Okayama Igakkai Zasshi (Journal of Okayama Medical Association)
Online ISSN : 1882-4528
Print ISSN : 0030-1558
Volume 72, Issue 1
Displaying 1-37 of 37 articles from this issue
  • Chapter 1. Epidemiologic Observations on Cholecystopathy in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture
    Takashi Tanaka
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The epidemiology on cholecystopathy prevailing in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture, was studied statistically, and the following results were obtained.
    1. The highest morbidity of cholecystopathy in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture, was seen in Kashira Island, 9.5% of the population, and 2.4% in Hinase-cho.
    2. The ratio of male and female patients was 1: 3.4, in average, and 1: 2.36 in Hinase-cho and 1: 6.00 in Kashira Island respectively. Consequently higher morbidity in female was noted. 67.2% of these patients were over the age of 40 years.
    3. The cholecystopathy cases were dominant in those who were engaging in hard labors such as fishermans, farmers and factory workers.
    4. The majority of these cases started to have cholecystopathy at the age of 20 to 40 years, and were detected mostly within 10 years. Frequent exacerbations in these cases were observed during summer until winter, especially in the female cases.
    5. It was not clearly understood that the relationship between exacerbations of chlolecystopathy and past histories of ascariasis. No relationship between exacerbation of cholecystopathy and part histories of vomiting of ascaris bodies.
    6. In these cases 21.3% of which prefered fatty foods, 13.3% disliked, and the rest of the cases did not care. Most of the cases favered fish meats, but few took abundant vegetables.
    7. Observing the hereditary factors in cholelithiasis and cholecystopathy, the morbidities of cholecystopathy in their parents and siblings were 36.9 and 15.9% respectively. These percentages were much higher in comparison with the past reports.
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  • Chapter 2. Clinical Studies on Cholecystopathy in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture
    Takashi Tanaka
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 9-19
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Observing the clinical symptomes of the cholecystopathy patients in this distrit the following results were obtained.
    1. 45.1% of the cases represented prodromal symptomes. Nausea and chilly sensation were most common. Fatigability, stiffness of the shoulders, vomiting, anorexia and fullness in the epigastrium were frequent in this order.
    2. The abdominal pains were usually colic or severe in nature, and their localizations were mainly in the right hypochondrium or epigastrium. 45.5% of the abdominal pains were radiated to right shoulders, right back and to right hemithorax. The durations of the abdominal pains; 28.9% of the cases were less than 24 hours, in 79.4% of the cases disappeared within 10 days.
    3. 59.9% of cholecystopathy cases were febrile and 25.3% were icteric. Serum bilirubin was determined in 50 relapsed cases and 80% of those were less than 2.0 mg%. Severe jaundice was seen in few cases.
    4. In their entire clinical courses, the patients who represented all three cardinal symptomes, fever, abdominal pain and icterus, were only 12.4% on the other hand, cases with abdominal pain and fever were 45.1%, and the cases only with abdominal pain were 39.4%.
    5. Vomitings were seen in 30.5% of the cases. There was a tendency of obstipation, which was seen in 28.9%. 9.4% of the cases had diarrhoe.
    6. 43.2% of the cases had enlarged livers. The palpable gall bladders were noted in 22.4%. The palpable spleens and/or enlarged splenic dell area were observed in 9.8% of the cases.
    7. Liver function tests; positive urine urobilinogen reactions in 62.4%, positive serum Takata reactions in 18%, positive Gross reactions in 11.4%, positive cephalin cholesterol floculation tests in 35.2%, positive thymol turbidity tests in 23.2%, positive Cobalt reactions in 24.4% and positive Bromsulphalein tests in 37.2% of the cases.
    8. Duodenal juice; greenish tone in 32.1%, abnormal outflows in 25%, thin appearing B-gall in 25.2%, presence of gall sands in 7.1%, and presence of parasites eggs in 7.2%. Bacteriological investigations of the duodenal juices revealed that colis in 64.8%, diplococci in 23.2%, streptococci 5.4% and staphylococci were 3.6%.
    9. Gastric juices; hypo- or anacidity in 65.2%, presence of ascaris eggs in 26.7% and presence of anchylostoma eggs were noted in 9.3% of the cases.
    10. Hemograms; an increase in leucocytes was seen in 33.7% of the cases.
    11. The cholecystopathy patients who had subjective symptomes, even during the periodes in which there was no sign of acute exacerbations, were 36.8% of the cases. The subjective symptomes were mainly discomforts and/or heavy sensations in the right hypochondrium or epigastrium. These patients still had some impairments of the liver, namely, positive urine urobilinogen reactions in 29.2%, hyperbilirubinemias (over 1.0 mg%) in 32.7% and positive serum Takata reactions in 16.7% of the cases.
    12. Observing 21 cases who underwent cholecystectomy, 23.8% of these cases were completely cured. In them 11 cases had gall stones. Remote prognosis were worse in those who had no gall stone.
    13. It was thought that the functional disorders of gall bladder played a major roll in getting cholecystopathy. Repeating the following; dyskinesia inflammation organic change, and then turned to be irreversible organic changes at about the age of 40 years. Ascariasis did not appeared to be a main cause of cholecystopathy in this district.
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  • Chapter 3. Radiological Studies on Cholecystopathy in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture
    Takashi Tanaka
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 21-27
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Cholangiographies were taken in 72 cases of cholecystopathy, and obtained the following results.
    1. 95.8% of cases demonstrated radicopaque shadows of gall bladders and bile ducts.
    2. Shadows of gall stones were found in 6 cases (8.3%).
    3. Dilatations of common bile duct were noted in 76.4% of the cases (8 mm in normal). The dilatations over 10 mm were seen in 38.9% of the cases. These dilatations were depend not only on agges but on clinical courses of the illness.
    4. Cholecystograms were normal in 34 cases (52%). The dimensions of normal gall bladders were said to be less than 25 cm2., and had few diagnostic value as they had rare relationships with other clinical changes. However, the contraction rate of gall bladder had less correlations with diameters of common bile ducts in rather younger people (before 40 years) in when common bile ducts were less than 10 mm in diameter. On the other hand, a correlation was noted in older generations who had somewhat wider common bile ducts. This suggested that many cholecystopathy patients began with “Dyskinesia” of the gall bladder initially. There had been some mutual relations between contraction rates of gall bladders and clinical pictures.
    5. Some changes in gall bladders were observed in majority of 28 cases who had markedly dilated common bile ducts. According to the above, Maki's theory on dilatation of common bile duct due to organic changes in Papilla Vateri was not agreeable.
