CASS, Corrodkote and outdoor exposure tests on decorative platings containing intermediate cobalt layers from gluconate baths were examined for developing high corrosion resistance process.
Following results were obtained:
1) The corrosion resistance of 3μ of Co and 5μ of bright Ni on Cu-Co-bright Ni-regular Cr was equivalent to 21μ of triple Ni.
2) Cu-bright Ni-F. C. Ni (micro-porous Cr co-deposits)-microcracked Cr plating showed the best results in outdoor exposure test.
3) The main factor of corrosion in early stages was the plating process. The effects of the atmosphere increased with the lapse of period. Among the atmospheres of exposure, the decreasing order of severity was arranged as follows: seaside>industrial areas>suburbs>cities. The atmosphere of suburbs was similar to that of cities on corrosion effects and these two kinds of atmospheres were milder than those of other areas.
4) When micro-porous or micro-cracked Cr was co-deposited, the thickness of Ni layer had to be increased because of the corrosion mechanism between Ni and Cr, the sacrificial anode effect of Co, and the internal stress of Cr.
5) The results of accelerated corrosion tests were not identical with those of outdoor exposure test on Cu-Co-bright Ni-F. C. Ni-regular Cr and Cu-bright Ni-F. C. Ni-microcracked Cr processes. Therefore, another method of accelerated corrosion test must be selected for these processes.