Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
Volume 24, Issue 1
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Haruko AMANO, Minoru AMANO, Kazuyuki ASANO, Bunsuke OSOGOE
    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Using the substrate film method of DAOUST (1957), the DNAase activity in the mesenteric lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, bone marrow and lung of normal male Wistar rats, weighing about 200g, has been studied, in comparsion with the degree of activity of this enzyme in the liver.
    In the mesenteric lymph nodes and the thymus, there is a very low activity of DNAase in both the cortex and the medulla; and contrary to expectation, no higher activity was demonstrated in the pale-staining centers of the secondary nodules, which are considered to be the main sites of production and destruction of lymphocytes. Also, almost no activity was found in the white pulp of the spleen; whereas the splenic red pulp, particularly the BILLROTH's cords, definitely showed a high activity of DNAase, exceeding that in the liver. Moderate DNAase activity, similar to that in the liver, was also seen in the bone marrow as well as in the lung.
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  • Yasunobu SUZUKI, Akira WATANABE, Mitsuhiro OSADA
    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 9-33
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Although several kinds of electron-microscopic studies have so far been made on various ganglion cells, it seems that concerning spiral ganglion cells there has been only one brief report of YAMAMOTO et al. (1963). The present study was made on the spiral ganglion cells of matured guinea-pig which are used most frequently for our experimental researches. At the same time rabbit's spiral ganglion cells were observed, too.
    Material and methods: Fifteen healthy matured guinea-pigs and four healthy rabbits were etherized. Modioli previously taken after destroying osseus labyrinth were fixed in LEVI's solution, REGAUD's solution and formol-alcohol. For the study of the GOLGI apparatus, KOLATCHEV's method was adopted. Decalcification was performed in the 5% trichloracetic acid about 5 days and 3 to 4μ paraffined serial sections were made after dehydration. For the electron-microscopy, modioli were fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide adjusted to pH 7.4 with phosphate buffer, dehydrated through a series of alcohol, and then embedded in styrene and n-butyl methacrylate (1:1), epon and new epoxy resine‘Epok 533’recommended by KUSHIDA. Thin sections were cut on a PORTER-BLUM microtome with glass knives, stained with uranyl acetate, and examined in a HITACHI's HU-10 electron microscope and a NIPPON DENSHI's JEMT-6 electron microscope at magnification of 1, 000-10, 000.
    1. The spiral ganglion consists of comparatively light bipolar nerve cells which are almost of the same size. The nucleus is round or oval in shape and is sometimes located to one side in the cells. It contains one or several nucleoli which are often found closely attached to the nuclear membrane. Occasionally a small number of comparatively dark cells are recognized. They have many small vacuoles, their cytoplasm has got dark stained and their nucleus has often become atrophic. This fact, however, is considered to be an indication of one stage of the above-mentioned nerve cell function.
    A great number of filamentous and bacilliform mitochondria are recognized scatteringly and a comparatively simply formed GOLGI apparatus is found around nucleus. NISSL substances are often observed diffusely in the cytoplasm. In spiral ganglion nerve cell, somewhat light yellowed gross pigment granules are often recognized. They are of more or less angular pseudomorph and not homogeneous, and there are some of their portions which are blackened by the fixative which contains OsO4. Furthermore occasions not frequently arise when several pigment granules are placed in the form of‘rosette’on one side in the cell. In fact, they are well stained with iron-hematoxylin, slightly stained with azocarmine and positive to PAS reaction. Besides this gross pigment granules, many small pigment granules which are positive to PAS reaction are found plentfully in the cytoplasm. It is often difficult to distinguish themselves from mitochondria as they are so well stained to the iron-hematoxylin.
    The spiral ganglion cell is called‘markhaltige Ganglienzellen’(SCHARF 1958) and its cell body is covered with myelin sheath. In many cases, only one satellite cell envelops around a nerve cell body in a section.
    2. Electron microscopic study was made on the above-mentioned nerve cell and the following results were obtained.
    a) No remarkable density difference is observed between the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the spiral ganglion cell, which is different from the spinal ganglion cell (KUROSUMI and AKIYAMA 1958). Nuclear membrane pores are confirmed on the nuclear membrane. Very often the outer membrane of the nucleus swells into cytoplasm. The nucleolus chiefly consists of nucleolonema and often finds itself close to the nuclear membrane. Besides, chromatin aggregates are seen in the nucleus.
    GOLGI apparatus consists of vesicles, vacuoles and lamellae, and quite often vacuoles and lamellae grow much larger.
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    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 35-40
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Die kollagenen Mikrofibrillen der Schwanzsehne der Ratte wurden mit Phosphorwolframsäure und Uranylacetat bei variiertem pH gefärbt, und die Elektronenbilder ihrer Querstreifungen vergleichend beobachtet.