    6. In cholangiographic studies no significant difference was seen in epidemiological distributions.
    7. Studying the cholagiograms of cholecystopathy patients prevailing in Hinase District, Okayama Prefecture, a tendency was noted of marked dilatations of common bile ducts which was mainly not due to organic changes of Papilla Vateri but to clinical course and to organic changes of gall bladders. In view of cholangiographic findings the organic changes of gall bladders usually appeared after the age of 40 years.
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  • Part 1. ATPase Activity in Rat Tissues as Revealed by Wachstein's Method
    Satoru TOGAWA
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 29-37
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The various organs of the rat such as the heart, kidney, liver, spleen, lung, brain, stomach and intestines have been observed by applying the method for non-specific ATPase devised by Wachstein, which means that the ATPase is resistant to the formol calcium fixation and, is activated by magnesium ion at pH 7.2. As the result the following conclusion were obtained:
    1). In each tissue the strongest positive reaction is demonstrated on the blood vessels, artery and venous blood capillaries, and on the smooth muscle.
    2). In the liver the bile canaliculi gave a strong positive reaction, in the kidney the brush border of urinary channels and gromeruli, in the intestines the surface of mucous membrane and the central chyle vessels, and in the lung a slightly positive reaction in alveolar cells and strong positive reaction in the smoot muscle of bronchi and of blood vessels.
    3). In the brain the stongest positive reaction was observed in capillary vessels, and in the spleen the inner surface of sinusoid, the intercellular space of reticlum cells and of those in the germinal center; while lymph follicule gave the negative reaction.
    4). This ATPase reaction is not inhibited by PCMB and not accelerated by L-cystein added in media but the activity is lost gradually by incubating with calcium formol at room temperature.
    5). The activity of this tye of ATPase has been discussed with the special referenc to the permeability of the cell membrane.
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  • Part 2. ATPase Activity in Cancer Cells as Revealed by Histochemical Method of Wachstein
    Satoru TOGAWA
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 39-44
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Histochemically demonstrable ATPase activity has been observed on Ehrlich's ascites tumor cells, human hepatoma, mammary cancer, uterine cancer, and leukemic cells in the liver tissue by the method of Wachstein.
    Observations proved that the most strong activity of ATPase was seen on the hepatoma tissue whose reaction appear surrounding the whole area of each cell membrane. Moderately positive activity also has been observed on Ehrlich's ascites tumor cells and uterine cancer cells showing the dotted reaction on the cell membrane. Mammary cancer cells and leukemic cell of monocytic type proved to be negative in this reaction. Findings suggestive of a posibility the same as the application of this reaction to the biopsy materials may give some information to know the mother tissue from which cancer originates.
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  • I. Normal Exfoliative Cytology
    Toyozo Hidaka
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 45-51
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Exfoliated epithelial cells of oral mucosa of 15 normal healthy individuals were taken as smear specimens from various intraoal areas and their garglings and stained by Papanicolaou technic. Keratinization, degenerative changes, and nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (N/C) were studied in each smear.
    1. A decrease of keratinized epithelial cells was noticed in the order of hard palate, gingiva, base of the tongue and buccal mucosa.
    2. In the garglings more non-keratinized and precornified blue and red cells were exfoliated, while fewer keratinized orange cells.
    3. Areas of the cytoplasm and nncleus of the exfoliated epithelial cells were mearsured and classified into small, middle, and large cells.
    4. The N/C ratio was noticed to show a decrease in th order of small, middle and large cells.
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  • II. Oral Exfoliative Cytology in Leprosy
    Toyozo Hidaka
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 53-70
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    In 152 in patients of the Aisei-en Leprosarium comparative studies were made on keratinization, degenerative changes, and N/C ratio with those in normal contorols. In addition, leprosy cells were proven on aspirated smear specimens taken from leproma of the face and upper extremity and their N/C ratio was compared with those of normal oral epithelial cells.
    1. In leprosy keratinization was less and degenerative change of the exfoliated epithelial cells are higher than in normal. This could be proven histopathologically.
    2. These changes did not show a difference between leprosy types.
    3. The N/C ratio of exfoiiated epithelial cells showed no difference between normal and leprosy cases.
    4. In detection of leprosy cells in aspiration the Ziehl-Neelsen method was highest in its detection percentage, which was followed by hematoxylin-eosion and Papanicolaou technics.
    5. In leprosy cells the N/C ratio showed a decrease as the size of the cells showed an increase.
    6. The N/C ratio showed a difference between normal epithelial cells and leprosy cells.
    7. Papanicolaou technic can be considered a supplementary practical method in detection of leprosy cells in combination with Ziehl-Neelsen's method.
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  • Part I Prophylactic Capacity of the Varied Tsutsugamushi Disease Rickettsia Vaccine and Pathogenicity of the Varied Rickettsia
    Masahiro TAKAGI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 71-78
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    It has been stated already that the change on the properties of tsutsugamushi disease rickettsia was occured by a contineous action of small amount of chloramphenicol in the body of mouse. The author studied the properties of the varied rickettsia in order to identify whether the changed property could be fixed or turned back to that of the original rickettsia. The following results were obtained.
    1) In a high temperature season the pathogenicity of the varied rickettsia to the chlorpromazine-treated guinea pig was moderated or lost completely by serial passage through normal mouse at least 10 generations.
    2) After each passage of the rickettsia on normal mouse, the ascitic vaccine was prepraed by inoculating the rickettsia into the chlorpromazine-treated guinea pig. The ascitic vaccine thus obtained was gradually increased the prophylactic capacity and the vaccine injected animal became to render the type specific immunization against the infection of the original rickettsia. Hence, it was found the reversibility of the occured change on the properties of the tsutsugamushi disease rickettsia by action of chloramphenicol.
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  • Part II Stability of Antigenic Capacity of the Varied Tsutsugamushi Disease Rickettsia in Complement Fixation Reaction
    Masahiro TAKAGI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 79-94
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    In order to elucidate the stability of the occured change on the properties of the tsutsugamushi disease rickettsia by contineous action of small amount of chloramphenicol in the body of mouse, the author investigated the stability of the varied rickettsia using that rickettsia as the antigen in the complement fixation test. As the result of this investigation, the occured change on the properties of the rickettsia found to be turned back to that of the original rickettsia by serial passage through normal mouse at least 7 generations.
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  • Part I Effect of Immune Serum and Complement on O2 Uptake Part II Enzyme Activities Affected by Bacteriolysis
    Toyozi OKADA
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 95-108
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Using the 3 strains of Vibrio cholera, original strain (INABA's strain), intermediate variant strain (HIKOZIMA's strain) and variant strain (OGAWA's strain), the author studied the effect of immune serum and complement on O2 uptake of the resting cells of these microorganism. Immune serum was added into the resting cell suspension, in which complement was added in an experiment and was not in another experiment, in a various concentration with substrate. And obtained the following results
    1) With absence of complement O2 uptake was inhibited to a slight degree by the addition of immune serum. The inhibition was increased. csrrespondingly with the concentration of the serum This findings was supposedly due to the agglutination of bacteria by the action of the immune serum.
