Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
Volume 10, Issue 3
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
    Mitsutaro Yamamoto
    1939 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 253-258,51
    Published: May 25, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    Als Versuchstiere wendete Verf, etwa 1, 0kg, schwere weisse männliche Kaninchen an, denen vorher nach etwa 7 Tage langer Beobachtung, täglich 5, 0g. von Rohrzucker mit Okara nebst einer kleinen Menge von f rischem Gras gegeben wurden. Nach etwa 2 Wochen langer Rohrzucker-Zugebung wurden diesen Tieren Emulsion von Lepra- und denen ahnlichen säurefesten Bazillen (sog. Rattenleprabazillen, Bazillen im Abfallwasser und Ota'schen Bazillen) in die Ohrvene der Tiere eingespritzt. Nach verschiedenen Zeitspannen (24 Stunden, 3 Tage, 1 und 2 Wochen nachher), nachher ohne BarillenInjektion, in der anderen Tiergruppe bis zu getöteten Tagen noch täglich Bazillen eingespritzt, wurden diese verschieden behandelten Kaninchen getötet und die Veränderungen der inneren Organe, insbesondere die der Lungen histologisch genau untersucht. Die wesentlichsten Befunde liessen. sick folgendermassen zusammenfassen:
    1) Die Lungenveränderungen der Tiere, denen Lepra- und denen ähnliche säurefeste Bazillen in die Ohrvene eingespritzt wurden, traten bei der alimentellen Blut-Azidosis viel stärker auf, als bei den unbehandelten Kontrolltieren. Sie äussersten sich in der hochgradigen Hyperämie, Blutung und Zellinfiltration der Lungen.
    2) Diese Veranderungen gingen im allgemeinen mit der Zeitdauer der Rohrzucker-Zugebung parallel. Je langer die Blut-Azidosis dauerte, desto starker pflegten diese Veranderungen vorzukommen.
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  • Fumio Hayashi, Tei Maeda, Shun'ichi Fukuda, Yoshi Nagai
    1939 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 259-273,53-54
    Published: May 25, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    1) Yoron is the farthest southern island of the Osima archipelago, only 20 miles north from Okinawa. After admission of 60 lepers in Keiaien from Yoron in May 1938, the whole Yoron villagers wished to be examined.
    2) 7.470 among 7954 inhabitants were examined in August 1938 by the author and 17 leprous patients newly were found. Total number of lepers, therefor, is 78.
    3) While the census in 1935 numbered 15, 193 lepers in Japan, there were only 24 on the list in this island, t. i. 1/3.3 of 78. In 1937, the author examined Kikai island and the number of lepers was 1.8 times of census number in 1935.
    4) Lepers are seen in every part of the island, equally prevalent as seen on the map 1.
    5) 78 patients are consisted of 46 male and 32 female, t. i. 1.4: 1. But as females in this island is 20% more than males, the male leper proportion becomes more.
    6) Lepromatous form are 23.1 %, less than 32.4% in Kikai. Lepromatous type in Japan is estimated to be 30% or so of all lepers.
    7) The modus of infection are classified into three; from relatives 40%, from neighbours 16.7% and without any infecting chance 43.3%. The nearer is the infecting source, the earlier is the onset age; 19.0, 21.8, 22.1 average ages respectively.
    8) Filaria, intestinal parasites; ascaris and ankylostoma and trachoma are very prevalent, partly due to the lack of water.
    9) As the island is isolated, measles epidemy comes in every 5 or 10 years. So only 24% of all the patients had been attacked with it till 5 years old, while in other part of Japan 40 or 50% ace used to fall in first five years.
    10) Tuberculosis is very rare. Positive Mantoux reaction is only 6% among Yoron lepers admitted in.
    11) Age distribution curve shifts to left just as Okinawa curve, and just contrary to the right shifting curve of lepers in Kagoshima proper as seen on plate 2. Average ages of patients are 37.2 in Yoron, 38.2 in Okinawa and 47.0 in Kagoshima proper. In Yoron, it is 42.5 at Tyabana, where there are many old neural patients, and 32, 6 at Higasi, where there are some young lepromatous patients.
    12) Neither leprous blind, nor leprotic alopecia in high grade were found in Yoron and this certifies the author's climate theory.
