Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
Volume 9, Issue 2
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
    Kyuji Hasegawa
    1938 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 193-214,1-2
    Published: March 25, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    Seit drei Jahren (1935-1937) hat Verfasser an der oben genannten Anstaft 902 Leprakranken (_??_597, _??_305) in Bezug auf das M N-System untersucht. Die Hauptresultate sind wie folgt:
    1) Die Blutgruppen von den Leprakranken und gesunden Japanern sind in Tabelle I gezeigt. Man bemerkt darin keine besondere Differenz zwischen den Leprakranken und gesunden Japanern. Tabelle I
    2) Zwisechen männlichen u, weiblichen Kranken bemerkt man keine besonderen Verhaltinisse. Tabblle II
    3) Krankheitsform, Prognose und Verteilungsverhältnis des A B O-Systems zeigen nach Verfasser keine innige Beziehung mit der Verschiedenheit der M N-System-Blutgruppen. (Sieh Tabelle III bis V) Tabelle III Tabelle IV Tabelle V
    4) Die Genzahlen der Blutgruppen nach der Wellischschen Bestimmungs-methode rind: s=5.57, t=4.43, d. h. s+t=10.00
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  • Einosuke Shionuma
    1938 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 215-242_4,3-4
    Published: March 25, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    1) Keratitis leprosa and other eye symptoms appear earlier in an infiltrating form of the face than nodu.ated type.
    2) Examning 1198 eyeballs of 599 cases of C type in the Zensei Hospital, keratitis leprosa are classified into five groups in the following percentage: Pannus leprosus 43.33% Keratitis punktata superficialis leprosa 16.44% Keratitis parenchymatosa leprosa 16.28% Leproma corneae 0.92% Keratitis superficialis diffusa leprosa 0.67%
    3) These changes are seen only in C type.
    4) Besides the five forms of keratitis above mentioned, another form is newly found by the author and named keratitis punktata superficialis prominentia leprosa. In the cornea there is seen a small leprous infiltration, which perforates the Bowman's membrane, resulting an elevation of corneal epithelium.
    5) Clinically, corneal opacity is difficult to be wiped off even a remarkable diminution of the infiltration in the face and extremities. Chaulmoograoil may help to diminish leprabacilli from the cornea, but owing to leprous lipoid which causes no disturbance by other organs, the transparency of the cornea is injured for long.
    6) Leprabacilli first enter into the corneal corpuscles and an infiltration of the cornea spreads gradually. The corneal corpuscle is simillar to the end or perithelium of blood vessel, which does not seen to be the origin of leprous foamy cell. Then other histiocytes in- or outside of the cornea are to become vacuole cells. But the quetion as to whether the corneal corpuscle becomes vacuole cell or not is difficult to be solved.
    7) Microscopical sections of the cornea stained by sudan III and other leprosy manifestation of the eye are recognized to show valuablly many leprous changes.
    8) The author reports one case of N type with keratitis e lagophthalmo, which changed into a leprom with many bacilli as the first mark of C manifestation. This case of N type became C type with tattoo, in which lately leprous symptom appeared. He explained that histiocytes which phagocyted tattoo pigment also could easily phagocyte leprabcilli. This explanation can be applied in the author's case.
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  • Einosuke Shionuma
    1938 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 243-260_1,5-6
    Published: March 25, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    On this study, 11 eyes of seven cases of C, 2 eyes of one case of N and 2 eyes of one macular case were examined microscopically, which had been enucleated within two hours after death.
    After formalin fixacion, Ishizu's modification of Cajal's silver impregnation method was used for staining nerves, which was combined with Ziehl-Neelsen's method, to examine both nerve and leprosy bacilli.
    These 11 eyes of C are consist of 5 leprous pannus, 4 leprous pannus with keratitis punctata superficialis leprosa, and 2 keratrtis parenchymatosa.
    In intact or slightly infiltrated part of the cornea a majority of nerves are normal, while in an intensive infiltrated part intact nerve fibres are seldom seen. In the letter part there is found a degeneration of axis-cylinder in various grades, such as spindle-shaped swelling, or splitting into granules or drop-shaph in hypopregnation.
    Lepra bacilli are seen both in and among axis-cylinders. Sometimes round, spindle-shaped or cylindrical mass of bacilli are seen in nerve fibres. Bacilli are often seen in intact nerve fibres, without having leprous infiltration in its surroundings. These changes are not seen in neural and macular cases, except extinction of nerves in the opacity of keratitis a lagophthalmo with regeneration of nerves in its surroundings.
    There is physiologically no blood vessels in the cornea, while usually lepra bacilli invade through the blood vessel in C type. This nerve seems to play greater part for an invasion of lepra bacilli in the conea as the corneal corpuscle does, t, i, lepra bacilli and infiltration invade into the cornea by means of nerve fibres, forming keratitis parenchymatosa. Specially it is remarkable that penetration of the Bowman's membrane by leprous infiltrations occurs along the penetrating nerve fibre.
