Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 10, Issue 1
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • Seiji OJIMA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 1-17
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    As the bladder of cat is covered by a tunica serosa down to the cervix, the plexus vesicalis formed in the subserosa is far poorer in development than that in human bladder, but we find ganglia formed in it here and there. The nerve bundles forming this plexus mainly consist in fine vegetative fibres, but quite as in human bladder, they contain also some sensory fibres. The plexus vesicalis passes over into the plexus muscularis and ganglia are demonstrable also in the latter, It is of interest that ganglia are similarly found in the plexus submucosus too.
    The nerve cells in the above ganglia are much worse developed than the same in the human bladder, but always can be classified into ones of the DOGIEL's two types and thus must belong to the sympathetic nerve system. Some of the nerve cells Type I are indeed only weakly developed, but some better-developed ones resemble the SATO's so-called jelly-fish type or octopus type cells. In the cat bladder, as in all other places, the vegetative nerve fibres always end in the STÖHR's terminal reticulum.
    The existence of sensory terminations was proved in the bladder of cat too. The largest number of them are found in the cervix vesicalis, but they are far smaller in quantity than in man and even smaller than in dog. They are also far simpler in formation than in human or canine bladder. PACINIan bodies, however, though found only in a very limited number in man and dog, are found in a quantity in the feline bladder, and interestingly enough, beside in the submucosa, also in a rather large number in the muscularis. Frequently, these PACINIan bodies are of large size.
    Only a very limited number of sensory fibres run into the submucosa of the bladder of cat, but since they are all very thick myelinated ones, it is not difficult to detect them. Their terminations are always much simpler than those in human and canine bladders, but are rather specific in form, that is, in the cat bladder, they never form corpuscular nor complex branched endings, but here the fibres, upon reaching into the propria from the submucosa, lose their myelin sheaths and run nearly vertically toward and mostly into the epithelinm usually without undergoing ramification, but bifurcating on rarer occasions, to end sharply or bluntly as intraepithelial fibres.
    The innervation of the pars membranacea urethrae of cat is rather notably strong. In particular, the sensory fibres here are far more abundant than in the bladder and their terminations are constructed far more complexly. The vegetative fibres here originate in the plexus around the ductus deferens or the ductus ejaculatorius and terminate here too in the STOHR's terminal reticulum.
    The sensory fibres in this part run chiefly from the lateral sides into the pars membranacea, then proceed into the submucosa through the muscularis, and send out many fine branches into the propria and also some into the muscularis in their courses. No genital nerve bodies and small-sized PACINIan bodies, such as often found in the mucous membrane of the pars prostatica and the pars interglandularis, can be found in this part, but PACINIan bodies are frequently found in the subserosa or the adventitia.
    The sensory terminations in the mucoua partis membranaceae are mainly of branched type, either simple or complex. The largest majority of these are formed passing over from the propria to the epithelium, and form intraepithelial terminations. Most of these terminations originate in very thick fibres and their branches often run peculiar winding courses showing change in size and end usually in sharp but occasionally also in blunt points. The intraepithelial terminations in this part are more complex and more powerful than those in the pars prostatica and the pars interglandularis (MORI). This is perhaps owing to the taller stratified cylinder epithelium lining this part, in comparison with that in the prostatical or the interglandular parts.
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    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 19-35
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The gl. sublingualis and the gl. submandibularis in a human embryo of 3 or 4 months are found as simple branched duct systems sporadically arranged in the loose connective tissue, and their alveoli are formed by undifferentiated gland cells arranged in one row. In the gl. sublingualis, however, some mucosal cells are already formed. The large ducts of these glands are lined by a double-rowd cubic or cylindrical epithelium, but the intercalated and the secretory ducts of the submandibular gland are not yet differentiated and are lined by a single-rowed cubic epithelium. These glands are abundantly provided with blood vessels and nerves.
    The ganglion submandibulare is extremely well developed and stretching toward the sublingual gland, forms the so-called ganglion sublinguale. Small ganglia are also found migrated into many places in the n. lingualis. More or less thick nerve bundles are found running out of these ganglia into the submandibular and the sublingual glands, and small ganglia are frequently found in these bundles too.
    The nerve cells in the ganglia are already in a considerably high development. They are in the form of multipolar cells with 3-5 nerve processes and contain each one or sometimes two large nuclei, which are usually eccentric or marginal-standing and show as yet no formation of nucleoli within them. Fine nerve fibrillar nets are contained in the cell bodies.
