The Journal of Biochemistry
Online ISSN : 1756-2651
Print ISSN : 0021-924X
Volume 12, Issue 2
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 133-138
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
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  • Üeber den Mechanismus der hypoglykamischen Wirkung der Gallensäure
    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 139-160
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    1. Die Zufuhr von. Gallensäure setzt den nüchternen Blut-zucker des Kaninchens herab, wie schon Misaki in seinem Versuch bewiesen hat.
    Diese hypoglykämische Wirkung der Gallensäure wind durcb Splanchnikotomie aufgehoben. Daraus ist zu schliessen, dass die Gallensäure auf den Sympathikus lähmend wirkt.
    2. Die hypoglykämische Wirkung der Gallensäure bei Adrenalinhyperglykämie wird durch Splanchnikotomie aufgehoben. Die Adrenalinglykosurie nach langem Verlauf von Splanchnikotomie wird sowohl durcb Zufuhr von Gallensäure als auch ohne Zufuhr derselben aufgehoben. Das beruht auf der Herabsetzung der Zuckerausscheidungsschwelle, da die Gallensäure, nach Taku, auf die Zuckerausscheidungssehwelle herabsetzend wirkt, und die Zuckerausscheidungsschwelle durch langen Verlauf der Splanchnikotomie, nach Kawashima, herabgesetzt wird.
    3. Die hypoglykämische Wirkung der Gallensäure bleibt bei Zufuhr einer kleineren Menge durch Vagotomie unverändert oder wird vielmehr herabgesetzt, während sie bei einer grösseren Menge von Gallensäure verstärkt wird. Nach den Daten und dem Befund von Zondek und Taku, dass die Nervenfunktion durch Elektrolyte ersetzt, und die hypoglykämische Wirkung der Gallensäure durch das Kaliumion verstärkt wird, möchte ich annehmen, dass die Gallensäure auf den Parasympathikus reizend wirkt, indem der gegenseitig antagonistisch wirkende Sympathikus durch Vagotomie in einen hypertonischen Zustand versetzt wird.
    4. Der nervöse Impuls aus dem Zuckerzentrum in der Medulla oblongata wird durch die Gallens äure hemmend beeinflusst.
    Aus den oben erw ähnten Daten kann man schliessen, dass die Gallens äure auf den nervösen Impuls aus dem Zuckerzentrum in der Medulla oblongata hemmend, auf den Sympathikus l ähmend und auf den Parasympathikus reizend einwirkt, indem ihr Einfluss unter Vermittelung der beiden Nerven direkt auf die Leber oder indirekt auf die Adrenalinsekretion der Nebenniere ausgeübt wird. Auf these Weise wird der Kohlehydratstoffwechsel im Organismus durch Gallens äure reguliert, indem die Glykogenmobilisation in der Leber and im Muskel gehemmt, and die Glykogenbildung in den-selben befördert wird.
    Zum Schluss möchte ich Herrn Dr. Kitayama für seine freundliche Hilfe bei der Operation der Versuchstiere meinen herzlichsten Dank aussprechen.
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    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 161-185
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    1. In acute-asphyxia the amount of chlorine in the whole blood begins to increase in an appreciable amount already in about one minute, and continues to increase steadily till the death of animals.
    2. In acute-asphyxia the amount of chlorine, in the plasma increases in the same manner, just as in the whole blood, the decrease of plasma-chlorine, which is very often found in animals dying f ron acute-asphyxia, is a, postmortem phenomenon. The chlorine-decrease in plasma can not be found in zany cases M the life-time of animals during acute-suffocation.
    3. In the prolonged-asphyxia the chlorine in the whole blood increases gradually and reaches its maximum in 10 to 20 minutes; it remains thereafter without. notable variation up to the death of the animals. When the chlorine-decrease i n plasma becomes too extreme, however, the amount-of chlorine in the whole Blood is somewhat reduced though it generally shows hyperehloremic value to the last.
    4. Tn the prolonged-asphyxia the amount of chlorine in plasma-increases at the beginning of asphyxiation up to 10 to 20 minuutes. and then decreases by degrees, finally showing a subnormal value before death. If, however, the experimental animal has died within about 30 minutes, the results are similar to those in acute-asphyxia.
    5. An initial fall of the amount of chlorine in blood and plasma is often observed in the earlier stage of prolonged-asphyxia, especially produced by pneumothorax. This may be taken as the result of hyper-ventilations-alkalosis.
    6. In the acute-asphyxia, the chlorine-increase in the whole blood resulted from the following three factors, namely chlorineincrease in red-cells, chlorine increase in plasma, relative enlargement of plasma-volume, due to numerical reduction of red-cells.
    7. In the prolonged-asphyxia, the chlorine-increase in whole blood in the earlier period is due to the chlorine-increase in red-cells and in plasma, but in the later stage, the hyperchloraemia results from the chlorine-increase in red-cells alone.
    8. Hypo-globulia happens constantly in acute-asphyxia.
    9. Poly-globulia happens constantly in prolonged-asphyxia.
    10. In the acute-asphyxia the hemoglobin-content of blood shows no definite change, and in prolonged-asphyxia the hen.oglobin-content shows nearly nno notable alteration.
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    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 187-193
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    (1) The cystin content varies with the different parts of hair and that of the terminal part is always less than that of the other part.