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  • Einosuke Shionuma
    1938 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 261-283_2,7-8
    Published: March 25, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    The endogenous or ectogenous theory in eye leprosy have been discussed for many years since Bull and Hansen's ectogenous theory was published in 1873. For investigating this problem, the author employed ten clinically intact eyes of C cases to find an initial focus in eye leprosy microscopically. In this study the author examined not only the eye ball but also surrounding tissues such as the eye lid and lacrimal gland. In two eyes, initial leprous infiltration took place at the Schlemm's canal and its surrounding. In eight eyes an infiltration began at capillary loops of the iris and ciliary body, and in the margin of cornea, where capillary loops form a ring arround the circumference of cornea, coming from the anterior ciliary vessels. While lepra bacill entered into the conjunctival sac from the eyelid, it was seldom to see that bacilli came through the conjunctival or corneal epithelium. This fact acertains the endogenous theory. On the other hand, bacilli were found in nine cases in 55 of C type, while none in 40 cases of N type. (16.4% in C)
    The passage of lepra bacilli are as follows:
    1) from an ulcer on the margin of eyelid.
    2) from Meibom's, Moll's and Krause's glands.
    3) from the goblet-cells of palpebral conjunctiva.
    4) through bulbar conjunctiva and in its desauamated epithelium.
    5 in leucocyte phagocyted.
    Author's investigation thus acertained that the leprous eye change anticipates an appearance of bacilli in the conjunctival sack. That is to confirm the endogenous theory.
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    Mitsutaro Yamamoto
    1938 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 285-295_3,9-10
    Published: March 25, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: December 10, 2008
    Bei 100 Fällen von Leprakranken wurde das Röntgenbild der Lunge untersucht. 26 Kranke batten eine Lepra tuberosa (19 Männer und 7 Frauen im Alter von 14-56 Jahren mit einer Krankheitsdauer [K.D.] von 8 Monaten bis zu 19 Jahren, 3 Monaten); 46 hatten eine Lepra maculosa (34 Männer und 12 Frauen im Alter von 17-70 Jahren mit einer K.D, von 1 Monat bis zu 11 Jahren, 8 Monaten); 28 hatten eine Lepra nervosa (21 Männer und 7 Frauen im Alter von 15-60 Jahren mit einer K.D. von 2 Monaten bis zu 12 Jabren. 4 Monaten). Die wesentlichsten Befunde waren:
    1) Bei 24 Kranken (5 Fälle von L.t., 12 von L.m. und 7 von L.n.) waxen in der Lunge keine nennenswerten Veränderungen nachzuweisen.
    2) Was die pathologischen Veränderungen der Pleura anbetrifft, so fanden sick eine veraltete Pleuritis in 5, eine deutliche Verdickung der Pleura an den Lungenspitzen in 2 Fällen.
    3) Am Hilusteil waren Infiltrationen in 6 Fällen sichtbar, deutliche Hilustuherkulose zeigte sick in 3 Fällen.
    4) An den Broncnien sah man bei 37 Patienten chronische Peribronchitis, bei 5 Peribronchialtuberkulose.
    5) An den Lungenspitzen zeigten sick in 12 Fällen Veränderungen in Gestalt von leichten Trübungen order fleckigen Schatten, in 4 Fällen war jedoch eine deutliche Spitzentuberkulose nachzuweisen.
    6) Bei 3 Kranken lieβ sich eine tuberkulöse Infiltration in der Infraklavikulargegend finden. Ferner zeigten sick hochgradige produktive Phthisis in 6, käsige Veränderung und Kavernenbildung in 2 Fällen.
    7) Bronchiektasien waren in 5 Fällen zu sehen.
    8) In Bezug auf Veränderungen des Herzens fanden sich Verdickung und Erweiterung desselben bei 6 Kranken, wobei in 4 Fällen Hypertrophie der linken, in 2 Dilatation der rechten Kammer (Beriberi-Herz) nachgewiesen werden konnte.
    9) An der Aorta stellte sich bei 6 Patienten eine Wandverdickung dar.
    10) Das Zwerchfell zeigte in 2 Fällen deutlichen Hochstand, während in 4 Fällen seine Bewegungsfähigkeit eingeschränkt oder gänzlich aufgehoben war.
    Die oben erwähnten Befunde waxen sämtlich ntcht viel anders als die Veränderungen, die man sieht, wenn es sich nur um eine Tuberkulose allein handelt. Dagegen zeigten die später beschriebenen Bilder meter oder weniger deutliche Abweichungen von denen der Lungentuberkulose. Verf. sah nämlich bei 3 Leprakranken (2 Fällen von L. m. und 1 von L.n.) an beiden Lungen zahlreiche, disseminiert vorhandene, kleinfleckige Schatten, die im allgemeinen scharf begrenzt aber hell erschienen uud hauptsächlich azinös und wenig peribronchial angeordnet waxen. Diese Bilder waxen bisher wenig bei der Tuberkulose zu sehen. Es mag eine lepröse Veränderung sein. Hier sind jedoch nur die Befunde als solche beschrieben. In weiteren Untersuchungen soll das Phänomen erklärt werden.
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