    2) In the presence of complement, O2 uptake was also inhibited by the addition of immune serum; especially, strongly inhibited at a low concentration of that, i. e. in dilutions of 1:300-1:400. The inhibition was supposed to be arisen from the lesion on the cells being to be bacteriolysis shertly after that.
    Using the 3 strains of Vibrio cholera as in the part I, the author observed the changes on the enzyme activities of the bacterial cells by affecting the cells by means of suspension into various media or immune reaction. The following results were obtained.
    1) The enzyme activities were not so decreased by the washing of the cells with saline added phosphate buffer. But the activities and the numbers of surviving cells were markedly decreased in the case of the washing with saline unadded phosphate buffer, saline solution or distilled water.
    2) The enzyme activities were decrealed proportionally to the affection time of immune serum and complement, and eventually qacteriolysis occured. This finding was most distinctive in dilutions of 1:100-1:300 of serum.
    3) The decrease of oxidation capacity by bacteriolysis was differ in the substrate oxydized. That was very prominient in the case of glucose, pyruvate and aspartate, while that was rather slight at the oxidation of lactate, succinate and cysteine, and the presence of the oxidation capacities was also found in the centrifuged supernatant of bacteriolysed cells.
    4) The deaminative and the desulfhydrative abilities for cysteine were retained after the lysis of bacteria, but these for formation of indol were not found at that state.
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  • Part 1. Studies on the Nature of Biliverdin on Sale and on its Infrared Absorption Spectra
    Takashi Nakahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 109-112
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    As L. Light company made biliverdin was hard to dissolove in the usual solvents, spectrochemical studies were made in which characteristic infrared absorption spectra were noted. L. Light company made biliverdin was dissolved in 5% potassium hydroxide alcohol and was acidified at about pH 4.6 with N/10 hydrochloric acid after 5''s waterbath, and thus an ether extractable substance was obtained. This green colored ether extractable substance proved qualitative reaction for biliverdin and exhibited the absorption maximum at 700 and 375 mμ. in the glacial acetic acid. In the infrared absorption spectra of the ether extractable biliverdin, the following features were observed with that of L. Light company made biliverdin.
    1) The OH, NH streching vibration (VOH, NH) was observed at 2.90 and 3.11μ.
    2) The C=O streching vibration of the carbonyl group (vC=O) was observed at 5.83. μ.
    3) The C=C streching vibration of the vinyl group (vC=C) was observed at about 6.4μ.
    4) Absorption band due to conjugated double bond aromatic ring vibration was observed at about 6.20μ.
    In consequence, the ether extractable biliverdin provided the chemical structure of biliverdin which was established by H. Fisher and R. Lemberg. On the other hand, L. Light company made biliverdin presumably had some combination radicals although it had carboxyl ion. It was not clear regarding NH and vinyl radicals.
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  • Part 2. Studies on the Infrared Absorption Spectra of Biliverdin, and Oxygenated Bilirubin
    Takashi Nakahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 113-117
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Biliverdin was obtained from cystallized bilirubin by adding hydrogen peroxide in hydrochloric acid alcohol. The biliverdin, separated in the column chromatography with an absorbent of silica gel and a developer of glacial acid, was confired by physicochemical features, absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible ranges.
    In its infrared absorption spectra, a broad absorption band ranging over 6.06 μ to 6.40 μ, other than the absorption band of carbonyl group at 5.91 μ (the C=O streching vibration of the carbonyl group (C=O)), was detected, and it was deemed probably responsible for mixture of the ionized carboxyl group instead of water of crystallization. Also the absorption band ranging over 3.80 μ to 5.00 μ. of hydrochloric acid was observed. Consequently, it was presumed that the separated, by our method, contained not only biliverdin but also hydrochloric double salt and probably mixture of acetic acid double salt.
    When hydrochloric acid was neutralized with caustic soda before the column chromatography, in its infrared absorption spectra, the absorption band of hydrochloric acid have disappeared, but the one of the ionized carboxyl group was still noted, presumably due to mixture of acetic double salt of biliverdin stemmed from glacial acetic acid using as a developer.
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  • Part 3. Studies on the Ultrared Absorption Curve of Biliverdin Sodium Salt
    Takashi Nakahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 119-121
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Observing the infrared absorption spectra of these both biliverdins, L. Light company made and the refined one (Part 1), after adding caustic soda slightly more than the calculated amount and decicated by vacum sactioning in room temperature, and the following results were obtained.
    1) In the absorption band of L. Light company made biliverdin, C=O streching vibration of the carbonyl group (γC=O) at 5.82 μ and a broad absorption band ranging over 5.90 μ to 6.46 μ. was seen instead of 5.86 μ to 6.04 μ. which was thought to be of the ionized carboxyl group.
    2) In the absorption band of the refined biliverdin, no C=O streching vibration of the carbonyl group (γC=O) at 5.88 μ., and the absorption band of the ionized carboxyl group was seen at 6.20-6.40μ., which was probably due to sodium salt formation.
    3) In the refined biliverdin the perfect sodium salt formation was observed following the addition of caustic soda, on the other hand, it was imperfect in the L. Light company made biliverdin, probably due to impurity of the biliverdin itself. Therefore, some corrections would be necesseary for the Shindo's result in his experiment about this study.
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  • Part 1. On the Antiseptic Action of Mercuric Chloride and the Adsorption of Radio Isotope Hg203Cl2 on Bacteria from the Standpoint of the Oxygen Consumption
    Asao Sakai
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 123-130
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The auther studied the influence of mercuric chloride on the respiration of bacteria and the adsorption action of Hg203Cl2 on E. coli communis; and obtained the following results.
    1. The mercuric chloride action on the respiration of bacteria:
    a. The action of mercuric chloride acting upon the oxygen consumption of 10 mg by Coli communis begins to decrease at 5×10-5%, while it is completely stopped at 5×10-4%.
    b. The action of mercuric chloride acting on the oxygen consumption of 10 mg by Typhus abdominalis 57 S begins to decrease at 5×10-4 and it almost disappears at 5×10-2%.
    c. The action of mercuric chloride on the oxygen consumption of 30 mg by Staph. aureus (Terajima strain) commences to diminish at 5×10-5%, and it disappears almost completely at 10-2%.
