter mittels KULLscher Anilinfuchsin-Aurantiafärbung rot, mittels Azanfärbung orange oder blau und mittels einfacher Toluidinblaufärbung grünlich angefärbt. Sie reagierten gegenüber der Perjodsäure-SCHIFFschen Reaktion zum größten Teil positiv, diese positive Reaktion verschwand nach der Speichelverdauung nicht.
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  • Rei HIROSE
    1958 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 343-353
    Published: September 20, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Ungeachtet des großen Unterschiedes des Körpergewichtes zwischen der Ratte und Maus zeigt die Weite und die Wanddicke der Arterien (Aorta thoracica und abdominalis und A. subclavia, carotis communis, iliaca communis, iliaca externa, brachialis, femoralis, poplitea, coeliaca, mesenterica cranialis und mesenterica caudalis) verhältnismäßig kleine Unterschiede.
    2. Das Verhältnis der Menge der elastischen Elemente zu der der ganzen Gewebselemente der Media der obigen Arterien ist bei der Ratte um 2-10% größer als bei der Maus. Die elastischen Lamellen kommen in der Media der Aorta thoracica und abdominalis und A. subclavia, carotis communis und iliaca communis der Ratte um 1 oder 2 Lagen mehr vor als bei der Maus. Die elastischen Lamellen haben bei der ersteren immer die Neigung, dünne Zweige abzugeben oder sich in dünnere Lamellen zu splittern.
    3. Die Menge der Muskulatur in der Media ist bei der Maus, abgesehen von der Aorta abdominalis und A. subclavia und poplitea, verhältnismäßig größer als bei der Ratte. Die Muskulatur findet sich bei den beiden Tieren in den peripheren Arterien, besonderes in den Extremitäten reichlicher als in den größeren Arterien.
    4. Die Zusammenziehung der Arterien nach dem Tode ist in den peripheren Arterien größer als in den größeren Arterien vom elastischen Typus. Sie ist gewöhnlich bei den verhältnismäßig muskelreichen, dünnerwandigen Arterien der Maus größer als bei den verhältnismäßig muskelarmen, dickerwandigen der Ratte.
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