Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
73 巻, 10 号
  • 各種刺激検査にみられる眼運動反射の観察を中心とした一つの試み
    小高 修司
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1551-1561
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    本論文にて試みた診断操作は, 試行錯誤の後, 現在臨床に使用している方法である. ここ数年で約100名の患者に本方法を応用し, 診断しているが, 眩暈の原因として比較的多い後頭蓋窩疾患を診断しても, それが小病変の場合はCTスキャンで病巣が明らかにされることが少なく, CTスキャンで診断を確認できた症例は決して多くない. 本方法の一層の精緻化とCTスキャンの精密化の両面の進歩により, 病巣の一致する頻度が増加するものと思われる.
    今後症例を重ね謙虚に診断を行なっていきたいと思う. 諸先生の御批判をお願いする次第である.
  • 中西 和仁, 桧 学, 山崎 万里子, 泉川 不二子
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1563-1568
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    私達が考案した“心因性めまい検出を意図した平衡試験”を用い, 頭頸部外傷例の平衡機能を検査し, 次の成績をえた.
    (i) 頭頸部外傷117名を対象とすると, A型平衡失調を示したものは117名中25名 (21.3%) であり, B型平衡失調を示したものは117名中92名 (78.7%) であった. このことより, アドレナリン耐性を低下し, この薬剤の微量投与で平衡失調の出現又は増大をみるものの約20%は心因の関与するめまい (心身症型) である公算が大である.
    (ii) むちうち損傷例では頭部外傷例に比べ, A型平衡失調を示す傾向がつよい.
    (iii) 頭部外傷例の中では, 受傷時, 脳症状を示したものでは却ってA型平衡失調を出現する頻度が小である. これに対し, B型平衡失調出現頻度は受傷時脳症状を呈したものに有意に多い.
    以上の成績とこれまでに私達が得た成績を参照とし, 次の結論をのべた.
    (1) 心因の関与するあまい (心身症型) が形成される条件として, (イ) 経過中心理的ストレスにさらされ, 情動発現がおこりやすい環境下におかれること, (ロ) 受傷時脳障害が重篤でなく, 病変の経過中, 中枢神経系, とくに交感神経成分の活動亢進がもたらされやすい条件下にあることなどがあげられる.
    (2) むちうち損傷例では (イ) (ロ) の条件が満足される傾向がつよいので, A型平衡失調が出現しやすい.
  • 荻野 敏, 玉置 弘光, 宮口 衛, 飯田 正夫
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1569-1572
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    ムンプス感染に伴う高度の難聴と顔神麻痺を呈した興味深い1例を報告した. 症例は36才の男性で, 右感音難聴 (聾) 出現後3日目に両耳下腺炎, 睾丸炎のムンプスを発症した. さらにその約2週間後, 左顔神麻痺が出現した. 予後は顔神麻痺の早期完治に対し, 難聴は全く改善を示さなかった. これらの発症機序について考察を加えた.
  • 柴 良武
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1573-1579
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of vibratory tinnitus due to tubal muscular contractions was presented. There contractions of the tube were observed through the nasopharyngeal fiberscope and recorded using tympanometry. Recording at static pressure showed muscular perturbation. The tinnitus was attributed to the contraction of the tensor veli palatini muscle because it was stopped when the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve was blocked. The effects of transection of this muscle were described.
  • Case Report and Review of Literature
    西岡 博之, 坂倉 康夫, 鵜飼 幸太郎, 谷口 知恵子, 福喜多 啓三, 浜口 幸吉, 三吉 康郎
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1581-1589
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of bilateral congenital choanal atresia is presented. The patient was a 16-year-old girl who had suffered from thick, mucoid discharge and complete nasal obstruction since birth. Although she gradually learned to breathe through her mouth, she often encountered respiratory distress with cyanosis in the early stages of life. A diagnosis of choanal atresia was made when a catheter failed to pass through the nose into the pharynx. The nasopharyngography confirmed the posterior nasal obstruction.
    Surgical correction was performed by a transpalatine approach under general anesthesia. Following exposure of the posterior choanal region via the transpalatine approach, the membraneous tissue which occluded the choanae was excised. Silicon tubes were left inserted into the opened choanae for 2 weeks. No remarkable complication has been observed postoperatively. The choanae are still open and the patient breathes satisfactorily through her nose.
    From 1923 to 1979, 45 cases of congenital choanal atresia have been reported in the Japanese literature. These cases are analyzed in terms of sex, laterality, type and concomitant anomalies. Our present report is the 45th case of congenital choanal atresia to be reported in Japan.
  • 安田 範夫, 小宮 精一, 佐藤 文彦
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1591-1596
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A rare case of congenital external parotid grand fistula was seen in a fourteen-year-old girl admitted with the complaint of salivation from a small hole in the left cheek. The salivation continued without stopping and increased especially after a meal. Stenon's foramen was situated at the normal position in her oral cavity and salivation was normal. She had no other congenital deformity.
    On physical examination, a cyst of 1.5cm in diameter was palpable at the back of the fistula. Sialography clearly revealed a cyst and fistula.
    A surgical procedure of extraction of the cyst which had an abnormal salivary duct was performed and the fistula on the left cheek was closed.
    The postoperative course was good and at present, 10 months after the surgery, sialography shows no fistula and she is free from any recurrence of the problem.
