Each of 36 patients who underwent trachotomy for removal of malignant or benign tumors or for treatment of pneumothorax was infused with 2g of aspoxicillin (ASPC, Doyle® injection) intravenously over 1-hour period. ASPC concentrations determined at 1 postoperative time-point in tissues of the lung and trachea and in serum of each patient were analyzed pharmacokinetically to elucidate the transfer of ASPC to the thoracic tissues. The preventive effbct of ASPC against postoperative infections was also investigated in 39 trachotomy patients.
1. The analysis of ASPC concentrations in 36 patients with trachotomy gave the following results;
1) The peak blood level (about 80μg/ml) was attained at the end of infusion. The serum level then decreased with time to beloyv about 10μg/ml at 6 hours after the start of infusion, with an elimination half-life of about 1.4 hours, which was comparable to that in healthy adults.
2) Peak levels in the lung and tracheal tissues were achieved at about 30 minutes after the start of infusion, at levels of about 30 and 40μg/g, respectively, which decreased to about 5μg/g in both tissues at 6 hours after the start of infusion.
2. Thirty nine patients who were treated with ASPC before operation were examined for the preventive effect of ASPC against postoperative infections for 1 week after operation. No postoperative infection was noted in any patients and ASPC was found to be useful for prevention of postoperative infections.
3. No side effects or abnormal laboratory findings were noted in any patients.
Based on the results of the transfer into the tissues of respiratory organs and preventive effect against postoperative infections, we have concluded that ASPC is useful for prevention of infections after thoracic operation.
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