Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
Volume 20, Issue 5
Displaying 1-1 of 1 articles from this issue
    1951 Volume 20 Issue 5 Pages 136-146_6
    Published: September 20, 1951
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    I On Bacterial viruses
    For years we have been taking up the systematic study of Bacterial viruses by the electron microscope and we succeeded in verifying 11 kinds of Bacterial virus. We have inquired into the morphology of virus, and the relations between bacteiral virus and host cell; especially in regard to the multiplication method of virus which has been considered as one of the fundamental problems on virus study. I will mention below a few essential points of the interesting results which we could get.
    1. All of 11 bacterial viruses in various kinds which we ascertained consist of head and tail.
    2. Bacterial virus attacks the host cell by its head.
    3. We recognized the various different internal structures in the head of bacterial virus. They seem to be nucleus of poly-nuclear leucocyte or nucleus of cell division.
    4. As the results of our systematic studies on 11 bacterial viruses, we could believe that these viruses multiply by division, for we recognized many micrographs of viruses in chains of two pieces and some others arranging in the form of Streptococcus or Staphylococcus. In the scrupulous investigation of these twin viruses we can confirm the fact viruses multiply by fissparism. Also internal structures of the head, looking like the leucocytes nucleus, make us feel the multiplication by division.
    5. Bacterial virus frequently becomes ghost, but it still has a read and a tail. By this fact it will be concluded that there is a menbrane convering the head and the tail.
    II On acid-fast Bacillus
    We accomplished the studies on 18 kinds of acid-fast bacillus and could get the most interesting results concerning on M. leprae. 1. According to our electron miscroscopic studies on M. leprae, I could make certain the very tip of the nerve fivers are dashing into the Bacillus. Those minute neurofibrillae are ca. 60 mμ in width, in which the granulas or lateral stripes are arranging in regular line. The fact that the tip of the nerve fivers is reaching as far as bacillus, makes our eyes open in astonishment and at the same time make us feel that the affinity between the leprosy and the nerve must be explained. Starting this electron microscopic discovery, I am going to study further the etiology of the leprosy in co-operation with the clinicians.
    2. Ramification of nerve fivers; we can trace the branching of the nerve fivers by the electron microscopic study. The very minute tip of nerve fivers-we called them provisi-onally ultra-neurofibrillae, ca, 60 mμin width, having the patterns of regularly arranging stripes or granulas-gather together into one bundle that we have thought the tip of the nerve fiver by the light microscope. Those bundle form again bigger bundle - Bacillus of M. leprae are being caught in the tangles of neurofibrillae.
    3. We guess that M, leprae in the human bodies is being covered with the halo (one kind of capsule). Ten odd years ago I succeeded in staining this covering substance and I called them Bacillus-Halo, but this time I could assertained them really by the electron microscope.
    4. Besides these studies, we recognized that the various structures in the acid-fast Baci-llus-granulas or vacuoles-and carried out the discussion about those structures, the way of the multiplication of acid-fast Bacillus, or the filtrable type.
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