The Nishinihon Journal of Dermatology
Online ISSN : 1880-4047
Print ISSN : 0386-9784
ISSN-L : 0386-9784
Volume 68, Issue 2
Displaying 1-18 of 18 articles from this issue
Color Atlas
Mini Review
Clinical Case Reports
  • Yukie WATANABE, Akimichi MORITA
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 138-141
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    A 62-year-old female with dermatomyositis (DM) is presented. She developed erythema on the face, neck and hands in February 1991 and visited Nagoya City University Hospital for medical examinations. She had the typical clinical, cutaneous, and muscular features of DM with serological tests positive for toxoplasmosis (TP). Acetylspiramysin and sulfonamide for TP did not decrease the level of anti-toxoplasma antibody. However, symptoms of DM were successfully treated with prednisolone, and the antibody level gradually decreased. The clinical interpretation of the antibody is discussed in relation to DM. TP should be considered in a patient with DM. It is recommended that patients with DM should be serologically studied for anti-toxoplasma antibody.
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  • Yumiko TAKAHATA, Miho UCHIHIRA, Michiya YAMAGUCHI, Hirotaka DEGUCHI, Y ...
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 142-145
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    Neurofibromatosis associated with intrathoracic meningocele is a comparative rarity. We describe this condition focusing on a skeletal anomaly such as scoliosis, which is often associated with neurofibromatosis 1. A 54-year-old Japanese woman presented with a 1-year history of a rapidly enlarging skin tumor on her back. She had had multiple neurofibromas and café au lait spots over the entire body since infancy. Her mother and one of her sisters also had such skin lesions. A plain chest radiograph revealed a large round homogenous mass in the left lower posterior mediastinum. Chest computed tomography revealed a cystic outpouching from the intervertebral foramen, suggesting a meningocele. Together with findings of thoracentesis, we diagnosed the mass as a meningocele. Neurofibromatosis 1 tends to be complicated by an abnormality of vertebrae, which can produce an intrathoracic meningocele as a result of either pressure against adjacent organs or traction on the meninx. In the present case, the site of the meningocele was clearly consistent with the scoliotic vertebrae. When we treat patients with neurofibromatosis 1, we should carefully determine whether the case is complicated by a vertebral anomaly. If scoliosis or kyphosis is noted, we should consider the possibility of a meningocele.
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  • Kazue NISHIOKA, Hiroaki TAKAHATA, Noriko OBUCHI
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 146-149
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    We report a 17-month-old boy with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome associated with a disseminated intravascular coagulopathy who was successfully treated through use of an elastic stocking. Giant hemangiomas of the bilateral lower limbs, genitalia and buttocks had been noted at birth and had been complicated by portosystemic venous shunt. Dye-laser therapy was not very effective, and when he began to walk, the hemangioma on the left lower limb rapidly enlarged. The child was admitted to our hospital because of bleeding from the hemangioma of 2 weeks' duration. After a poor response to corticosteroid therapy (3∼0.5 mg/kg/day, two months), radiotherapy (1 Gy/day, 8 times) and treatment with interferon alpha (50-140 million units/day, 18 times), we tried compression treatment with taping. Within 4 days laboratory findings indicated a response to this strategy. Therefore we continued compression therapy using a tailor-made elastic stocking, which led to tumour regression and to resolution of the disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.
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  • Emiko AKASAKA, Yukinori OHTA, Tomotaka MABUCHI, Kenichi IWASHITA, Yosh ...
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 150-153
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    A 46-year-old female with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura had a 1-year history of lesions on the trunk and the lower part of the legs. Skin lesions consisted of purpuric, reddish, thumb-nail sized, slightly elevated plaque with deep-seated pustules. The biopsied specimen revealed an infiltrated neutrophilic abscess located in the mid-dermis surrounded by macrophages that was revealed to be aseptic by bacterial culture. These findings were compatible with the diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) of the vegetative type. Because of the high incidence of an association of this skin disease with many systemic or malignant diseases, myelodysplastic syndrome was diagnosed from bonemarrow findings. Here, we report a case of PG (vegetative type) and reviewed 36 reported Japanese PG cases with MDS. In our study, although systemic complications were thought to be rare in vegetative type PG, approximately 14% of PG patients with MDS had skin alterations similar to those in our case.
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  • Akiko NIITANI, Emi YOSHITOMI, Akiko YAMADA, Kaori KASHINO, Toshihisa H ...
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 154-157
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    Case 1 was a 79-year-old Japanese female who noticed a dome-shaped tumor that had developed rapidly on the right cheek. She had a metastatic submental lymph node. Case 2 was a 66-year-old Japanese female who noticed a nodule that was enlarging progressively on the left cheek. Histopathologically, malignant lymphoma was suspected. However, immunohistologically, positivity for cytokeratin 20 revealed Merkel cell carcinoma. Radiation therapy was successful, with no other therapy administered.
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  • Mami KOMESU, Kyoko KAWASAKI, Yuko HANNITA, Motoyoshi MARUNO, Hiroshi U ...