    13) The newly found patients are classified into, two; one group is macular or early lepromatous form, and the other is old slight neural form.
    14) The duration of the disease are very important to investigate local epidemiology. For example, the average duration in Norway is 45 years, and at Ranikhatanga village in India is 4.1, while at Tyabana in Yoron 25.9 and 9.1 at Higasi, Nisi and Gusuku.
    15) Additionally the number of patients, whose duration of the disease are under 5 years, is very important from epidemiological stand point. In Norway, no patient is under five years duration, while in Ranikhatanga 70% of all are under 5 years duration. In Yoron, this percentage is 0 at Tyabana, and 43% at Higasi.
    16) Notwithstanding the fact that no propaganda had ever been taken place in Yoron, 60 patients were sent to Keiaien and total inhabitants were examined this time. Village master, Mr. Tanaka announced recently that this examination of all the inhabitants should be held every year for 10 years and sending new patients to Keiaien, leprosy free Island should be completed.
    Though Yoron is the remotest place from civilization in Japan, this attitude for leprosy problem is the best model in Japan.
    (Abstracted by the author)
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  • Noboru Tachikawa
    1939 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 275-282,55
    Published: May 25, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    (I) The author reports in this paper about the symptoms and diagnosis of a typical case of tuberculoidal macula. The patient is 28 years of age, japanese male.
    Marked features of tuberculoid macula are following.
    (1) a distinct thickening of local cutaneous nerves.
    (2) a high degree of lymphocytosis in the blood.
    (3) Mitsuda's reaction is strikingly positive.
    (4) the lesions are quite similar histologically to tuberculoid.
    (II) Both papules, which caused by Mitsuda's reaction in two lepers, are seen in a case of tuberculoidal macula and in an other nervous case, and they are quite similar to tuberculoidal macula from the histological standpoint.
    (III) Dr. Mitsuda and the members of his school believe that the tuberculoidal macula is a reaction caused by lepra bacillus. The positive skin test in a patient shows the existence of a bodily resistence against lepra bacillus and the prognosis is better than a case of the negative skin test.
    (Abstracted by the author)
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  • Tadao Toda, Kaoru Usuba, Mitiko Yamada
    1939 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 283-313,57
    Published: May 25, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    Wir haben schon seit etwa 10 Jahren verschiedene Untersuchungen über die Kultur von Menschenund Rattenleprabazillen angestellt. Die Resultate sind wie folgt:
    1) Menschen- und Rattenleprabazillen waren uberhaupt nicht auf gewöhnlichen Nährböden wie z. B. dem Petragnani'schen oder anderen Nährböden tür Tuberkelbazillen zu züchten.
    2) Die verschiedenen Stämme säurefester Bazillen, welche früher mehrere Autoren aus Materialien von Menschen- und Rattenlepra auf gewöhnlichen Nährböden gezüchtet haben, dürfen nicht als echte Leprabazillen anzusprechen sein. Sie sind alle saprophytisch.
    3) Die Leprabazillen waren nicht mittels der anaeroben Kulturmethode zu züchten.
    4) Man konnte Leprabazillen als Gewebskulturen wachsen lassen, ohne sie besonders welter zu züchten.
    5) Zuweilen wuchsen die Leprabazillen auf Chorioallantois, doch gelang dies nicht immer.
    6) Wir haben einige eigenen Methoden versucht, auf Grund deren es möglich war, die Leprabazillen mit anderen Bakterien wie Bacillus subtilis usw. in Symbiose leben zu lassen. Dadurch liessen sich die Leprabazillen weiter vermehren. Leider konnten wir dabei jedoch das Wachstum weiterer Generationen nicht abwarten.
    7) Im allgemeinen verlief das Wachstum der Rattenleprabazillen etwas schneller als das der Menschenleprabazillen.
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    Masuo Harada
    1939 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 315-321,59
    Published: May 25, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    La obstrukco de sento ce la lepro estas preskau ciam trovita stato, kiu devenas de periferaj nervoj. Por gia klinia observo la autoro plenukas unue la reakcion de Histamin. Lau la antaua reporto tiu ci reakcio estas inda por la flua diagnozo de lepro, sed la autoro ce tiu ci esploro pruvas, ke la reakcio de Histamin estas ne originala celepro kaj estas nur objektiva pruvo por esti de obstrukcio de sento.
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