    The short processes from the nerve cells are not yet in the stage of ramification, but running only a short course, and in sharp points. One or sometimes two long nerve processes are sent out per cell. The accessory cell plasmodium (STÖHR) is as yet very poorly developed, being provided with one or two cell nuclei around a nerve cell. These nuclei are presumed to increse in number with the differentiation of the short processes. The connective tissue capsule covering such a plasmodium is also still very poorly developed.
    The nerve bundles running in the ganglia submandibulare and sublinguale are already very conspicuously formed. These always consist of fine vegetative fibres, which show mutual nervous anastomosis here and there. The bundles contain chromatin-poor club-shaped SCHWANN's nuclei rather frequently.
    The external vegetative fibres coming into the ganglia also undergo frequent anastomosis and gradually losing in size, develop finally into the pericellular terminal reticulum common to a number of nerve cells. This reticulum is formed of fine nerve fibrils showing frequent change in size and forming an irregular mesh-work. No direct connection seems to exist between the reticulum and the nerve cells.
    The fibres in the numerous bundles running into the two glands comprise both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres, but it is impossible to distinguish between the two kinds. The development of the vegetative periarterial plexus formed around the arteries is already much advanced. This plexus here and there anastomosis with the vegetative nerve bundles mentioned above.
    The termination of the vegetative fibres distributed in the salivary glands is also represented by the STÖHR's terminal reticulum formed of finest fibrills and extending cordwise. The mesh-work of the reticulum in the glands is finer and more regular than that of the pericellular terminal reticulum above. SCHWANN's nuclei are frequently found in this reticulum too. The terminal reticulum is in particularly good formation around the alveoli and the ducts of the glands and diffuses closely in contact of the epithelial cells, but apparently never send out side branches into their cell bodies. The terminal reticulum stands in tactile control over the smooth muscle fibres in the arterial walls, and is frequently found in the mucous membrane of the bottom of the oral cavity too.
    The sensory fibres originating in the n. lingualis, though as yet unprovided with myelin sheaths, are much thicker than the vegetative fibres.
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  • Shigeo ONO
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 37-52
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In the cat snout, the epithelium is very tall, and the papilla formation of the propria is well developed, so that the nerves are also in very good development therein and the submucosal and the proprial plexus are strongly formed. The nerve elements consist of numerous sensory myelinated fibres and a small number of vegetative unmyelinated fibres.
    In the submucosa of the snout and the vestibulum nasi adjoining it, there are many blood vessels and frequent arterio-venous anastomosis is observed. The perivascular plexus is particularly well developed around the arteries.
    The vegetatative fibres in the cat snout too form the STÖHR's terminal reticula as their endings, while the sensory fibres terminate in free endings sub- or intraepithelially.
    The subepithelial sensory terminations are usually of the branched type, and a part of their terminal branches pass over into intraepithelial fibres. The quantity of intraepithelial fibres in the cat snout is probably the largest in the animal kingdom. Thus, such fibres are found in the inter-papillary epithelial cristae without exception. These form branched terminations, of which the terminal fibres run peculiar circular courses and end sharply. In very many cases these intraepithelial fibres come from thick fibres. Next, we find numerous fibres emerging from the tops of the papillae into the epithelium, to end in its superficial layer. These also usually form branched terminations, but some end without branching. The courses of their terminal fibres are a little winding and they end in the upper layer of the epithelium in sharp points or sometimes in small knobs. No end-bulbs, such as found subepithelially in the snouts of pigs and dogs, were found in the feline snout.
    The arterio-venous anastomoses found in the snout and in the foremost part of the vestibulum nasi of cat is very rich in nerve fibres. Beside the vegetative terminal reticulum, sensory branched terminations are found as well, the terminal branches of which sometimes penetrate as far as into their special cell layer to end in sharp points there.
    In the feline snout and the foremost part of the vestibulum, specific branched sensory terminations are found in the perichondrium in a rather large quantity. These terminations are formed by considerably thick myelinated fibres and their terminal branches generally run irregular courses, but in some instances, the arrangement shows the general appearance of arborized formation. The branches often undergo marked change in size in their courses. Similar sensory terminations are found also around the cartilages in the cavum nasi, but here they are much simpler in structure.