    Die Einwirkung von PWS bei pH 2.6 erzeugt das typische Anfärbungsbild der periodischen Querstreifungen. In der Stelle der δ-Scheibe des D-Teils im Osmiumbild tritt ein Band von etwa 10mμ Breite auf, welches aus zwei schattendichten Streifen von 2-3mμ und ein hellem Zwischenband von 5mμ besteht. In der Mitte des H-Teils zeigt sich ein Dublette erscheint. Genauer kann man in einer Makroperiode schattendichte a-, b-, c-, d-, e1- und e2-Band unterscheiden; ihre Schatterdichtigkeit nimmt in der folgenden Reihenfolge ab: a, b, c, d, e1, e2>a-b, c-d>e1-e2, b-c≥d-e1, e2-a. Wenn man die kollagenen Fibrillen mit der PWS-Lösung von pH 7, 3 oder mit der Uranylacetatlösung von pH 3.0 färbt, wird die Struktur der Mikrofibrillen nicht so präzis dargestellt wie bei der Behandlung mit der PWS-Lösung von pH 2.6.
    Bei der Uranylacetatanwendung bei pH 4.5 bekommt man ein typisches Uranylmuster der Mikrofibrillen, in welchem zwei Dubletten innerhalb des D-Teils und eine Dublette im H-Teil sichtbar werden. Diese Dubletten und die Zwischenbänder sind aber nicht so deutlich dargestellt wie im Fall der PWS-Anwendung bei pH 2.6.
    Die Kontrastverbesserung mit PWS bei pH 2.6 ist vielleicht hauptsächlich die Folge der polaren Adsorption der PW-Komplexanionen an den Seitenketten der Kollagenmakromoleküle von entgegengesetzter Ladung. Es ist anzunehmen, daß bei der Anwendung von Uranylacetat bei pH 4.5 die Uranylkationen leicht die molekularen Gefügelücken der Mikrofibrillen durchtränken, aber bei der nachfolgenden Auswaschung wieder leicht aus der meisten Gefügelücken abgegeben werden.
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    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 41-76
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Bei den ein ganzes Jahr hindurch monatlich angesammelten, ausgewachsenen Kroten (Bufo vulgaris formosus, _??_) wurden die LANGERHANSschen Inseln des Pankreas histologisch und cytologisch eingehend studiert. Die Gewebsstücke aus den Bauchspeicheldrüsen wurden hauptsächlich mit LEVIschem Osmiumgemisch fixiert, und die Paraffinschnitte wurden mit Azan, Chromalaunhämatoxylin-Phloxin (CHP), Aldehydfuchsin-Lichtgrün-Orange G, Eisenhämatoxylin (HEIDENHAIN) und Perjodsäure-SCHIFFsche Reaktion (PAS) gefärbt.
    1. Die Hauptmasse der großen und mittelgroßen Inseln wird gewöhnlich von den B-Zellen eingenommen. Sie bilden häufig quergestreckt und einreihig dicht angeordnet lange gewundene Zellstränge, welche sich zu einem Knäuel zusammenballen. Die B-Zellenstränge sind je von einer dünnen, Blutkapillären führenden Bindegewebsmembran begrenzt. So entsprechen sie wahrscheinlich den exokrinen tubulösen Endstükken des Pankreas und der Membrana propria der letzteren. In der peripheren Zone der Inseln kommen in der Regel A-Zellen in wechselnder Menge vor. Sie finden sich in den benachbarten Endstücken, bilden die Schalen, die unvollkommen das Knäuel der B-Zellenstränge umgeben. Im zentralen Abschnitte der Inseln findet man niemals A-Zellen. Eine einzelne Insel von außen als eine das Ganze umschließende Faserkapsel ist nicht vorhanden.
    Die kleine Inseln sind nichts anders als kleine Inselzellengruppen in den exokrinen Endstücken; bei ihnen bilden die B-Zellen ebenfalls die zentrale Hauptmasse und die A-Zellen befinden sich in kleiner Zahl in der peripheren Zone. Zwischen diesen kleinen Inseln und den exokrinen Pankreaszellen kommen weder Grenzmembran noch Blutkapillaren vor.
    Es gehört zur auffallenden morphologischen Besonderheit der Inseln bei der Kröte, daß außer den oben geschilderten verschiedengroßen Inseln viele A-Zellen einzeln oder reine A-Zellenkomplexe bildend innerhalb der Endstücke vorkommen, welche keine B-Zellen begleiten. Die zwischen exokrinen Pankreaszellen einzeln vorhandenen A-Zellen sind in der Regel groß und liegen mit einer Fläche auf der Membrana propria des Endstückes an. Die reinen A-Zellenkomplexe sind wechselnd groß; die großen lassen sich in ihrer Größe mit den mittelgroßen Inseln vergleichen. Sie sind von dem exokrinen Gewebe durch eine Grenzmembrane nicht getrennt und mit besonderen Blutkapillaren nicht versorgt. Bei den kleinen A-Zellenkomplexen sind die A-Zellen groß, aber bei den größeren klein. Im allgemeinen zeigen A-Zellen keine besondere innige Beziehung zu den Blutkapillaren.