    2. The action of radio-isotope Hg203Cl2 on the respiration of E. coli communis:
    a. It has been confirmed that clearly Hg ions of the mercuric chloride solution adsorb to E. coil communis.
    b. In the case where the culture time of Coli communis is prolonged, the adsorption of Hg ions has been found to rise clearly in proportion to the lapse of the time.
    c. In the case where the density of the mercuric chloride solution is altered, it has been recognized that the higher the concentration of the mercuric chloride solution, the higher the adsorption rate of ions would be.
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  • Part 2. The Toxicity of Mercuric Chloride and Antidotal Effect of 6.8-dithiooctanoic Acid
    Asao Sakai
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 131-138
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    For the purpose of determining the toxicity of mercuric chloride the author performed experiments to find out LD50 of this compound with the mice given intraperitoneal injection of mercuric chloride solution and also experiments on the antidotal effect of 6.8-dithiooctanoic acid: and obtained the following results.
    1. The LD50 values determined by Van den Waerdens method are as follows:
    1 day LD50=0.01116±0.00102 mg
    2 day LD50=0.00997±0.001036 mg
    3 day LD50=0.00837±0.00108 mg
    4 day LD50=0.00712±0.00109 mg
    5 day LD50=0.0064±0.00109 mg
    6 day LD50=0.00574±0.00125 mg
    2. When 6.8-dithiooctanoic acid is injected to mice prior to intraperitoneal injection of the mercuric chloride solution, it has been found that fatality rate and toxic symptoms (adecrease in the erythrocyte count and an increase in the leucocyte count) are somewhat suppressed.
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  • Katsumi KANAMITSU
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 139-152
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    In order to elucidate the pathogenetic factors of Ekiri, the author carried out the investigation of the pathogenetic factors from statistical viewpoint. The results obtained were as follows.
    1) All cases of Ekiri patients studied here, 911 cases, were picked up from the Ekiri patients hospitalized into 19 isolation hospitals throughout the nation from July 1. 1954 to Sept. 30. 1950. The control group, having 739 cases, was picked up so as the constituting membership of the group to be identical with the patient group in age and sex. The body weight at birth was compared with each other group.
    2) The proportion of members whose weight were less than 2, 500 g. to the all members of respective group was about 2 times greater at the patient group than the control group, i.e. 11.8% for the former vs. 6.4% for the latter.
    3) The mean value of frequency distribution against the body weight at birth was smaller on the patient group. On the other hand, the standard deviation was found to be great on this group.
    4) The proportion of the members whose weight were less than 2, 500g. was always large on the patient group regardless age, sex and district.
    5) The occurrence of Ekiri among the children whose body weight were less than 2, 500g. at birth was about 1.32.97 times higher than the average occurrence of that throughout the nation.
    6) When Ekiri is thought as a kind of reaction occured on immature child, there may be brought a new aspect that can give us a new and helpfull recognition about the diathesis the symptom, the manifestation and the pathology of Ekiri.
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  • Ryoji Maki
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 153-174
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    By means of stereoscopic microscopy morphologic observation was made on vascularization of the blood vessels during the progress of postexodontic wound healing in 37 mature dogs. Imagawa's Guttapercha Infusion Method was adapted and macroscopic and radiographic observations were combined.
    In the wounds of 86 normal tooth extractions more remarkable vascularization could be noticed in the wound openings than in the apical areas in the early postexodontic stage. During the period of 10 to 14 days after extraction gingival mucosa covered the wound and capillary vascularizations were completed.
    Tendency of vascularization in postexedontic wound healing was fundamentally identical with those of descriptions by Clark and Akita: capillary buds formed, capillary loops newly developed, and then capillary networks completed.
    In the wounds of 50 extractions with apical foci experimentally made, capillary networks were dense in the wound opening, while they were loosened in the apical areas with a distinct difference between them in the early postexodontic stage. In the later stages, however, vascularization seemed to show a tendency of slight delay in comparison with normal healthy controls.
    In adittion, the effect of gauze packing and insertion of penicillin dental cone upon the wound healing was investigated.
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  • Part I. On the Fluctuation of Mast Cells in Blood of Cancer Patients, and Its Clinical Significance
    Kiyomi KAJITANI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 175-182
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    1). Fluctuation of mast cells in the patients with gastric cancer, peptic ulcer and other surgical diseases was estimated by use of Arase's staining individually. It was found that mast cells were increased in cancer patients compared with the other cases.
    2). They were remarkably increased in sarcoma and stomach cancer, successively in rectal and breast cancers.
    3). No relation was observed in mast cells and severity of cancer.
    4). Following removal of cancer they were decreased or become to normal, but increased in the non-resectable cases.
    5). No relation was observed between the increasing rate of mast cells and white blood cells.
    6). They were markedly decreased in the acute inflammatory diseases and tended to increase with its convalescence.
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  • Part II. On the Fluctuation of Mast Cells in Blood Following Injection of Cancer Toxin, and Its Significance
    Kiyomi KAJITANI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 183-199
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    A). Fluctuation of mast cells in blood was investigated following injection of ten per cent of cancer extract in rabbit, and results obtained were as follows.
    Mast cells were markedly increased after injection of cancer extract, but not after injection of gastric mucosa in peptic ulcer as control. It was, namely, concluded experimentally that the mast cells were increased by the so-called cancer toxin in the extract.
    B). Fluctuation of mast cells in blood was investigated following injection of Guronsan (glucuronic acid), Moriamin-S (amino-acid) or Tespamin (TSPA) in rabbit, and results obtained were as follows.
    1). Mast cells were increased with injection of Guronsan, but decreased after cessation of the injection; Guronsan had increasing effect of mast cells.
    2). On the injection of Moriamin-S, white blood cells were noticeably increased with increase of mast cells in blood, but mast cell: white cell ratio was not so remarkable; Moriamin-S had increasing effect of mast cells.
    3). On the injection of Tespamin, white cells were decreased with slight decrease of mast cells in blood.
    c). Fluctuation of mast cells in blood was investigated after injection of Guronsan, Moriamin-S or Tespamin with each concomitant injection of ten per cent of cancer extract, and results obtained were as follows.
    1). On the injections of Guronsan and cancer extract, mast cells in blood were far markedly increased, proving acceleration in the increase.
    2). On the injections of Moriamin-S and cancer extract, they were also significantly increased; suppressive effect in the recovery after injection.
    3). On the injections of Tespamin and cancer extract, mast cells were markedly increased, but white cells decreased with increase in mast cell: white cell ratio, and they were propelled in the recovery after injection.
    It was, by the results described above, concluded that the mast cells were definitely increased after injection of cancer extract.