    Upon reaching the vestibulum _nasi from the snout, the propria becomes much thinner, the papillae lose much in development and the epithelium becomes lower. Consequently, the nerve fibres, especially, the sensory fibres also are much reduced in number. In some places of the vestibule, however, the propria and the epithelium are thick enough, and in such places, the nerve fibres also are rather richly provided.
    The number of sensory fibres and their terminations in the vestibulum nasi, however, is much larger in cat than in man. The terminations are formed sub- or intraepithelially, in branched or unbranched type, here too. In size, they are however much smaller than in the snout. No corpuscular terminations as found in human nose have ever been found in cat, as in dog.
    In the pars respiratoria of the cavum nasi of cat, the distribution of sensory fibres is much poorer, though it is much richer than in man. Their number diminishes as we go back from the anterior to the posterior part of the pars respiratoria. Here also, the sensory fibres end in unbranched or branched terminations subepithelially or intraepithelially. The branched terminations, however, are extremely simple in construction, and the intraepithelial fibres, in particular, are of unbranched type in the largest majority.
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  • Kazuhiko AWAYA, Niaki TAGAWA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 53-62
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1. Egg white or ovalbumin (E. MERCK) were repeatedly injected into the ear vein of adult rabbits, and the mode of reaction of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow to these agents was observed.
    2. Following repeated injection of these agents there appeared in the peripheral blood a marked lymphocytosis with a significant rise in the average number of mitochondria in lymphocytes, and the lymphatic tissue of the chief lymphoid organs underwent a marked hyperplasia. These changes reached their maximal intensity about 7 days after the initial injection, and at about 14 days a striking accumulation of lymphocytes occurred in the periportal spaces of the liver. None of these processes of lymphatic reaction, however, was accompanied by any noticeable rise in antibody titer.
    3. The lymphatic reaction gradually declined thereafter, and was substituted by an extensive plasmocytic reaction which began to appear about 14 days after the initial injection. The plasmocytic reaction occurred most intensely in the splenic cords, next in the bone marrow, and relatively feebly in the liver. It was accompanied by a marked rise in antibody titer.
    4. In the spleen and bone marrow lymphatic and plasmocytic reactions occurred independently in different portions, but in the liver the lymphocyte aggregations formed in the periportal spaces were substituted gradually by plasmocytes, giving the impression as if the lymphocytes had transnsformed into plasmocytes. However, no direct evidence was obtained to indicate such cellular metamorphosis.
    5. The fact, that the animal responds to the stimulation of heterogeneous protein first by lymphatic reaction which is substituted successively by plasmocytic reaction, is of interest as indicating that the lymphatic reaction represents an initial step of the defense mechanism of the organism against exogenous noxae.
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothalamus-Hypophysensystems. 17. Mitteilung
    Hidetoshi NODA, Yutaka SANO, Sotatsu OKI, Osamu SAITO
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 63-70
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde beim Hunde eine neue, bis jetzt nicht beobachtete neurosekretorische tuberohypophysäre Bahn beobachtet und beschrieben. Ihre Ursprungszellen liegen zerstreut subependymal an dem unteren Teil der lateralen Wand des dritten Ventrikels, rostral von dem Gewebe des Mamillarkörpers, größtenteils im Gebiete des Nucleus infundibularis tuberis von H. SPATZscher Schule. Diese Ursprungszellen sind kleinzellig, gomoriphil und aldehydfuchsinophil. Ihre Fortsätze sind meistens bipolar oder pseudounipolar und deutlich mehr gomoriphil als der Zelleib. Sie steigen vertikal ab, biegen fast rechtwinklig nach rostral und treten in die innere Schicht der hinteren Wand des Hypophysentrichters ein. Sie mischen sich im Trichter mit den durch Pars retroinfundibularis tuberis in den Hypophysengebiet eindringenden Fasern des Tractus paraventriculohypophyseus und werden von den letzteren nicht mehr unter-scheidbar. Es bleibt daher unklar, ob diese Bahn im Hypophysenstiel endigt oder im Hypophysenkörper. Aber es ist zweifellos, daß eine neurosekretorische Bahn zwischen Tuber cinereum und Hypophysengebiet vorhanden ist. Dieser Befund wurde in 10 Fällen ausnahmslos bestätigt. In diesem neurosekretorischen System zeigen sich nicht nur Neuriten, sondern auch ihre Kollateralen und Dendriten gomoriphile Substanz. Das weitere Schicksal dieser gomoriphilen Substanz ist unklar. (Eine Arbeit über dasselbe Thema wurde auch in Okajimas Folia anatomica japonica, Bd. 27, 1955 berichtet.)
