Online ISSN : 1884-3395
Print ISSN : 0026-0614
ISSN-L : 0026-0614
14 巻, 12 号
  • 逸見 英一, 石井 泰之
    1963 年 14 巻 12 号 p. 469-477
    発行日: 1963/12/20
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高松 秀夫
    1963 年 14 巻 12 号 p. 478-481
    発行日: 1963/12/20
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    A few methods of chemicml analysis of butyn-2-diol have already been roported.
    The author, however, studied the applicability of the methods to the nickel plating bath containing BID as brightner.
    First, N/5 pyridine sulfate -di-dromide solution was prepared, and then added to the sample of the bath solution pipetted into an iodin flask, which was titrated with standard N/5 sodium thiosulfate solution.
    1. A short time within 3 minutes and a low temperature under 5°C are preferable.
    2. It is necessary to compensate the coefficient for the over value of reading which usually results in.
  • 光沢スズ電気メッキに関する研究 (第3報)
    土肥 信康, 加門 幹男
    1963 年 14 巻 12 号 p. 481-487
    発行日: 1963/12/20
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bath analysis, comsumption of brightener, effect of temperature and impurity on bright acid stannous sulfate bath containing reaction product of aldehyde and amine, ether type nonionic surface activating agent, cresolsulfonic acid and formaldehyde were studied.
    Cresolsulfonic acid and sulfuric acid in plating solution was determinated by following method:
    a. Pipette a 5ml into 250ml flask.
    b. Add 15ml ethyl alcohol.
    c. After aging, all the precipitated tin salt was removed by filtration.
    d. Add 50ml water, and boil until total volume to 50ml.
    e. Titrate the tin and ethyl alchol free solution with 1.0N sodium hydroxide solution until pH4 and pH 11.5 at room temperature.
    (ml N NaOH until pH 11.5)-(ml N NaOH until pH4)=37.8g/l cresolsulfonic acid
    (2×ml N NaOH until pH 4)-(ml N NaOH until pH 11.5)=9.8g/l sulfuric acid
    (1) Brightener was not only consumed in proportion to AH, but lost by drag-out and oxidation. It seemed better to control according to the appearance of Hull cell test.
    (2) Bath temperature had to be kept at 25°C or lower; over 30°C heavy loss of Brightener and poor finish of plating took place.
    (3) Impurity ions in the plating solution, Cu++, Fe++, Cl-, and NO3- of 0.001M/l and Ni++, Zn++ and NH4- of 0.5M/l had no effect on Hull cell test. Filtration with activating carbon gave good result for removing the organic impurity.
  • 伊勢 秀夫
    1963 年 14 巻 12 号 p. 488-498
    発行日: 1963/12/20
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 橋本 寛道
    1963 年 14 巻 12 号 p. 499-504
    発行日: 1963/12/20
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー