Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
74 巻, 11 号
  • チンパノグラムとは何か, インピーダンスとは何か. その応用 その1
    恩地 豊
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2597-2613
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper explains in detail that an impedance meter is designed so as to measure on a scale of equivalent air volume the change of sound pressure in the external auditory canal (EAC) when the vibration of the tympanic membrane (TM) is fixed and then released by increased and decreased air pressures from the tube of an air pump. Then, the equivalent air volume (EV) is explained by three dynamically different mechanisms in order to understand what tympanogram (TG) is. Subsequently, TG is regarded as a recorded graph showing change of EV for change of TM volume displacements caused by positive and negative air pressures in EAC. This mechanism is calculated by a dynamical equation showing the relation of volume displacements between TM and the diaphragm of the receiver equipped in the probe of a meter.
    Common questions askeed by our specialists are that a TG of above 1cc seems to be unreasonable in comparison with the actual dimension of EAC. A TG of 1cc is a sound pressure rate for volume displacement of TM. It is found by calculating a TG of 1cc corresponding with TM volume displacement of 1×10-6cc. Therefore, it is not unreasonable even if TGs of above 1cc are measured.
    Impedance at TM is calculated by the equation to understand what impedance is and how to measure it. Finally, the difference between impedance at TM and TG is explained from the measured data in 4 cases of the ears with the same TG and different volume of EAC.
    The mechanism of detection of acoustic reflex is the same as that of TG. Only difference between them is in that higher amplification is used in the former than in the latter. Clinical applications of tympanogram, impedance and acoustic reflex are mentioned.
  • 竹森 節子
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2615-2624
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thirty-three cases of unilateral parietal lobe lesions were studied. Eye movements were observed and recorded by electronystagmography (ENG). The lesions were confirmed neuroradiologically.
    1. Unilateral lesions in the superior part of the parietal lobe produce asymmetric optokinetic nystagmus and saccadic pursuit movements to the side of the lesion. This means a reduction in the slow phase of nystagmus to the side of the lesion. Therefore, the optokinetic nystagmus to the side of the lesion is better than that to the normal side. The visual suppression of caloric nystagmus is normal in these lesions.
    2. Unilateral lesions in the inferior part of the parietal lobe also produce asymmetric optokinetic nystagmus. The optokinetic nystagmus to the side of the lesion is better than that to the normal side; however, the optokinetic nystagmus to the side of the lesion itself showes poor response. The pursuit eye movements are saccadic on both sides. The quick eye movements to the normal side are impaired and those to the side of the lesion are normal or slightly impaired. The pursuit movements are bilaterally impaired and the pursuit movements to the side of the lesion are more strongly impaired than those to the normal side. Visual suppression is reduced or abolished bilaterally.
  • 第一報 眼振出現率からの検討
    小林 謙, 大西 正樹, 八木 聰明, 稲垣 京子, 関根 修二, 馬場 俊吉, 清水 元博, 神尾 友和, 横尾 麗子
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2625-2629
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) ENG検査の現状の妥当性を検討するために, ENG上の眼振出現率と初診日から検査日までの経過日数との関係を検討した.
    2) 初診日以後の眼振出現率と経過日数との間には一定の関係がなく, 少なくとも2週間以内では, 眼振の出現率は初診日と比較して著しく低下していなかった. したがって, 眼振出現率だけを指標にすれば, ENG検査は初診日から2週間以内であれば問題ないと考えられた.
    3) 水平誘導4条件のすべてに眼振を認める症例の比率は, 日数の経過とともに減少し, 特に2日目以後に著明に減少した. 逆に4条件のどれかひとつにのみ眼振を認める症例は, 日数の経過とともに増加していた. このことからは, 単に眼振出現率を検討した場合と異なり, ENG検査は初診日から2日目以内に施行することが望ましいと考えられた.
    4) ENG検査の現状を検討するには, 単に眼振出現率を検討するのみでは不十分であり, ENG上の眼振の頻度および緩徐相速度と, 初診日から検査日までの経過日数との関係を検討する必要があると考え, 現在検討中である.
  • 振幅と周波数に関する分析
    小林 英人, 渡辺 行雄, 大橋 直樹, 吉田 行夫, 水越 鉄理
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2631-2638
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) test was carried out on forty-five normal subjects. The subjects sat in a newly devised, pendular, rotating chair in an optokinetic drum, by which device sinusoidal rotation and optokinetic stimulation could be given simultaneously.
    They were rotated sinusoidally at amplitudes of 120 degrees and 240 degrees, at frequencies of 0.05Hz and 0.1Hz. With these stimulations there was no response decline phenomenon nor influence of amplitude on frequency.
    The VOR gain measured in the dark room with the eyes open was about 0.6, and did not vary when the eyes closed. The VOR gain in the light room in a stationary optokinetic drum was about 1.1. In relation to the pendular optokinetic nystagmus test, the 0.1Hz sinusoidal rotation with an amplitude of 240 degrees was an appropriate stimulation.