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  • Beiträge zur vergleichenden Histologie des Hypothamus-Hypophysensystems. 18. Mitteilung
    Hidetoshi NODA, Yutaka SANO, Nagayasu OTSUKA, Osamu SAITO
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 71-79
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde der histologische Bau des Hypophysentrichters des Hundes übersichtlich angegeben. Die Färbung der Schnitte vollzog sich mit Hämatoxylin-Eosin, nach NISSL, mit BODIANschem Protargol, mit MALLORYschem Molybdänhämatoxylin und nach der GOMORIschen Chrom-alaunhämatoxylin-Phloxinmethode. Ferner wurde eine intravaskuläre Tuscheninjektion und die Tintenreaktion nach WEED vorgenommen. Die Befunde sind vorläufig mit 6 Abbildungen gezeigt. Ausführliche Berichte folgen.
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  • Hideji YASUMITSU
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 81-100
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde die Schleimhaut der Trachea des Kaninchens mit 5%iger Silbernitratlösung touchiert bzw. ausgekratzt, und das Epithel histometrisch untersucht. Zugleich wurde die Veränderung der sublichtmikroskopischen Strukturdichte der Epithelzellen auf färberischem Wege geprüft.
    1. Die Cilien des Epithels regenerierten sich an der ausgekratzten Stelle nach 5 Tagen und an der mit Silbernitratlösung touchierten Stelle nach 7 Tagen.
    2. Die Dicke des Epithels der beschädigten Schleimhaut nahm immer nach einer zeitweiligen beträchtlichen Verminderung in weiterem Maße zu, bis sie nach 7 Tagen mehr als doppelt wurde.
    3. Das Volumen der oben im Epithel stehenden Zylinderzellen nahm mit der Epitheldicke zu, um sich 7 Tage nach der Touchierung mit Silbernitratlösung zu vervierfachen. Die Schwellung der Zellen war nach dem Auskratzen der Schleimhaut nicht so stark. Der Kern der nämlichen Zellen verkleinerte sich kurz nach der Beschädigung der Schleimhaut um ein weniges und kam danach, selbst auf der Höhe der Regeneration, merkwürdigerweise nicht zur bedeutenden Schwellung. Die im Epithel basal liegenden Kerne blieben immer in fast gleicher Größe.
    4. Im 2. bis 3. Tage nach der Silbernitrattouchierung erschienen flathe Zellen als Zeichen der Metaplasie des Epithels, die aber nach 5 Tagen schon verschwanden, statt dessen traten wieder Zylinderzellen auf.
    5. Die Zylinderzellen im Epithel wurden nach der Schleimhautbeschädigung anfänglich ultrastrukturell sehr dicht und dann allmählich aufgelockert, was auf der Verschleimung des Cytoplasmas beruht.
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  • Yukihiko MIURA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 101-122
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The distal portion of the sinus urogenitalis of dog has a split-formed lumen elongated dorsoventrally, but toward the mid-part, it loses in height and the lumen becomes rhomboid in cross-section, and in the more cranial part of the sinus, the lumen becomes semilunar in cross-section, with its concave side facing ventralwards. In the distal part of the vagina, the curvature of the crescent-shape becomes more and more heightened and the lumen becomes more and more narrow. More cranialwards the vagina attains its proper structure, the curvature of the semilunar cross-section becoming gentler and many folds being formed in the mucous membrane by furrows dug into it from the side of the lumen. In the more cranial part, the lumen becomes quite straight and horizontal in cross-section and the formation of the folds and the furrows becomes more accentuated. Viewed histologically, the distal end of the vagina forms the beginning of the sinus urogenitalis.
    The lumina of the vagina and the sinus urogenitalis show a great morphological change by positions but the superficial area of the mucous membrane remains nearly unchanged between the distal end of the vagina and the same of the sinus, while that of the mucous membrane of the vagina proper is about 3-4 times as broad as that in the parts above.
    The morphological changes in the lumina of the vagina and the sinus urogenitalis are found to accompany corresponding histological difference, which has a close bearing on their sensory innervation.
