The Japanese Journal of Genetics
Online ISSN : 1880-5787
Print ISSN : 0021-504X
ISSN-L : 0021-504X
Volume 32, Issue 1
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
    Kanji GOTOH
    1957 Volume 32 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2007
    In order to inquire into the behavior and characteristics of off-type plants in field populations of “Saitama No. 27”. a preliminary experiment was undertaken. According to the comparative experiment, except for the D strain which contained 88% of tall-type plants of winter habit, no difference could be found in the examined characters between 4 other strains. Common off-types found in “Saitama No. 27” were tall and low plants. Their agronomic characteristics are described, and the differences between the off-type plants found in this variety and in other ones are reported. In tall off-type lines of D strain polygenic variation was found in plant height and date of heading. Basing on the number of days from seeding to booting stage under long day condition, the tall lines were classified into 4 groups. It was found that the later groups tended to exhibit increased plant height and to show later heading in the field in comparison with the earlier groups.
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  • Ryo SUZUKI
    1957 Volume 32 Issue 1 Pages 8-14
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2007
    (1) Many hybrids from the reciprocal crosses between L. echigonia (buddhr-loach) and M. anguillicaudatus (mud loach), and between the former and C. biwae (spinous loach) died in the gastrulation stage, with a few deformed larvae which died just after hatching. The larvae were intermediate between the parent forms in size of the nucleus as well as in number of the myotome.
    (2) The hybrid larvae from C. biwae_??_×M. anguillicaudatus_??_ were identical in development to pure-bred larvae, showing the intermediate color pattern between parent forms. The hybrids from the reverse crossing showed deformation and died in earliar stages of development.
    (3) As regard to the fertilization rate and mortality of the cross-bred eggs and the viability of hybrids produced, the following order was observed: C. biwae _??_×L. echigonia_??_<L. echigonia_??_×C. biwae_??_<L. echigonia_??_×M. anguillicaudatus_??_ <M. anguillicaudatus_??_×L. echigonia_??_<M. anguillicaudatus_??_×C. biwae_??_<C. biwae _??_×M. anguillicaudatus_??_.
    (4) Based on the above results, the view is expressed that C. biwae and M. anguillicaudatus are most closely related that M. anguillicaudatus and L. echigonia are less closely related than the above, and C. biwae and L. echigonia are taxonomically furthest apart.
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  • Tatsuo ISHIKAWA, Nobunori TANAKA
    1957 Volume 32 Issue 1 Pages 15-19
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2007
    Three groups of mutants with different rates of spontaneous reversion were identified at the homocysteine locus in Ustilago maydis. And it is suggested that the locus has the pseudoallelic nature. Studies of the reversion rates per unit time by the zero term of Poisson formulation in strain 4-24 have shown that limiting concentration of methionine in the minimal medium did not induce the reversion at least for 96 hours at the locus in question.
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    Hiko-Ichi OKA, Keh-Ming LIN
    1957 Volume 32 Issue 1 Pages 20-27
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2007
    In view of the fact that hybrids between varieties of rice with different degrees of resistance to the blast disease often show a continuous array of intergrades in the degree of infection, biometrical methods were used for genic analysis of the resistance in this study. The F2, F3 families and F3 bulk population of a cross between phylogenetically distant varieties, Pei-ku×Taichung No. 65, were planted in an experimental field at Tonhsu, Taichung Prefecture, Formosa, where blast disease prevails seriously. The degree of infection was measured on a single plant basis by a series of index-numbers. Variance components (D. H and E items) were partitioned by Mather's method, and the number of effective factors was estimated. Both K1 and K2 were found to approach one, indicating that the main gene segregating in this cross was one pair. Judging from the mode of frequency distribution, the gene for susceptibility appeared to be dominant over its allelomorph for resistance. It was found that the resistance gene was linked with “Gametic-Development genes” (Oka 1953 a, b, c), bringing about a change in segregation ratio. It was found further that the resistance gene was linked with the phenol-reaction gene, and the recombination value was near to 0.40.
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  • I. The chromosome association in meiosis
    1957 Volume 32 Issue 1 Pages 28-36
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2007
    Based on the study of secondary association of meiotic chromosomes in diploid plants of rice, Sakai (1935), and Nandi (1936), have made the suggestion that the haploid set (12 chromosomes) of rice woule have been derived from an ancestral genome consisting of five chromosomes. In order to test the validity of this hypothesis, the writer investigated the mode of chromosome association in haploid rice. The principal findings are:
    1. At diakinesis, though twelve univalent chromosomes appeared in a greater part of cells, one or two bivalents loosely associated were occasionally seen. In addition to this, secondary associations were frequently found. (Table 1)
    2. The primary as well as secondary association were most apparent at the trasitional stage from late diakinesis to MI. The mode of association most frequently found was 1(3)+3(2)+3(1), and the maximum association was 2(3)+3(2). (Table 2)
    3. At MI, not only bivalent but trivalent chromosomes were pointed out in a part of cells (Table 4). Having compared with the “Poisson” distribution which was to be expected if the associations occurred merely by chance, the frequency distribution of cells with different numbers of primary associations was found to differ significantly from the former. Thus, the chromosome association appearing in haploid plants cannot be said as chance occurrence.
    4. The frequency of primary and secondary associations found in haploid plants was comparable with that of secondary associations reported by the former authors with diploid plants.
    5. It was discussed that the primary and secondary associations in haploid rice might suggest the presence of some residual homology among the twelve chromosomes of the present genome of rice.
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