Heterogeneity of serum γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GTP) of 23 normal subjects and 82 patients with hepatobiliary diseases were studied by electrophoresis on “Cellogel”.
Nine fractions in total were detected in normal and diseased groups. Enzymograms of normal controls were classified into the following three types; 1) a single broad band between albumin and α
2 globulin (52.2%), 2) a single sharp band at α
2 globulin (39.1%), 3) double bands at albumin-α
1 globulin and α
2 globulin (8.7%).
Enzymograms of patients with hepatobiliary diseases were different from those of normal control.
The fractions were classified to main and sub fraction according to density of bands and frequency of appearance of individual fraction as main or sub fraction in hepatobiliary diseases was investigated.
Characteristic features of enzymograms in various hepatobiliary diseases were demonstrated and clinical significance of several fractions which appeared frequently were discussed.