Protein, lipoprotein (Lp) and gfycoprotein (Gp) were studied electrophoretically in liver disease and experimental liver impairment which was induced in rabbits. Total protein (T.p), cholesterol (Ch) and protein-bound polysaccharide (PBP) were also studied.
Rabbits used in this experiment were injected with Indian ink and CCl
4. Liver diseases studied were hepatitis, liver cancer and liver cirrhosis.
1. Changes, which were related to the extent or progress of liver impairment when the rabbits were treated with Indian ink, were a decrease in the T. p and albumin levels and a corresponding increase in the γ-globulin and α
1-globulin fractions. In the case of the Lp level, there was an increase in the total Ch level and a decrease in the β- and γ-Lp fractions. The esterified cholesterol level was in parallel to the total cholesterol level. In the case of the Gp level, the PBP level did not undergo so great changes. A tendency for the α
1-Gp fraction to increase was interesting.
2. In the case of CCl
4 injection, changes which were related to the extent of liver impairment were that the T. p level showed an increase after a temporary decrease and that the albumin fraction followed opposite courses to the T. p level. The γ-globulin fraction was corresponding to the albumin fraction and showed almost the same tendency as observed in the case of Indian ink. An increase in the α
2-globulin fraction was observed in patients who had died. In the case of the Lp level, the total and esterified cholesterol levels showed a sudden decrease after the injection, and the esterified cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio also exhibited a decrease. On the other hand, β-Lp fraction increased after it decreased. In the case of the Gp level, the PBP level did not undergo so great changes. It showed a temporary increase in some cases, but its decreasing tendency was noticed. A tendency forthe α
1-Gp fraction to increase was observed.
3. In clinical experiments a decrease in the T. p level and the albumin fraction as well as an increase in the γ-globulin fraction was perceived in many instances. The decreasing rate of the T. p level was the smallest in liver cancer, followed by liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. The decreasing rate of the albumin fraction was greater in liver cirrhosis than in liver cancer, and the α
2-globulin fraction showed a high value in liver cancer. In the case of hepatitis, a difference according to the intensity of its symptoms was reflected in the T. p level. As foa the Lp level, an increase in the total cholesterol and esterified cholesterol levels and the β-Lp fraction occurred in the advanced stage of icterus in hepatitis, while there was a decrease in these levels in cases of great liver function impairment. The total cholesterol level was high in cases of liver cirrhosis which followed favorable courses, whereasit was low in cases which followed unfavorable courses ann especially in cases of death. It showed a decrease in the progressive stage of liver, cancer. In the case of the Gp level, the PBP level was high in cases of hepatitis where jaundice was marked, while it was low in cases where liver function impairment was great. In the stadium acme of hepatitis, there was an increase in the α
1-Gp fraction. In liver cancer, the PBP level and the α
1- and α
2-Gp fractions showed an increase and these exhibited a greater increase along with the progress of this disease. The PBP level was low in cases of liver cirrhosis which followed unfavorable courses, while it was high in cases Which followed favorable courses. The high α
1- and α
2-Gp fractions were reduced by medical treatment, whereas the low ones showed a tendency to be increased.