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  • Part I Effect on the Respiration of Bacteria and Bactericidal Action
    Hideya KAJITANI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 201-217
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    To explain the relation between the effect of disinfectants on the respiration of bacteria and the bactericidal action, the author observed the effects of disinfectants on the respiration of E. coli and Staph. aureus by means of conventional warburg's manometer, and the bactericidal effect to these bacteria by subcultering the surviving cells in the cup content of wardurg's manometer after the studies on the respiration described above. Moreover, the bactericidal effect was studied from the viewpoint of action time of disinfectants. The following results were obtained.
    1) As for the relation between the effect on respiration and the bactericidal action, a marked inhibition on the respiration of bacteria was observed by commonly used disinfectant in such dilution as it could render bactericidal effect. Both the bactericidal effect and the inhibition on respiration were more severe at the disinfectant that had the effect even in higher dilutions.
    2) On the test using aureomycin, it did not render bactericidal effect at all at the concentration that the respiration was inhibited almost completely. Hence aureomycin should have worked bacteriostatically.
    3) In the case of macramin a severe inhibition on the respiration was found in a fairly high dilution. However, the bactericidal effect could not observe at the minimal dilution that could inhibit the respiration almost completely, and only slight innibition of growth of bacteria was found at that dilution.
    4) The relative bactericidal effect of disinfectants found to be comparable each other by means of the minimal action time requied to kill the organism in the minimal concentration that rendered the inhibition on respiration of the bacteria.
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  • Part II Relation of the Respiration of Bacteria to the Time Required for Killing under the action of Disinfectants
    Hideya KAJITANI
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 219-227
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The time repuired for killing bacteria varies with the effcetive concentration of the disinfectants which give a bactericidal effect on bacteria. The author investigated the enzyme activity of the bacterial cells obtained at various lenghth of the time of disinfection by observing the respiration of that cells. And the following results were obtained.
    1) The respirations were measured on the bacterial cells which were lost growth capacity by the action of disinfectants in various concentration. There were not found acceleration of the respiration at the expense of many substrates except lactate, at wich the acceleration of the respiration was found to some extents.
    2) From the viewpoint of the respiration, the inhibition on the enzyme activity of bacteria differed from the disinfectants. Namely, the disinfectant which showed strong bactericidal effect inhibited the respiration markedly, but the disinfectant whose action was mild did not show such maked inhibition.
    3) As mentioned above, the time required for killing bacteria varies with the actual concentration of disinfectant. But the inhibition on the enzyme activity of bacteria occured more severly on the bacterial cells killed by a prolonged action of dilute disinfectant than on the cells killed by shor-time action of the disinfectant having high concentration.
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  • Part II Studies on the Hepatitis Virus being Parasitic on Single Free Cells
    Akihisa SENGOKU
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 229-234
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Some properties of the hepatitis virus were reported already in part I. The author studied further the pathogenicity of the virus to single free cells. The virus used in this study was isolated from hepatitis patient and cultured in the chorio-allantoic cavity of chick embryo. and the following results were obtained.
    1) The infection and the proliferation of the virus were scarcely found on various single free cells used in this study: this could be said especially in the case of EHRLICH's ascites tumor cells. The same findings were also obtained on the cultured L-cells.
    2) The hepatitis virus used in this study caused the changes what could suppose as Cp-effect. This concept was thought to be valid, since this virus could cause almost identical degeneration of cells. Then, the virological properties of the virus, i.e. heat-resistance, filtrability and resistance to ether, were studied again by the use of Cp-effect. And there were found a fairly good coincidence of the resieults with the part I.
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  • Part I Studies on the Correlation between the Heterophile Antibody and the Prevalence of Epidemic Hepatitis
    Kiyotaka Asada
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 235-242
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The vicissitude of the heterophile antibody was observed on the inhabitants at the epidemic districts of epidemic hepatitis in Okayama prefecture, especially the correlation between the heterophile antibody and the epidemic transition of epidemic hepatitis were observed and several noteworthy significance of the heterophile antibody on the prevalence of epidemic hepatitis was obtained.
    1. The rise of the heterophile antibody titer at the epidemic time of epidemic hepatitis was not seen any difference on the sex distinction and the age distinction, and the difference of the heterophile antibody production was not seen by the sex distinction or the age distinction.
    2. Remarkable difference were observed on the appeared frequency of the heterophile antibody in the epidemic time and non-epidemic time of epidemic hepatitis, and it was certified that there was the close relation between the appearance of the heterophile antibody and the epidmy of epidemic hepatitis since the heterophile antibody showed the high positive rate in the epidemic time.
    3. The positive rate of the heterophile antibody was high in the inhabitants of the epidemic district before and after the prevalencc of epidemic hepatitis and the cases with the past history of hepatitis, and the heterophile antibody (over 40 times of agglutination titer was identified for a considerable long time in the above cases).
    4. No coreelation between the rise of the heterophile antibody and the epidemic state of epidemic hepatitis of the form of epidemic hepatitis was not certified.
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  • Part II Studies on the Correlation between the Heterophile Antibody and Auto-liver Antibody
    Kiyotaka Asada
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 243-248
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The correlation between the heterophile antibody and autoliver antibody was observed, And the results were as follows.
    1. The positive rate of the Paul-Bunnell reaction in serum hepatitis, acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis were 87.5%, 68, 1%, and 67.1% in each and the significant difference was observed on the positive rate of them in comparison to that of other diseases and normal person.
    2. The cases seen the heterophile antibody showing the high agglutination titer mostly had the past history of hepatitis or the liver damage, the higher the agglutination titer showed, the closer was the corrlation.
    3. The positive rate of the Paul-Bunnell reaction were high in liver cirrhosis and there were many cases with the past history of hepatitis in the cases of liver cirrhosis with the positive Paul-Bunnell reaction and it was noticed that posthepatitic liver cirrhosis immunologically had a different attitude to the liver cirrhosis attacked by other causes.
    4. It was supposed that the heterophile antibody had the considerable relation with auto-liver antibody in hepatitis, but it was necessary to examine more on that the heterophile antibody was produced with the auto-liver antibody by the liver damage.
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  • Part I Etiology of Heinz's Body in View from its Staining
    Masashi Kanahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 249-267
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    Investigating the mechanism of Heinz's Bodies' staining attitudes for the purpose of clearifiyng the etiology of Heinz's Body, the following results were obtained.
    1. Heinz's Bodies were produced in test tubes after adding hydrochloric phenylydrazin to rabbit erythrocytes. In the supravital staining the Heinz's Bodies with twenty -one basic dyestuffs, not only the basic dyes reported by Friedstein and Webster but marked stainings with crystal violette, victorian blue and methyl green were observed.
    2. Observing conditions of these Heinz's Bodies, after the fixations with such as methanol, formalin-gas, action, Carony's solution or flames, Triamino Compounds in Triaryl-methan, dyes were relatively well stained, the stainings in general were not so good. However, the staining with acid dyestuffs were ex-cellent especially after the fixation with aceton and Carony's solution.