    2. Wenn wir von dem größten Ausführungsgang mit einem Flimmerepithel absehen, führen verschieden große Ausführungsgänge einschließlich der Schaltstücke in ihrer Wand verhältnismäßig viele Inselzellen einzeln und gruppenweise. Sie lassen sich nach der Lokalisation in der Wand des Ausführungsgangs in folgende drei Klassen einteilen: a) Inselzellen innerhalb des Basalteils des Epithels, b) Inselzellen, die von der Basalfläche des Epithels nach außen ins Bindegewebe in wechse lndem Grade vorspringen, einschließlich der Inselzellensproße, und c) Inselzellen, die direkt unnerhalb des Epithels in eigener Bindegewebsschicht des Ausführungsgangs eine von Epithel abgetrennte, selbständige Insel bilden. Diese wahrscheinlich von dem Epithel des Ausführungsgangs entwickelten Inselzellen sind zum größten Teil A-Zellen; die größeren Inseln in der Bindegewebsschicht bestehen oft aus A- und B- Zellen.
    3. Bei der Kröte lassen sich drei Arten lnselzellen, A-, B- und D-Zellen unterscheiden; D-Zellen werden am wenigsten angetroffen; ihr Vorkommen ist unbestimmt
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  • Hisao FUJITA, Mitsuo MACHINO, Toshiaki TOKURA
    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 77-89
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Normal adrenal cortical cells of embryos and young chicks of White-Leghorn domestic fowl were examined with the electron microscope.
    1, Though most mitochondrial crests are not laminar but villous or tubular and are arranged irregularly in the cortical cell, some crests are parallel with one another in a few mitochondria, and long circinate tubular crests were rarely found. A few vacuolated mitochondria were found in the cortical cells of some normal embryos and chicks.
    2. Mitochondrial dividings were noticed in a fairly large number in the cortical cell of the embryos and young chicks.
    3. Moderately dense substances were observed in a few cytoplasmic vacuoles (endoplasmic reticulum) of the cortical cells in the young chick, Relationships among secretory substances, cytoplasmic vacuoles and mitochondria were discussed. We assume that the lipid implicated in cortical hormone is produced in the cytoplasmic vacuole with the aid of mitochondria.
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  • Mitsuhiro OSADA
    1963 Volume 24 Issue 1 Pages 91-111
    Published: October 20, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    So far many kinds of light microscopic and electron microscopic studies of ciliated epithelium of various animals have been made, but researches on the human tracheal epithelium in the electron microscope are very few, and only one brief report of RHODIN (1959) is known to us. In the present study the materials were obtained from men of 45 and 54 years and women of 42 and 59 years on the opportunity of the operation of tracheotomy and laryngectomy. The materials were fixed in osmium tetroxide adjusted to pH 7.4 with veronal acetate buffer and embedded in styrene and n-butyl methacrylate or in epon. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate, and examined in the electron microscope at magnification of 1, 000-10, 000.
    1. The structure of the ciliated cells of the human trachea is generally such as ever been written in other organs. Through careful observation, however, it has been confirmed that the limiting membrane of the cilia occasionally consists of two layers. In the cilia interior are seen 9 pairs of peripheral axial filaments and one pair of central axial filaments, the latter being enclosed by one-layer membrane. The basal corpuscle of the cilium is made up of fused peripheral axial filaments and its interior, the latter possessing a small round or egg-shaped shell. The root of the cilium from the ringshaped side wall of basal corpuscle shows a periodic structure with a period of 60mμ. In each period, i. e. between the two dense bands a thinner dense interband is found.
    2. Generally microvilli develop well. They branch sometimes. Their tips often swell. Sometimes pinocytotic vesicles are seen in the microvilli. GOLGI apparatus is located on the upper side of the nucleus, and is composed of GOLGI membranes, vesicles and on some occasions vacuoles. Mitochondoria, which are round or bacilliform, sometimes branched, with cristae mitochodriales are disposed to gather under the cilia, but never touch their basal part. So-called‘hypobasale hyaline Zone’reported by HIOKI under the light microscope could not be confirmed in the present study. Occasions sometimes arise when the mitochondria are swollen and the cristae mitochondriales are dispersed, and small high electron dense granula occupy their interior. It is considered that it depends on the functional stages of the cell. Moreover many small vesicles are observed scatteringly in the cytoplasm and many multivesicular bodies are recognized above the nucleus.
    3. Coarse granules of high electron density present in the cytoplasm and are classified into 2 kinds. 1. round or oval-formed comparatively clear granules with a limiting membrane and of high electron dense homogeneous ground substance. In the interior of this granule, high electron dense small granules of various size which are adjacent to the inside of the limiting membrane, are frequently observed. Probably electron density of the granule grows higher with the increase of the small granules in number. 2. round granules of concentric lamellar structure. They are seen numerous near the GOLGI apparatus. It is to be considered that some of the GOLGI vesicles gradually increase their electron density and at the same time show concentric lamellar structure in the interior, during which high electron dense substance deposits itself in the lamellar structure, and finally these granules change into a high electron dense granules without structure. But the reverse case may be taken into consideration with regard to the process of formation of the above mentioned granules. Furthermore, near the granules, rough surfaced endoplasmic reticula and RNA granules are seen. To what extent these bodies have to do with the process of granule formation is unknown.
    4. There were findings which are in favour of HIOKI's ones under the light microscope concerning the transformation of the ciliated cell of the trachea to the goblet cell in man.
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