  • 水越 鉄理, 大野 吉昭, 渡辺 行雄, 大橋 直樹, 石川 和光, 細川 智, 山崎 晴子, 五十嵐 秀一, 黒田 京子
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1597-1608
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In clinical practise, Tolperisone hydrochloride, (Muscalm) a central muscle relaxant drug, is administered to patients with spasticity of the neck and shoulder muscles.
    The antivertiginous effects of Tolperisone were evaluated in a single controlled study in 29 patients who had vertigo and/or dizziness, especially that due to cervical vertigo, head injuries, and the traumatic cervical syndrome. The clinical signs and symptoms in these patients were evaluated at two points of time both by the physicians and the patients themselves. The objective symptoms in terms of equilibrium and auditory functions were evaluated firstly before treatment and secondly after medication by the same doctors.
    The drug dosage was 300mg of Tolperisone daily for four or six weeks.
    The global, comparative judgment of the subjective and objective clinical findings showed antivertiginous drug effects in 20 out of the 29 patients (69.0%) after four or six weeks of medication.
    With respect to antivertiginous effects of this drug, vertigo and/or dizziness were particularly suppressed in 23 out of the 29 patients (79.3%), especially in cervical vertigo.
    No side-effects were observed during the treatment. Therefore, the authors concluded that Tolperisone had antivertiginous effects in patients with cervical vertigo and head and neck injuries.
  • 石田 孝, 朴沢 二郎, 鈴木 史人, 鎌田 重輝, 中村 清純
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1609-1619
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The therapeutic effects of Cerocral were studied on 15 patients with peripheral vestibular disturbances.
    Cerocral was effective in 75% of patients. Of the subjective symptoms, vertigo and dizziness with nausea and/or vomitting were prominently improved. On the other hand, the effects on tinnitus and hearing impairment were limited. With regard to the objective symptoms, improvements were showed in results of cupulometry.
  • I. Slow and Fast Phase of Nystagmus
    I. Pyykko, N. G. Henriksson, C. Wennmo, M. Hinoki
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1621-1630
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/12/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    Factors causing variability of the slow and fast phases of nystagmus in caloric testing are reviewed. The range of normal values is wide. This can arise from three different sources: technical variation in conducting the test, anatomical differences among temporal bones, and involvement of the central nervous system during caloric responses. A model for organization of the eye movement in vestibular testing is presented. Parameters based on the slow phase of nystagmus do not discriminate a peripheral lesion from a central lesion except for the following: (1) lack of visual suppression in light during caloric testing indicates a posterior fossa lesion and (2) decrease of slow-phase velocity in unilateral or bilateral optovestibular testing is suggestive of brain stem disorder. However, examination of the fast phase of nystagmus can provide additional information for differentiating a peripheral from a central lesion. A decrease of fast-phase velocity in caloric, optokinetic, and optovestibular testing is always a sign of central nervous system disease and frequently indicates a posterior fossa lesion.
  • 近森 義則, 松岡 出, 笹 征史
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1631-1644
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The electrophysiological study using cats was performed to determine whether or not noradrenaline derived from the locus coeruleus (LC) may act as an inhibitory transmitter or modulator on the auditory and vestibular transmission in the primary relay nuclei. The effects of LC conditioning stimulation on neuron activities in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) and lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) were compared with those in the spinal trigeminal nucleus, where conditioning stimuli applied to the LC preceding the test stimulus to the trigeminal nerve markedly reduced the height of postsynaptic field potential and the orthodromic spike generation of relay neurons and type B interneurons. In the LVN, P, N1 and N2 waves of field potential and orthodromic spike generation produced by VIII th cranial nerve stimulation in monoand polysynaptic neurons remained unaffected with LC conditioning stimulation. In the DCN, the height of polysynaptic field potential and orthodromic spike generation in the neurons with long latency elicited by VIII th cranial nerve stimulation were significantly inhibited by LC conditioning stimulation. These inhibitory effects of LC conditioning stimulation on the DCN neurons were not obtained in the animals pretreated with reserpine, however, subsequent administration of noradrenaline into the lateral ventricle produced an inhibition of the spike generation with LC conditioning. Histochemical study demonstrated that nerve terminals (varicosities) with a catecholamine fluorescence were observed in the DCN of cats, but the terminals did not found in the LVN. These results indicate that the inhibitory effects of LC conditioning stimulation are produced in the areas where exist the noradrenaline terminals. It is strongly suggested that noradrenaline derived from the LC acts as an inhibitory transmitter or modulator on the auditory transmission in the DCN, however, the LVN neurons are not regulated with noradrenaline from the LC.
  • サル電気刺激による
    本庄 巌, 牛呂 公一, 岡崎 伸博, 熊沢 忠躬
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1645-1649
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    耳管開大機構の詳細, 特に耳管筋と耳管開大運動との関係を知る目的で, 日本ザル4頭を用い, 口蓋帆張筋, 挙筋電気刺激時の耳管造影レ線映画撮影および連続レ線写を行った. その結果, 挙筋収縮では耳管隆起 (後唇) の後方運動により耳管咽頭口は拡がるが, 耳管自身は全く開かない事, これに反し張筋収縮では軟骨部耳管が全長にわたり開き, これは耳管外壁の前外方への拡張による事が明らかとなった.
  • 進 武幹
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1651-1654
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 症例を中心とした解説
    井上 鉄三
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1655-1658
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松尾 裕
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1659-1661
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 掛川 暉夫
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1662-1666
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 嚥下の動的障害に対する手術的治療
    平野 実
    1980 年 73 巻 10 号 p. 1667-1670
    発行日: 1980/10/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー