The purpose of this study is to clarify the labor supplying behavior of contract businesses. The contract business saves as much money as possible by cutting unnecessary costs to make more profits and supplies the labor that corporate clients demand. Therefore, the laborers whom the contract business demands are laborers who can accept working condition or place of work change requests, and laborers who effectively assist in the labor cost savings of the contract business. In particular, these laborers are unmarried youths or foreigners in Japan, among others. The contract business recruits laborers in a suitable region for supplying this type of labor. The labor supply area of the contract business is principally defined as the travel-to-work area of each corporate client, because this area is the effective area for the contract business to save welfare and recruitment expenses. However, it is difficult for the contract business to supply the labor demand only in the travel-to-work area. Therefore, to supply suitable labor that matches the contract demand, the contract business supplies labor from other than the travel-to-work area. To do this, the contract business establishes an office to supply the labor or sends recruitment staff to areas other than the travel-to-work area of a client. The labor supply area this paper refers to is the peripheral areas in Japan, such as Okinawa, Hokkaido, and the Kyushu district, and the metropolitan areas, such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. In the peripheral areas in Japan, the unemployment rate is relatively high. However, in these areas there are a large number of people who wish to be temporary workers. It is easy for the contract business to employ a young, unmarried person in these areas. In particular, the contract business that is located in Higashi-Hiroshima City supplies labor from the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu districts. In these districts there are relatively few workers that do not like having to work in Higashi-Hiroshima City and the contract business can save recruitment expenses in the supplying of labor in these districts, because these districts are comparatively close to this city.