Investigations into continental crustal structure and upper mantle structures of the continents and oceans from the observation of seismic surface waves dispersion are reviewed in this second paper.
Part II : Continental Crustal Structure.
Up-to-date method, e. g., to determine the crustal structure through the careful fitting of theoretical dispersion curves basing upon the multi-layered crustal models with observed data are quite active in U. S. A. In this continent, Rayleigh waves dispersion due to nuclear explosion under the ground are well utilized. Higher mode surface waves have also been observed and studied. Geographical condition also enables U. S. seismologists to observe phase velocity dispersion over various regions in this continent.
In Asia continent, deep Moho in and around Tibet Plateau is evident from the dispersion of Love Waves.
Boundary of Antarctic continent is a matter of interesting. This problem, however, has not yet been fully solved from the dispersion of surface waves.
Variation of Moho depth beneath Japan has been estimated from phase velocity of both Love and Rayleigh Waves.