“Tellus” is Japan's open and free satellite data platform, aimed at creating new business market utilizing satellite data. Despite the growing quantity and quality of earth observation satellite data across the world, there is plenty of room for industrial utilization. This paper introduces one of the Government of Japan's activities to promote the usage of satellite data, the Tellus data platform.
From disaster management research field, two geo-spatial data platform are introduced. SIP4D (Shared Information Platform for Disaster Management) is the first realized geospatial information-sharing platform for disaster management in Japan. Through some disaster response, usefulness has been proven. Activities for connecting disaster response organization's information to SIP4D has been continuing with “disaster information hub” by Cabinet office. On the other hand, immediate sharing system for satellite remote sensing data for disaster management has started since 2018. In 2019, information products using Sentinel-1 SAR data and geospatial information were created and shared. Remote sensing data has big potential in early phase of disaster response.
In recent years, many satellites have been launched and there are many data obtained from various sensors. Utilization of satellite data is becoming active due to improvements in AI technology. In order to promote the use of satellite data, a platform that provides satellite data that is convenient for users is indispensable. This paper introduces “The Earth Observation Data Utilization Promotion Platform” currently operated by PASCO.
Geological information of Geological Survey of Japan, such as geological maps is maintained as a database and provided on the web. Geological information is distributed in a standard format and is available under a CC-BY 4.0 license. To make this information easy to use, a GeomapNavi is provided as a general geological map viewer. As a result of activities to disseminate geological information using GeomapNavi, the number of users of geological information is increasing every year.
Since 1988, Japan Digital Road Map Association (DRM) creates, has created, updated and provided the Digital Road Map Database (DRM-DB) based on public-private collaboration. The DRM Database is the national standard digital road map database supporting ITS infrastructures in Japan. The DRM-DB enables automobile navigation systems to display road maps on their screens and search for the suitable traveling route.
OpenStreetMap is a project to build Open Geospatial dataset for everyone, for every purpose. Moreover, OpenStreetMap is also a platform for Geospatial data, Persons and Organizations to participate with. This article aims to show what OpenStreetMap is, and what is the role of their ecosystem.
We propose a post-launch algorithm for the SGLI active fire detection products. Based on the pre-launch algorithm, some modification is made in order to work on the SGLI fire monitoring system. The main point of the modification is to apply statistical methods to the fire detection scheme, possibly improving the robustness of the algorithm performance. The post-launch algorithm was developed and evaluated using the SGLI data. It was clarified that this algorithm was able to detect obvious fire pixels with relatively higher accuracy, and the false alarms (false positives) were seen in burned-out sites and bright soils.
As our previous work, we have reported a method of measuring the river water level from camera image by detecting water border positions based on the deep learning technology, targeting non-installation sites of water gauges.
For this time, we have considered an additional method which automatically collects training data from images taken by cameras installed by river sides and lets neural networks learn the classification between water images and non-water images. We also have estimated the effectiveness of our new method using actual river image data set. As the results, the true positive ratio of classification reached from 6 to 37 points improvement.