The purpose of this report is to observe the internal structure of old scluptures and to measure the sizes of the nails used inside, the analytical X-ray photogrammetry utilized in this report has been studied for about 24 years. At first, the relationship between the target of X-ray tube and the object and the relationship between the target of X-ray tube and the projected point on the X-ray film were discussed. Next, the relationship between the density of X-ray film and the thickness of the wood, the voltage, the electric current and the exposure time were investigated. From the analogy between the analytical photogrammetry and analytical X-ray photogrammetry, the algorithm of the analytical X-ray photogrammetry were derived. In this report, the application of analytical X-ray photgrammetry on the wooden Buddist such as AMIDA, JUNI-SHINSHO and BISHAMONTEN, FUDOMYOO etc. were investigated. And the merits of the analytical X-ray photogrammetry are described.