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 158-161
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    We report a 71-years-old female patient diagnosed as malignant haemangioendothelioma, presented with purpuric skin lesions at first on her left side of scalp, later on tumor was started to appear since May, 2000. This patient was received both topical and systemic administration of IL-2 (interleukin-2) along with simultaneous radiotherapy since July 2000. After initiation of therapy, tumoral growth became sometime diminished, but purpuric skin lesions of the patient became more aggressive. She developed thrombocytopenia without any signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). All medications were discontinued for remission of thrombocytopenia but it was persisted without splenomegaly, and absence of antibody against thrombocytes. The patient's purpuric skin lesions became progressive. We speculated that the etiology of persistent thrombocytopenia of this case might be related with excessive local supply of thrombocytes in the progressive tumoral skin lesions. As a consequence of the disease progression with other complications such as metastasis to bone and lung, pneumo-hemothorax and DIC, the patient deceased at about five months after treatment.
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  • Kotaro ITO, Yumiko KUBOTA, Minao FURUMURA, Juichiro NAKAYAMA
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 162-166
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    A 62-year-old woman presented in December 2003 with high-grade fever, general fatigue and erythema with itching on the whole body that had begun in November, 2003. She was diagnosed as having adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) based on peripheral leukocytosis including atypical lymphocytes, anti HTLV-1 antibody and hypercalcemia in her serum and high accumulation of gallium citrate in bilateral lungs by gallium scintigraphy. She was hospitalized at our hematology department. At presentation in December 2003, she had many papules and indurated erythemas with itching over the entire body. A skin biopsy taken from the erythema of the anterior chest showed infiltrations of atypical lymphocytes around the vessels in the upper dermis. She was treated with several courses of chemotherapy. After early courses of treatment, a complete remission was achieved, but then the disease recurred. Despite intensive chemotherapy, the patient died 10 months after onset of invasion of ATLL cells into the bone marrow. In our case, skin eruption preceded each recurrence of ATLL and each episode indicated the need for treatment. Histopathologically, the infiltration of atypical lymphocytes in the dermis became deeper with recurrence.
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  • Takuya INOUE, Hanako SEKIYAMA, Noriyuki MISAGO
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 167-170
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    We report a 73-year-old male presenting with a dome-shaped elevated lesion on his buttock. The lesion was a subcutaneous tumor with a maximal diameter of 7.5cm. The lesion was resected with 2cm in the horizontal margin and with some muscle in the vertical margin. Histopathologically, the tumor consisted mainly of sheets of atypical cells with clear cytoplasm and distinct cell borders. Moreover, prominent areas with large pleomorphic giant cells or spindle-shaped cells were intermingled in this tumor. A small number of these cells were positive for oil red O staining. However, we detected lipid droplets in the cells by electron microscopy. Based on these findings, the final diagnosis was pleomorphic liposarcoma. We also discussed the epithelioid variant of pleomorphic liposarcoma suggested by Miettinen and Enzinger.
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  • Fusako OKAZAKI, Kenzo ARAKAWA, Michiyo KUYAMA, Toshiki MASUDA, Yasumas ...
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 171-174
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    A 32-year-old woman presented with a one-year history of a left cheek subcutaneous nodule. CT, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography revealed a subcutaneous tumor in the levator labii superioris muscle. The tumor was surgically excised. Histological findings showed intramuscular capillary proliferation with few mitoses. Intramuscular hemangioma is an uncommon type of hemangioma, we report this case and review the literature concerning the diagnosis.
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  • Tetsuo SHUKUWA, Hiroshi ISHIKAWA, Shinichi SATO
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 175-178
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    For preparation of therapeutic guidelines for MRSA contagious impetigo, bacteriological cultures of exudate and clinical studies were performed in our department on 25 patients, aged 9 mo to 11 y, with contagious impetigo from July 2003 to February 2004. The therapeutic efficacy of oral administration of antibiotics was also compared between CFDN (10 mg/kg/d) and MINO (3 mg/kg/d). MRSA alone was isolated in 12 out of the 25 cases, although both MRSA and β-streptococcus were isolated in one case. MSSA was isolated from the remaining 12 patients. The susceptibility ratio to MPIPC, CEZ, CTM, CFDN, FMOX and IPM was 0% with MRSA impetigo, and was 91.6-100% with MSSA impetigo. On the other hand, the ratio was 100% with MINO, VCM, and ST, and was less than 20% with PCG, ABPC and GM. MINO was effective in 7 of 8 MRSA impetigeous patients. CFDN was effective on 2 of 4 MRSA impetigo cases, and the remaining 2 cases were cured by MINO. MINO and CFDN, respectively, were administered to 6 MSSA impetigo patients, and each agent was effective in 5 of 6 of these patients. Two of the 16 patients who were given MINO had nausea and diarrhea. Oral administration of CFDN may be the first choice of treatment for contagious MSSA impetigo, and MINO might be the second choice, in cases where there is little improvement in skin lesions and the possibility of MRSA impetigo exists.