    3. On adding the saline solutions containing sodium salicylate, sodium stearate or urea to the rabbit erythrocytes suspension, fein speckled granules smaller than these with phenylhydrazin, well stained by methyl violett, were observed in the peripheral areas of the erythrocytes, in proportion to the Mol concentration of these chemicals. The stainings of Heinz's Body and so were the stainings after the fixations. The granules grew up slowly until maximum size, when no more growth was observed. The optimum concentrations for the growth of the grnules were go to 100 mol urea, 1 mol of Sodium stearate or 1 mol of sodium salicylate.
    4. In producing Heinz's Bodies no significant difference was noted between the two methods, adding urea after phenylhydrazin to rabbit erythrocyte and the sole administration of phenylhydrazin.
    5. The granules, were produced by adding urea to stroma as well as phenylhydrazin, and exhibited aproximate the same staining with Heinz's Body although they were not essentially the same.
    6. The granules, corresponding with Heinz's Body, were noted after adding phenylhydrazin to hemoglobin. On adding urea no more granules were produced, but the staining have to changed as they were well stained with trypan blue but not with methyl violett.
    7. Choleglobin B showed the similar staining to Heinz's Body and changed its staining with urea. No changes were seen in Choleglobin.
    8. In conclusion, Heinz's Bodies were stemmed from globin of hemoglobin. The theoory that Heinz's Bodies were resulted from degeneation of stroma was not agreeable, and presumably it was responsible for observation of the substances sinilar to Heinz's Body but essntially different.
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  • Part 2 Heinz's Bodies in the Circulating Blood in Man
    Masashi Kanahara
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 269-278
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    On counting the Heinz's Bodies in the circulating blood in healthy and various diseases, with considerations especially for abnormally increased cases, the following results were obtained.
    1. A slight increase of Heinz's Bodies in the erythrocytes of healthy individuals was noted by such manipulations as lavation with saline and centrifugal precipitation.
    2. Increased Heinz's Bodies were observed in the cases of severe acute hepatitis, subacute yellow liver atrophy and of severe acute nephritis. It was postulated that the increase resulted from toxic effects of the diseases and from depressed splenic functions.
    3. Administrations of various sulfonamides cause increased Heinz's Bodies.
    4. A marked increase of Heinz's Bodies was noted in the livercirrhosis case with gigantic splenomegalia. This was thought that the increase was due to losing diposition to Heinz's Bodies.
    5. Also increased Heinz's Bodies were noted in the cases of acute intoxication of sleeping drugs, Grave's disease, angina pectoris and of myocardial damages. The mechanism of the increased Heinz's Bodies was not clear, but probably due to the drugs administered for their treatments.
    6. There were increased Heinz's Bodies in the cases of essential hypochromic anemia, hypoplastic anemia and of thrombocytopenic purpura, probably due to regeneration of immature erythrocytes.
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  • Part I Studies on the Prevalence of Epidemic Hepatits
    Nobuhiro Ono
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 279-286
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The prevalence of epidemic hepatitis at Kumayama-cho, Akayuwa-gun in Okayama prefecture was fully observed for 3 years and the epidemic transition was studied. And the results were as follows.
    1. The prevalence of epidemic hepatitis diffusely distributed to each age showing the apex at the second decade and third decade, but it showed the low rate at the first decade. And it showed the percentage of contration with a little rise and fall in all ages at the first year and it changed to show the distribution of age distinction with the apex at the third decade and the similar wave at the second decade at the second year. These relation were explained by the immunological distoribution caused by the past prevalence. The contracted cases over 70 years old were not always few.
    2. No fixed relation was not clarified on the sex distinction.
    3. Studying the occured state of every month in each year and each district, the sporadic prevalence was only seen in each district at the begining of the prevalence and the seasonal feature was not seen at the first year of the prevalence, but the occurrence of epidemic hepatitis was mostly seen in July, August and September and it was rather numerous inMay, June and October at the second and third year. On the other word, the prevalence of epidemic hepatitis after the second year had a seasonal feature.
    4. The recurrent rate of epidemic hepatitis was 13.94%, and the age with the frequent recurrence was at the second decade and then the third decade and the recurrent season was mostly seen in December, then June, July and October. On the other word, it was fit for the season at which time the resistence of physical strength became declined.
    5. The infection rate of family was 42.83% (16-76%), and the member of occureence in same family was 2 members per one family in most of the cases and then 3 members.
    6. The calculation of the incubation by the family infection was not proper and it was difficult to clarify the simultaneous infection, gradual infection or infection from the cutside of family.
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  • Part II Studies on the Epidemic Type of Epidemic Hepatitis
    Nobuhiro Ono
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 287-300
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The prevalence of epidemic hepatitis at Kumayama-cho, Akayuwa-gun in Okayama prefecture was fully observed for 3 years and the epidemic type was studied. And the ressults were as follows.
    1. Studying the prevalence on the 3 parts of the district dividing by the unit of old village distribution, the prevalence progressed slowly, and it was mostly sporadic at the beginning and then it was mostly eruptive. And the epidemic wave could be seen, even mild, in each district.
    2. The epidemic state at Kumayama-cho was clarified by the election of the most appro priate cases connecting the prevalence of each part of the district.
    3. Studying the epidemic pattern on the village unit at each district, the connective spreading type of the prevalence was a few at the first year, but it was clearly observed on most of the cases at the second year, after obtaining the proof that the occurrence of the patients at the second year was the occurrence of the cases contracting the latent and unsignificant infection at the first year and the cases thought to be the common course infection were extremely a few.
    4. The percentage of contraction at each district was 2.36-4.77%.
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  • Part III Studies on the Clinical Symptoms of Epidemic Hepatits Accompained by the Epidemic Transition
    Nobuhiro Ono
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 301-308
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The clinical symptoms of epidemic hepatitis at the Onoda, and Toyoda districts of Kumayama-cho, Akayuwa-gun in Okayama prefecture were mostly the typical form and violent form until February 1953 from the beginning of the prevalence in 1952, and the symptoms became gradually mild until the end of 1954 from the spring of 1953 at which time the prevalence became prolonged and the increase of the abortive form and mild form was observed. And it was certified that the prolongation of the prevalence brought remarkable changes on the clinical picture.
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  • Part I. Studies on the Decompostion Process of Hemoglobin in Erythrocyte on the Action of 1-Ascorbic acid and Molecular Oxygen to Erythrocyte
    Naoteru Takaki
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 309-318
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The reaction procese of hemoglobin in erythrocyte was spectrochemically observed on the upper clear solution after the hemolysis of separated erythrocyte with distilled water on the addition of 1-ascorbic acid to the floating solution of erythrocyte in physiological salt solution. And the results were as follows.