    (2) The cystin content of young men's hair, that showed powerful growth, is less than that of old men.
    (3) The ratio of cystin to the total nitrogen content of hair is almost constant in differentt ages while the cystin content varies with the ages of people.
    (4) The melanin content of black hair is far greater than that of white, and the cystin content of the former is rich, while the nitrogen content is poor.
    (5) The relative quantity of cystein in relation to cystin is higher in the case of young men than in that of old men and it seems that someconnection with Hopkin's glutathion may be found in young men's hair but that inold men it may be scant.
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    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 195-205
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
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    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 207-222
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    It is recommended to apply the potentiometric titration for the determination of cystine and cysteine, the details of which are reported in this paper. Here the following jsummary is given.
    1. Pure cystine and cysteine solution can be accurately titrated with broinate either in the presence of bromide or in its absence.
    2. If the solution contains other aminoacids besides cystine, such as protein hydrolysate the titration with iodate in the presence of iodine is more accurate.
    3. As is already depicted by Okuda, the temperature and the acidity of the solution have the marked. effects upon the the titrating value, because cysteine can be oxidised to cystine or crysteinic acid in varying ratio as these factors change.
    4. It was found, moreover, that the rate of titration with iodine has also some influence. When it is carried out more slowly the more cystine is formed and in the reverse case the more cysteinic acid.
    5. Among various aminoacids only tryptophan exerts a definite influence upon the titrating value of cysteine by iodate. Perhaps the oxidation of tryptophan may be induced by the presence of cysteine.
    The author is deeply indebted to Prof. Keizo Kodama for his kind advice throughout this investigation.
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  • II. The Metabolic Activity
    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 223-234
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    1. The activity of dehydrogenase and oxic ase of the auriculo-ventricular functional system was quantitatively estimated and compared with that of heart muscle, with the conclusion that the former is far inferior to the latter in the activity of both ferments.
    2. It was found also that the content of sulfhydrvl compounds of the auriculoventricular junetional system is less than that of the heart muscle.
    3. It was proved moreover that Tawara's bundle consumes far less oxygen than the heart muscle.
    4. From these expp erimental results it is reasonably concluded that the metabolic activity of the auriculoventricular junctional system is much inferior to that of heart muscle.
    The author is deeply indebted to Prof. Keizo Kodama and Prof. Makoto Isihara for kind advice throughout this investiga-tion.
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  • III. The Phosphatide and the Cholesterin content
    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 235-239
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
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  • IV. Studies on the Anaerobic Oxidation of t Auriculoventricular Junctional System
    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 241-246
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    1. The auriculo-ventricular junctional system of heart is very resistant against cyanide.
    2. The auriculo-ventricular functional system poisoned with M/2500 KCN can consume oxygen to a certain extent.
    3. The auriculo-ventricular junctional tissue does not give utp its automatic contraction in Locke's solution practically free f rom oxygen.
    The author wishes to express his heartiest thanks to Prof. Keizo Kodama and Prof. Makoto Ishihara for their kind advice throughout the course of this investigation.
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    1930 Volume 12 Issue 2 Pages 247-279
    Published: 1930
    Released on J-STAGE: November 18, 2008
    1. The distribution of glyoxalase in animal tissues was ex-amined. Generally speaking, the glyoxalase content was highest in the liver, the other tissues containing 30-60% of that of the liver. There was no noticeable fluctuation in the glyoxalase distribution in the tissues, so long as the animal was kept under normal conditions. The main difference between warm- and cold-blooded animals was that the liver of the latter was 50% inferior to that of the former in its glyoxalase content.
    2. The glvoxalase contents of the animal tissues decreased definitely when the tissues were subjected to continuous deprivation of sugar. The liver lost the enzyme most slowly in comparison with other tissues.
    3. The relation between the glyoxalase content and the process of germination of the soy-bean was studied. Glyoxalase of the bud increased rapidly up to the 7th or 8th clay of germinationn, and was succeeded by a subsequent declination. This increase in gly oxalase may be attributed to the increase of co-enzyme rather than to that of the enzyme itself.
    4. The dry glyoxalase sample was prepared by the successive treatment of animal tissues with alcohol and ether. The powder retained 70% activity of the original fresh tissue and could be kept for at. least four weeks without' loss of its power. The extraction of the enzyme from the powder was achieved most effectively by shaking it with a neutral liquid for two hours at room temperature or for an hour at 37°.
    5. When glyoxalase was dialysed through collodion membrane against distilled water, its activity disappeared after 5 hours. The lost activity was restored definitely by the addition of boiled tissue juice.
    6. Glucose and polysaccharides, which contain glucose in the molecules, accelerated the activity of dialysed and non-dialysed glyoxayase. The hexoses other than glucose were quite indifferent to the enzyme. Inorganic phosphate inhibited the glyoxalase action. Guanine and its derivatives reacted directly with methylglyoxal. When mnet.hlyglyoxal was brought into contact with amino acids, rather a rapid disappearance of methylglyoxal was observed, coupled with the production of NH3 and CO2. The amount of liberated NH3 and CO2 was 70-80% of the value computed from the quantity of amino acids involved in the reaction.
    7. Fosters pancreatic powder which, according to her statement, inhibits the lactic acid formation in chopped muscle and differs from “antiglyoxalase” in some respects, seems to be identical with “antiglyoxalase” in every point.
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