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  • Akihiro WATANABE
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 179-184
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    Pulse therapy using 3 cycles of 400mg itoraconazole (ITCZ) was approved in February 2004. The total treatment period is 3 months, with the actual period of administration being only 21 days: thus a high compliance rate is anticipated. This study involves confirmation of the efficacy of 3-cycle pulse therapy with ITCZ 400mg for tinea unguium in daily clinical practice. Also discussed is its efficacy for tinea pedis, which is reported to be present in many patients with tinea unguium. Among the 91 enrolled subjects with tinea unguium (55 males, 36 females), 81 (89.0%) completed the treatment: thus, the completion ratio was high. As for changes in discoloration, an immediate improvement was evident after initiation of pulse therapy, and improvement continued even in the observation period following completion of the 3 pulse therapies. Tinea unguium had significantly improved in 58.4% and 69.7% of the patients at weeks 24 and 44, respectively. Patient interviews on symptom improvement 1 month after beginning of pulse therapy revealed that the ratios of those who rated “good” or “better” for tinea unguium and tinea pedis were 70.6% and 97.1%, respectively. In this study, efficacy was confirmed beginning 1 month into the therapy. Improvements were noted in many patients beginning early in the period of administration not only with regard to discoloration but also to hyperplasia and overall nail color tone. This indicates that patients can recognize the benefits of the treatment and thus compliance will be improved compared with previous therapeutic regimens. In summary, the recovery rate of tinea unguium will be increased in comparison with other available treatments.
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  • Yoshiyuki MURAKAMI, Masanori TAKANASHI, Kozue OHARA, Yukio YANAGIMOTO
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 185-194
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    Hydroquinone (HQ) has enjoyed a wide popularity as a skin de-pigmentation agent. The usage of HQ in Japan has increased due to the effect of the 2001 Deregulation of Cosmetics Act. The efficacy of HQ has been widely reported but there are few actual tests verifying the safety of its usage. We have decided to evaluate and test the safety of HQ as a cosmetic ingredient. The tests conducted were based on the accepted methods as dictated by the Japan Guidance for Cosmetics Safety Evaluation. The tests were nine in total. 1. Acute Oral Toxicity. 2. Primary Skin Irritation. 3. Cumulative Applications. 4. Skin Sensitivity. 5. Photo Toxicity. 6. Photo Sensitivity. 7. Ocular Irritation Levels. 8. Reverse Mutation using micro-organisms. 9. Human patch tests. The results of our testing were twofold; HQ has a potential for skin sensitivity problems and weak to mild primary skin irritation.
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  • Masutaka FURUE, Shinichi IMAFUKU
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 195-198
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    A questionnaire survey on the usability and efficacy of loratadine rapidly disintegrating tablets (Claritin® Reditabs®) was conducted in 64 patients with pruritic skin disease (17 with urticaria, 25 with atopic dermatitis, and 22 with other eczema/dermatitis). Regarding overall ease of ingestion, 54 patients (84.4%) considered it “good”, 9 (14.1%) “neither good nor bad”, and 0 (0%) “bad”. Eleven patients (17.2%) sometimes “forgot to take” the drug and 53 (82.8%) did not forget to take the drug, with a significantly lower number of patinets “forgetting to take” the drug. Fifty-four patients (84.4%) stated that they wanted to continue the drug. The reasons for wanting to continue it (with multiple answers allowed) included “it is convenient to take the drug anywhere” for 28 patients (43.8%), “no need for water” for 25 (39.1%), and “once-daily ingestion” for 23 (35.9%). It was found that the rapidly disintegrating tablet dosage form improved drug compliance.
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  • Tetsuo SHUKUWA, Wen-ya CHEN, Shinichi SATO
    2006 Volume 68 Issue 2 Pages 199-201
    Published: 2006
    Released on J-STAGE: June 15, 2006
    We examined the incidence of pruritus in the recovery phase of herpes zoster and studied the efficacy of the anti-allergy agent, epinastine hydrochloride. A clinical survey was performed on 276 patients with herpes zoster who visited the Dermatological Division of Sasebo City General Hospital from 1999 to 2000. The sex and age of the patients and occurrence time of the pruritus were investigated in those cases with pruritus ranging from moderate to severe. Patients with pruritus were treated with epinastine hydrochloride at 20mg/day, and the effective rate was determined. Pruritus occurred in 38 patients (13.8%; 15 males, 23 females). The age range was 16-88 years (mean 58.7 years). There was no correlation between age and the incidence of pruritus. Occurrence of pruritus was 1-31 days after the onset of herpes zoster (mean 10.5 days). The duration of pruritus was 4-18 days (mean 10.1 days). Epinastine hydrochloride was administered to 38 cases for a mean duration of 10.3 days, and pruritus improved in 34 patients (89.5%). Epinastine hydrochloride is thought to have a therapeutic effect on pruritus associated with herpes zoster.
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