    1. The formation of methemoglobin was only observed on the scanty dosis of 1-ascorbic acid to the number of erythrocyte, but the formation of the product with the absorption maximum at 630 mμ was merely observed after letting it alone for 40 hours.
    2. The formation of methemoglobin and then the formation of the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ in erythrocyte were observed on the great dosis of 1-ascorbic acid to the number of erythocyte. At that time, this reaction was settled by the rats of the erythrocyte number (hemoglobin dosis) and the 1-ascorbic dosis. Methemoglobin was only produced in the acidic side of reaction solution and the formation of the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ was promoted in the alkaline side of reaction solution.
    3. The formation of the product with the absorption maximum at 630 mμ and then the formation of the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ was promoted on the shaking process of reaction.
    4. Methemoglobin was only produced on the aeration of oxygen to reaction solution or the aeration of oxygen to reaction solution with the shaking process.
    5. Therefore, it was determined if hemoglobin in erythrocyte was decomposed to only methemoglobin or to the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ or to the product with the absorption maximum at 630 mμ by the permeability of 1-ascorbic acid to the erythrocyte membrane and the intensity of the influence of active oxygen followed by the selfoxydation of 1-ascorbic acid in the outside of erythrocyte.
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  • Part II. Studies on the Hemolysis and Choleglobin Formation on the Action of 1-Ascorbic Acid and Molecular Oxygen to Erythrocyte
    Naoteru Takaki
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 319-324
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The change of hemoglobin in erythrocyte was observed on the action of l-ascorbic acid and molecular oxygen to erythrocyte, as same as the experiment in the first part and the hemolysis followed by the progression of reaction and the deficiency of washing condition of sediment were studied. And the results were as follows.
    1. The reaction process on the action of 1-ascorbic acid and molecular oxygen to the hemolylic erythryocyte solution was antirely same to that on the action of 1-ascorbic acid and molecular oxygen to hemoglobin, but the reaction velocity was markedly prolonged.
    2. In the upper clear solution 1. the reaction occuring on the action of 1-ascorbic acid and molecular oxygen in erythrocyte to a small amount of the hemolytic solution produced during the process was observed, but it was a little.
    3. The formation of methemoglobin was only found in the upper clear solution 3, 4 on the aeration to reaction solution as same as the upper clear solution 2.
    4. When the dosis of 1-ascorbic acid was not over the fixed dosis in comparison with the number of erythrocyte, it penetrated into erythrocyte and the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ was not produced and methemoglobin was only produced.
    5. Choleglobin b was contained in the sediment 2.
    6. When the change of hemoglobin was studied on the action of 1-ascorbic acid to erythrocyte, it was determined if methemoglobin was only produced, or the product with the absorption maximum at 670 mμ was also produced by the dosis of 1-ascorbic acid and it's acting condition.
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  • Part I. Studies on the Capillary of Nail Root in vivo
    Tadayoshi Maesako
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 325-339
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    1. The dilatation of the arteriovenous crus and the loop's width and the prolongation of the loop's length were seen in acute hepatitis and they had the vicissitude with the course of symptom. The findings of serous exudation and hemorrhage etc. were not observed on the examined cases.
    2. In acute hepatitis, the nodule formatiom was mostly found at the arteriovenous shifting region.
    3. In chronic hepatitis, the width of arteriovenous crus was normal or short and the narrowness of blood vessel was remarkable with the prolongation of disease, and the formation of nodulus and the winding of the blood vessel were also observed.
    4. In livercirrhosis, there were two group, i. e. the group showing the picture of blood vessel seen in acute hepatitis and the group showing the picture of blood vessel seen in chronic hepatitis, and there were many cases showing the dilatation of stellate capillary and the prolongation of leading time in the former but a few in the latter. The changes of whole blood vessel's system in livercirrhosis could be understood by the above results.
    5. In the cases of post hepatitic syndrome, the change of the blood vessel itself were scanty and the slight change of blood stream's condition was only observed.
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  • Part 2. On the Effects of a few Drugs Upon the Capillaries at the Root of the Nail
    Tadayoshi Maesako
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 341-358
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The studies were made on the effects of Greenpole on the capillary picture at the root of the nail in the cases of acute and chronic infecticus hepatitis as well as cirrhosis of the liver, in comparison with the toxins for vegetative nerves. And the following results were obtained.
    1. Following the administration of Greenpole, the contractions of the arterial feet of the capillaries were observed mainly in the acute hepatitis cases, on the other hand, the contractions of the venous feet in the chronic hepatitis and liver-cirrhosis cases were seen. Following the administration of Greenpole, accelated blood flow was noted in 60% of acute hepatitis, 50% of chronic hepatitis and in 100% of cirrho is, and the formation of granules, seen in 7 cases, had all disappeared.
    2. The disappearance of the granules following the administration of Greenpole, was appeared presumably due to washing away clumps of the blood in the microaneurysms.
    3. The contractions of the arterial feet of the capillaries began 5 minutes after the administration of Greenpole, maximum after 40 minutes and kept up fairly strong contractions for 50 minutes. The contractions of the venous ones began from 5 minutes after and maximum at 20 minutes.
    4. Following the administration of adrenalin, it was observed in the cases of chronic hepatitis that the contractions of the arterial feet of the capillaries were noted in 60%, of the venous ones in 66.7% and of the capillary loops in 33.3 to 40%. Maximum contractions were observed in 79.0% after 5 minutes. On the other hand, the contractions of the venous feet were fairly strong after 5 minutes and were maximum after 10 minutes in the rate of 79.5%. However, the granules had not disappeared following the administration of adrenalin.
    5. In consequence, the effects of Greenpole were thought to be essentially different from adrenalin although some similarities were observed.
    6. No clinical improvement was noted in the cases of chronic hepatitis after the administration of pilocarpin and atropin.
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  • Part 1. On the Changes of the Fatigue Substances Excreted in the Urine in Fatigue
    Hiromitsu Yoshimoto
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 359-380
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The author performed quantitative analyses of the amount of urine excreted, the urine density, pH's, microprotine content, urine protein content, the amount of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, urine creatinine, uric acid, urine lactic acid, urine phosphoric acid, and the urine calcium content in the urine before and after work, selected from various groups of persons such as a group of marathon runners, a group of soldiers marching, and a group of ammunition carriers; and obtained the following results.
    1. In the group of marathon runners whose work is thought to be relatively intense and of a comparatively short duration there can be recognized a rapid decrease in the urine content, an increase in the amount of urine microprotein and in urine protein-positive cases, an increase in the hourly excretion of Donaggio reaction-positive substance, a rapid increase in the density and hourly excretion of lactic acid, a slight decrease in the density and the hourly excretion of creatinine, an increase in the density and hourly excretion of phosphoric acid, and a decrease in the density and hourly excretion of calcium.
