Online ISSN : 2423-9283
Print ISSN : 0038-0113
ISSN-L : 0038-0113
Volume 59, Issue 6
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Hiroyuki HOKARI
    Article type: Article
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 725-756,860
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
    In this article, I will analyze the unique philantropic activities of guilds formed by people with the same regional origins, and examine the mechanism of native-place ties in modern China. In late imperial times, urban migration patterns produced organizations of urban dwellers founded on the basis of common geographical origins. These guilds kept the remains of people from the same place and managed the process of "sending coffins back to their native places"(運棺). In late Qing Shanghai, many factors of modernization led to the dilution of native-place feelings, while new sophisticated regional associations were founded. The economic and political functions of such guilds were gradually assumed by modrn organizations such as chambers of commerce. But Ningpo guilds, owing to the progress of steamships and to their strong conhesiveness. instead developed specific philantropic activities, mainily coffin sending. For Ningpo merchants, native-place ties served as a basis for the recruitment of labor. Siming-gongsuo was the main channel through which Ningpo people entered Shanghai, and through wich their remains were sent badk after their death. The native-place network gave them the assurance of daily life before and after their death. This helped to sustain native-place consciousness, developed the links between Ningpo merchants and their places of origin, and even enabled Ningpo merchants to control Shanghai's finacial affairs. It can be said that this network was chracteristic of Chinese merchants culture.
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  • Hideaki KIKUCHI
    Article type: Article
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 757-785,859
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
    This study is based on new materials obtained during field research at Jiangkou Zhen(江口鎮), situated near the homeland of the Taiping, on several visits between the years 1987 and 1993. Up until now, a lack of information has made it difficult to study the history of Guangxi society and the early days of the Taiping. The aim of this article is to ascertain the histroical and socio-anthropological features of the social networks formed by the newly-risen lineage groups which migrated there. The migration of these lineage groups to Jiangkou started in the 15th century, before the beginning of Chinese migration to Jintian(金田). Many from Minnan(〓南). They were unsuccessful at first because, unlike the bureaucratic immigrants to Jintian, they lacked political power. The reason for their eventual economic success was their pattern of action, known as wen^2 xig^6(〓食) in Cantonese, according to which they pursued several different occupations at the same time in order to increase the possibility of success, while reducing the danger of complete failure. This pattern of wen^2 xig^6 was and important feature of Chinese society, especially amongy middle and low class migrants in frontier areas. After achieving economic success, they tried to join the Kuji(客籍) elite group of bureaucratic immigrant lineages. But many of the newly-lineage groups failed,because their lineage organizations were not sufficieytly cohesive. As a result, some low class members took part in the Taiping movement as a form of wen^2 xig^6. The upper and middle class members formed social networks, such as Miaohui(廟会) and Jiebaixiongdi(結〓兄弟), with corresponding class members of other lineages in order to empete against the political powar of the Kuji elite group. The period of the Taiping movement offered them a favourable opportunity for political success. They organized Tuanlian(團練), using thier economic power freely and fighting against the Taiping, and obtained the political position they had been seeking, although at the sacrifice of their fellaw members bho died in battle. To the Chinese people, a man's life was not meaningful until his lineage prospered so that religious services for the ancestors could be performed by the following generations.
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  • Chiyang LIAO
    Article type: Article
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 786-816,858
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
    Dans cet article, nous avons voulu mettre en evidence certains aspects du reseau commercial chinois dans la premiere moitie du 20e siecle, en nous basant sur la correspondance commerciale et les documents comtables de la societe de commerce Chionoise Tai-yi, et en focalisant sur les relations de cette compagnie avec Xiamen. La compagnie Tai-yi, fondee a Nagasaki par un Chinois originaire du Fujian dans la deuxieme moitie du 19e siecle, conduit, jusque vers les annees 1950, un commerce prospere le long du littoral depuis la Coree jusqu'en Asie du Sud-Est. A travers cette etude, nous avons pu demontrer les trois points suivants: le reseau commercial, constitue sur une longue periode par les commercants chinois d'Outre-mer, fonctionne toujours au 20e siecle; la compagnie Tai-yi entretient avec ses partenaires commerciaux une activite traditionanelle dans les limites de l'Asie et enfin, elle ne traite aucune affaire avec des Occidentaux. A partir de ces faits, nous estimons que la recherche sur l'histoire moderne du commerce en Asie du Sud-Est developpe une vision incomplete du role des commercants chinois d'Outer-mer en negligeant l'existence et la fonction de leur reseau autonome et en ne considerant leur activite qu'en relation avec les Occidentaux. Leur role est donc a reconsiderer dans le contexte du developpement continu et autonome de l'histoire de l'Asie.
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  • Shinsuke HOSODA
    Article type: Article
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 817-846,857
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
    In den bisherigen Forschungen zur Geschichte Obershlesiens im 19. Jahrgundert wurde nicth genugende Aufmerksamkeit dem Problem der Arbeitsverhaltnisse in der Montanindustrie geschenkt. Gegenstand dieses Artikels bildet die Lage der Arbeiter im Steinkohlenberbau des Furstentums PleB, das in Oberschlesien zu den groBten Magnatentumer gehorte. Beginnend vom Jahre 1847, in dem Familie HOCHBERG das Furstentum ubernahm, erfolgte die bedeutende Steigerung der Kohlenforderung. Dies spiegelte sich im Zuwachs der Belegschaftsstarke wider. Im Vergleich mit der Mitte der 50er Jahren wird uberdies am Anfang der 70er Jahren eine weit regelmaBigere Einfahrt der Arbeiter festgestellt. Ihre Hauptusache sucht der Autor in den folgenden Veranderungen der Arbeitsverhaltnisse im Betriebe. In diesem Hinsicht laBt sich der untersuchte Zeitabschitt in drei Epochen teilen. In der ersten Epoche kennzeichnete sich die Neigung der Arbeiter durch "Fluktuation" und "Absenz". Verbunden war das mit der starken Mobilitmat sowie der Feldarbeit der Arbeiter, die meistenteils aus der unteren Dorfbevolkerung(wo das polnische Element uberwog) rekrutiert wurden. An der Arbeitsstelle der Gruben ging andererseits das An-und Ablegen der Arbeiter "ganz willkurlich" von dem Steiger aus. Mit der Bekanntmachung des Strafreglements(1861) begann dann die zweite Epoche, in der man versuchte, die Arbeiter einer geregelten Disziplin zuganglich zu machen. In der dritten Epoche-nach der Einfuhrung der Arbeitsordnung(1869)-verstarkte sich die Uberwachung sowohl der Arbeiter als auch der Grubenbeamten, was zugleiech eine Beschrankung der bisher dem Steiger zustehenden Befugnisse zur Folge hatte, Damit stellten sich die DisziplinierungsmaBnahmen her, die zur Herausbildung der standigen Arbeitskrafte beitragen konnten. Den ProzeB dieser Veranderungen analysiert der Autor mit Rucksicht auf die konkreten Einwirkungen der preuBischen Gesetzgebung in den 50er und 60er Jahren, die das "Direktionsprinzip" des Oberbergamtes aufhob und den Arbeitsgebern den "freien Arbeitsvertrag" ubertrug.
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  • Article type: Bibliography
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 857-860
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
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  • Article type: Index
    1994 Volume 59 Issue 6 Pages 861-866
    Published: March 25, 1994
    Released on J-STAGE: July 01, 2017
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