The specific conductivity of oxalic acid baths was measured as functions of composition, pH and temperature, by using a Wheatstone bridge. The specific conductivity of oxalic acid bath changes with concentrations in total chromium, Cr
6+ and (NH
4, and with bath pH and temperature; for a typical bath with total Cr 100g/l, Cr
6+ 12-38g/l and (NH
4 75g/l at 60°C, it was about 0.08Ω
-1. The bath voltage was controlled by the solution resistance and expressed by V=((-0.038logK-0.0273)L+0.09)J+2, in which K is the specific conductivity, J is the cathode current density and L is the distance between the anode and cathode electrodes. The covering power of the bath evaluated from the appearance of chromium plating on bent cathodes (plates crooked at an angle of 78°) at 100A/dm
2 was found to be superior to that of Sergent's baths. This is attributed to smaller current efficiencies at higher current densities and the extremely low conductivity of the oxalic acid baths.