    Judging these estimated values stoistically, it has become possible to obtain significant values in the Donaggio reaction and in the lactive acid with an error of less than one per cent in the hourly excretion contents and similarly significant values in the mucoprotein and phosphoric acid contents under 5 per cent deviation.
    2. In the marching which is relatively of an intermediate degree of fatigue and of a longer duration, there can be observed a decrease in the quantity of urine, an incrase in the urine density, acidification of the pH, increase in the protein-positive cases, a transient increase and decrease in the excreation of creatinine and the hourly excretion amount, stability of the density and houly excretion of uric acid, a transient increase in the early stage uric acid, and a transient increase in the density and excretion of phosphoric acid. Namely, the substance estimated in this group tend to iucrease at an early stage of the marching but in the terminal stage they tend to return to the normal values.
    3. In the group of munition carriers whose work is successive from day to day and is of a high degree, there can be recognized a tendency of relatively little change in the urine pH's, an increase in the donaggio value, a transient increase in the density and hourly excretion of creatinine, and also an transient increase in the quantity and hourly excretion of uric acid, revealing a tendency to become orientated to the daily successive labor.
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  • Part 2. On the Changes in the Donaggio Reaction at the Time of Enzyme Digestion and Acid Hydrolysis and on the Changes in the Contents of Anderson's Urine Mucoprotein after the Administration of Adren
    Hiromitsu Yoshimoto
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 381-385
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    By Observing the changes in the Donaggio reaction at the time of digestion and hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of crystal egg-white albumin by proteolytic enzymes and performing the quantitative analysis of Anderson's mucoprotein in the rabbits administered with adrenalin and ammonium chloride, the author obtained the following results.
    1. When crystal egg-white albumin is digested with pepsin, trypsin, or papain, it has been recognized that the Donaggio reaction value decreases in parallel with the lapse of the digestion times.
    2. When crystal egg-white albumin is hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid, the Donaggio reaction value decreases along with the lapse of hydrolysis time, but the decrease in this instance is greater than that in the case of the digestion by proteolytic enzymes.
    3. From these results it is assumed that for the Donaggio reaction at least protein molecules must be present.
    4. The hourly excretion of Anderson's mucoprotein reveals an increase in the amount after the administration of adrenalin or ammonium chloride.
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  • Toshiyuki Kobayashi
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 387-406
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    A number of work on the saliva has been made by many authors, but chemical investigations particuarly on histamine of the saliva are few. Only those by Feldberg, Kamenowa, Sanders and Ungar et al. could be found.
    However, there has been no study on the histamine content of saliva at the onset of diseases in the oral cavity and its fluctuation at various kinds of surgery.
    Now quantiative determination was made on histamine content of the saliva in normal and pathological conditions of the oral cavity, and the relationship between the histamine content and the findings of exfoliative cytology was also investigated.
    One hundred and forty-five patients were examined: 46 of normal healthy control, 26 of acute inflammation, 37 of chronic inflammation, 6 of chronic non-inflammatory lesion, and 30 of minor surgery.
    Parotid saliva collected by Umemoto-Kakudo's Aspirator and mixed resting saliva were used as test materials.
    Assay of histamine was made by biological determination by means of Magnus' Apparatus after extraction of histamine by Code's Methode and then Mayeda's Method by neoantergan was adopted.
    In normal healthy controlshistamine contents of the parotid saliva and the mixed saliva were 0.015±0.002 μg/c. c. and 0.034±0.003 μg/c. c. respectively, which were almost equal to those in cases of slight degree of caries or edentulous jaws.
    In acute inflammation they were 0.036±0.002 μg/c. c. and 0.122±0.016 μg/c. c.. Histamine in the mixed saliva was markedly increased.
    In chronic inflammation they were 0.026±0.003 μg/c. c. and 0.119±0.019 μg/c. c.. Histaminee in the mixed saliva was increased especially in superficial and extensive lesions.
    In chronic non-inflammatory lesions they were 0.018±0.004 μg/c. c., and 0.040±0.013 μg/c. c..
    An increase of exfoliated epithelial cells, leucocytes, especially neutrophils, and bacilli were observed in acute inflammatory leasions with particulary high histamine content in the saliva.
    At the time of various procedures of oral surgery almost no change was observed in the parotid saliva, while higher histamine content was noticed in the mixed saliva in major surgery than in minor one.
    Some considerations and discussions were made on the problems of histamine release and on the use of antihistamine preparations from the results obtained and the review of previous litrature.
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  • Hiromu KOIKE
    1960 Volume 72 Issue 1 Pages 407-423
    Published: December 30, 1959
    Released on J-STAGE: March 30, 2009
    The relation between caries incidence and sugar consumption was cleared up by Takeuchi and Takahashi with the material of primary school children in Tokyo under the view point of the dental caries that should be observed by the rate of caries incidence as “one tooth as unit” and during a limited period, because the caries develop on the tooth as unit and never be healed spontaneously.
    The author, for the supplement study, observed the relation between sugar consumption and the rate of caries incidence during a year with a Cohort observation of the cases and analysed a pattern of the caries incidence in the first molar of 10, 553 chidren who were born between 1924 and 1946, admitted into a school between 1931 and 1953 of 14 primary shools in Kyoo. The results were as follows:
    (1) Accumulated sugar consumption during the maturation period of teeth has only slight influence upon caries incidence.
    (2) The relation between sugar consumption for a year of new caries incidence in the first molar and the rate of new caries incidence for a year are extremely close and correlation coefficient of the average rate of caries incidence during 6-11 years of age to sugar consumption are: for example, in the lower first molar the year of the new caries incidence, the year before, and the year before last are respectively 0.8, 0.8 and 0.7.
    Also it was presumed that the type of quantitative relation on the semi-log graph shows a almost straight line.
    On this point this is almost as same as a results of Takeuch and Takahashi theoretically but it shows a little more slow curve and a smaller number.
    (3) With the materials during the years before the world war II. I had made an age pattern of the rate of caries incidence in the first molar for 6-11 years of age.
    Using this pattern, I drew the model picture of the rate of caries incidence for a Cohort of which had a change of sugar consumption during the year.
    I had learned that it is possibly similar to the picture of the caries incidence for a year, which is drew with real Cohort.
    According to this result, with the model picture, I had learned the caries incidence for a year has extremely close relation with the sugar consumption during the year.
    Also it is presumed that an influence of the caries incidence on the individual tooth will always show a same age pattern without an influence of the sugar consumption.
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