East Pakistan, that has a hot boundary against West Bengal and is situated separately from West Pakistan, has made pains taking efforts for building up her country since her independence. The Economical Development Plan of East Pakistan under the planned schedule to increase her national products through modernization of industries from the self-sufficient agriculture, is now in the Third Plan Period: The development stage of the manufacturing industry has proceeded from processing their agricultural products and energy resources in its early step on to heavy and chemical industries, though they are still in a small scale. But big expectation for increasing employment in them was disappointed. The modernization tempo of agriculture is still slow. Chittagong, whose population is 400, OOO, is the second biggest city next to Dacca in East Pakistan, and has the only foreign trade port in East Pakistan. Concentration of manufacturing industries in Chittagong before the Second Plan was not evident, but after locating "The Iron & Steel Works" in the period of the Second Plan Program, the importance of Chittagong in the regional pattern of manufacturing industries of the country has increased. Manufacturing industries concentrated here may be classified into the following three groups: a) daily necessaries and food processing industries that developed before the Plan started, b) processing industries of local agricultural products and resources after the Independence, c) heavy and chemical industries located in the latest date. Most of (a) group are very small household industries, while (b) and (c) are comparatively large. The distribution patterns of the factories under these three categories vary: in (a) group most of the factories are in the old city area, in (b) group in new industrial areas around the old city area, and in (c) group only in the port side. A similar pattern of the development and distribution of the manufacturing industries in Chittagong can be pointed out in the new developing industrial centers of South and South-East Asia; for instance, in the Port Side Area of Bangkok in Thailand, Prai Industrial Area in Malaysia, Jurong Industrial Estate in Singapore, etc. In future these industrial areas will have their influences on their surrounding rural areas and grow into the national and economic centers of those countries.