    From the vagina proper down to the distal end of the sinus urogenitalis, the epithelium and the propria show little change, but the submucosa is found to contain no venous plexus in the vagina proper, but a large quantity of it in the distal part of the vagina. This plexus, however, diminishes again slowly as the distal end of the sinus is approached. The muscularis is very well developed in the vagina proper, having a strong circular striated muscle layer lining its outside and bounded on the ventral side by an adventitia from the urethra. In the distal part of the vagina, the muscularis becomes abruptly poorer, remaining only as small circular bundlets lining the Inside of the equally attenuated striated muscle layer. It loses further in development as the sinus is approached and soon vanishes altogether. When the urethra becomes absorbed in the tissue of the distal part of the vaginal wall, its muscularis once so strongly developed loses suddenly in strength and its submucosa fuses with that of the vagina.
    If the sinus urogenitalis in the outer genitals of dog described above, where the vagina and the urethra run together, can be identified with the human vestibulum vaginae in nature, the sensory innervation of these parts of dog is not much different from that in man. As in man, the vagina proper in dog is not sensorily innervated, but in its distal part, we see some sensory fibres from the n. perinealis running in and the sinus urogenitalis is somewhat richer in sensory innervation.
    The sensory terminations in the distal part of the vagina are larger in number and generally more complex in structure in dog than in man. In the propria there, beside unbranched and branched terminations, a small number of glomerular terminations, either capsulated or not, are found in existence, and unbranched and branched terminations are formed also in the epithelium. Further, a comparatively large number of peculiar branched terminations are found in the smooth muscle layer lining the inside of the striated muscle layer. Complex ones of these peculiar terminations are observed in a rather large quantity also in the smooth muscle layer of the urethra adjacent to the vagina proper.
    In the proximal portion of the sinus urogenitalis we find sensory terminations approximately identical with those in the distal part of the vagina in existence, but in the middle one-third of the sinus, beside the various types of terminations above
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  • Yoshiaki TOKUMITSU
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 123-140
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The courses run by the nerves distributed in the dental pulp and the peridental membrane in dog are little different from those in man.
    The distribution of the sensory terminations found in a number in the peridental membrane, however, is somewhat different from man (YAMAZAKI) to dog. In dog, they show little dissimilarity by position but are proportionate in size and structure to the development of the membrane. Thus, around the roots of the canines and the incisors, where the membrane is well developed, the sensory terminations are also well developed, but in the membrane around the premolars and the molars, they are much poorer in development.
    The sensory terminations found in the peridental membrane represent a quite unique type not to be found in any other place of the body.
    These terminations comprise simple and complex branched types and as their specific characteristics, we may mention that their nerve elements show abrupt change in size in their courses, that the terminal fibres show widely varied terminal modes and that the general outlines of these terminations are also much diversified. Such peculiarities are common to those in man, as reported by YAMAZAKI. In dog, however, the development of these terminations is inferior to that in man. This finding is in agreement with the results of many past studies in this laboratory, and is one of the proofs that show the highest perfection of sensory terminations in the human body.
    So, no such terminations showing a high degree of differentiation, as the glomerular terminations and specific terminations (YAMAZAKI), reported as forthcoming in the human peridental membrane, were found in that of dog.
    In this membrane, fibres were often found to ramify several times without losing their myelin. This shows that single sensory fibres can end in plural endings.
    Sometimes in simple branched terminations their nerve branches are found to end in a few very fien short terminal fibres. Some of the terminations may also consist of nerve branches showing frequent changes in size, and of terminal fibres ending in club-like, brush-like or blunt tips. The general form of such simple branched terminations is always quite non-typical.
    Of the complex branched terminations, the classification into typical forms is somewhat more feasible. For example, we often find terminations formed by stem fibres sending out many primary and secondary branches at frequent intervals in their courses and in general outline arranged in arborized form. In many cases, the branches in such terminations are slender at their origine but abruptly gain in size later on, and their terminal fibres end in very fine size in sharp points. Complex branched terminations formed by thick nerve fibres showing frequent changes in size are also not rarely found. The terminal fibres of these terminations also frequently show changes in size and their ends are in various forms. The arrangement of the nerve fibres is always irregular, sometimes to a mild extent, but otherwise also to total amorphousness.
    In the pulp of dog, no such glomerular and perivascular terminations as found in the human pulp are to be found. The sensory fibres there come beneath the odontoblast layer and losing their myelin, end in branched terminations. Their terminal fibres are as fine as in the human counterpart and end sharply. A part of the terminal fibres run further into the odontoblast layer. A part of the sensory fibres, upon losing their myelin, run directly into the odontoblast layer and in similar branched terminations. The terminal fibres of these terminations run between or through the odontoblasts to the margin of the odontoblast layer but never go further into the predentine.
    The periosteum lining the outer surface of the alveoli of dog is also provided with sensoy terminations, though in a limited quantity.
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  • Kiichi SUWA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 141-164
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Es wurde der Einfluß der hochfrequenten Schallwellen auf die Ergebnisse der Versilberung nach der BIELSCHOWSKYschen Pyridin-Stücksilbermethode und Schnittsilbermethode, der PAPschen Silbermethode, der modifizierten GOLGImethode (Bichromo-Formalin-Methode) und der Silbermethode nach RIO-HORTEGA zur Darstellung der Oligodendroglia an den Geweben von Hirn, Leber und Mesenterium des Kaninchens untersucht.
    1. Die Imprägnierbarkeit mit Silber der Neurofibrillen und ihrer Bündel im Groß- und Kleinhirn und der marklosen peripheren Nervenfasern im Mesenterium nach der BIELSCHOWSKYschen Pyridin-Stücksilbermethode wird nach jeder Länge der Fxierung durch kurze Beschallung vermehrt, durch lange aber vermindert. Nach langer Fixierung wird die Imprägnierbarkeit durch den Ultraschall nur in geringem Grade abgeändert. Die dünnen Neurofibrillen in der Hirnrinde werden der Veränderung leichter unterworfen als dicke Achsenzylinder im Mark.
    2. Die Imprägnierbarkeit der Gitterfasern in der Leber nach der PAPschen Silbermethode wird nach der Beschallung immer verstärkt. Nach langer Beschallung werden feine Gitterfasern zergebrochen.
    3. Nach kurzer Fixierung des Gehirnstückes wird die Imprägnierung der Zellen nach der modifizierten GOLGImethode (Bichromo Formalin-Methode) durch den Ultraschall derart beeinflußt, daß neben den sonst geschwärzt erscheinenden Nervenzellen noch zahlreiche kleine Gliazellen auftreten. Nach längerer Fixierung werden durch die Beschallung die Nervenzellen ohne Fortsätze in grösserer Zahl geschwärzt.
    4. Nach einer langen Beschallung treten die nach der Silbermethode von RIO-HORTEGA zur Darstellung der Oligodendroglia erscheinenden Zellen fast nicht mehr auf, statt dessen schwärzen sich der Zelleib und Kern der Nervenzellen und Mikroglia, die von dichter Strukturdichte sind, stark. Nach langer Fixierung wird aber die Versilberbarkeit der Zellen durch Beschallung kaum verändert.
    5. Nach der modifizierten RIO-HORTEGAschen Silbermethode zur Oligodendrogliadarstellung, wonach man Gewebsstückchen in eine Bromammoniumlösung und Gefrierschnitte in eine Bromammoniumlösung hineinkommen läßt, werden an kurz fixiertem Material normalerweise die Mikroglia geschwärzt, aber fast keine Nervenzellen und Makroglia. Nach einer Beschallung aber werden auch die letzteren geschwärzt. An länger fixiertem Material hat aber die Beschallung fast keine solche Wirkung.
    6. Alles in allem scheinen die Abänderungen der Imprägnierbarkeit mit Silber von verschiedenen fixierten Gewebselementen durch die hochfrequenten Schallwellen großenteils auf der Auflockerung ihrer ultrastrukturellen Gefüge und also auf der Erweiterung der Gefügelücken zu beruhen, zum Teil aber auch auf dem Freiwerden von maskierten Lipoiden, welche stark reduzierend wirken.
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    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 165-171
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
  • Yoshiaki TOKUMITSU, Kiyonobu AIBA, Teruo TAKAHASHI, Toshiaki TOYOTA
    1956 Volume 10 Issue 1 Pages 173-180
    Published: March 20, 1956
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    The gum of dog is rather rich in sensory fibres, which are, however, poorer in development than those in the human gum. Most of their terminations are formed in the papillae, but some are also found in extrapapillar and intraepithelial positions.
    The extrapapillary terminations comprise simple arborized and simple ansiformed ones, but in the papillae we find only simple ansiformed and simple ball-formed terminations on rare occasions, beside tho simple branched and unbranched terminations, but never such rather complex glomerular terminations as found in the human gum.
    The intraepithelial terminations also can be classified into the unbranched and the simple branched types. These terminations consist of thin, smooth-surfaced fibres, which either run toward the superficial layer or only within the basal layer of the epithelium, to end in sharp points.
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