  • 杉原 三郎, 山本 哲夫, 高岡 基雄, 竹内 裕美, 平木 真滋, 生駒 尚秋
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2639-2643
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 6-year-old girl with bilateral congenital cervical fistulas, bilateral congenital pre-auricular fistulas and hearing loss is presented. Surgical removal of the fistulas was carried out. The right cervical fistula was a complete fistula, but the left was incomplete. The patient's mother, younger sister and maternal grandfather had the same symptoms. The condition appears to be transmitted by an autosomal dominant gene. There have been 8 case reports of bilateral congenital cervical fistulas with bilateral congenital pre-auricular fistulas in Japan.
  • 昭和54年春
    梅田 忠之
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2645-2649
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relation between several climatical conditions and the frequency of allergic rhinopathy was studied from February 13 to April 30, 1979 in a total of 159 patients (48 males and 111 females). Highest and lowest temperatures, lowest humidity and the number of patients were recorded each day.
    As a result of this study, the following climatical conditions correlated with the number of patients.
    (1) The lowest humidity of that day * *
    (2) The difference between the highest temperature and the lowest temperature of that day *
    (3) The difference between the highest temperature of the previous day and the lowest temperature of that day * *
    (4) The difference between the lowest temperature of that day and the lowest temperature of the previous day *
    (*: P≤0.05 **: P≤0.01)
    Many patients developed allergic rhinopathy on the days when there was yellow sand in the Kyoto area (April 9 to 17). The biological influence of yellow sand should be continuously analysed.
  • 石部 司, 須藤 直廣, 丹家 聖仁, 本田 啓二, 熊沢 忠躬, 螺良 愛郎
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2651-2660
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nasal extramedullary plasmacytoma was found in a 68-year-old man who complained of epistaxis and swelling of the roof of the nose. The patient was treated by surgical resection and irradiation. Histological examination of the mass revealed plasmacytoma. Bone marrow aspiration, serum electrophoresis, urine examination and systemic X-ray bone survey did not reveal any evidence of multiple myeloma. Almost invariably plasmacytoma produce monoclonal immunogloblin. In this case, IgA and IgM were demonstrated in the tumor cells by immunohistochemical methods (PAP methods). During the period of follow up, neither local recurrence nor evidence of multiple myeloma were found.
  • 石井 宏典, 高橋 宏明, 井上 克彦
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2661-2666
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many of the benign neoplasms originating from the parotid gland are mixed tumor, and hemangioma of the gland is rare. A case of the disease we recently experienced was reported and added to the literature.
    The patient was a 3-year-old girl who developed a swelling in the left parotid region soon after birth. The swelling gradually extended to the preauricular as well as postauricular regions. Subtotal surgical removal was performed without recurrence for about three years after surgery. Histological examination revealed that the growth was hemangioma racemosum.
  • 正常ウサギの脳波と頸筋, 四肢筋のEMGを指標とする分析
    伊藤 信輔, 桧 学
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2667-2687
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    正常ウサギの頸捻転頭位で誘発される眼振が肢位によって変動する機序を, 四肢筋EMG, 深層項筋EMG, EEG, ENGを用いて調べた.
    (1) 躯幹を布片で固定して吊下げ, 四肢を空中に自由にした姿勢を対照姿勢とすると, 両側後肢を支持した姿勢では, 後肢伸筋の筋放電が増大し, 脳活動性 (脳波覚醒反応) は高まる. この条件下に時計回り方向に頸捻転を行うと, 顎側の後肢伸筋とその同側の深層項筋の筋放電はさらに増大し, 脳活動性が増強する. この際, 眼振は活発に出現する.
    (2) 両側後肢を牽引した姿勢では, 後肢伸筋の筋放電は抑制され, 脳活動性は低下する. この条件下に頸捻転を行うと, 顎側後肢伸筋には明瞭な筋放電を認めず, またそれと同側の深層項筋の筋放電もその増加の度が弱く, 脳活動性も低下する. この際, 眼振の解発は抑制される.
    (3) 前肢を支持あるいは牽引した姿勢での頸捻転時の前肢伸筋, 及び深層項筋の筋放電, 並びに脳波の変化は, 対照姿勢で同じ操作を行った成績と有意の差がない. また頸捻転で解発される眼振にも, 両者間に有意差をみない.
    以上の成績より, 後肢伸筋に分布する固有受容器からの impulse の増大あるいは減少は, 主として深層項筋活動性に影響し, それを介して脳活動性に影響を及ぼす. かくして頸捻転による眼振の発現には有意の変動がおこると述べた.
  • II. セアプローゼSの影響
    坂倉 康夫, 間島 雄一, 大井 益一, 松原 隆志, 三吉 康郎
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2689-2699
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Seaprose-S (SAP), a representative proteolytic enzyme, on the nasal secretion from patients with chronic sinusitis. Retained nasal secretion in the nasal cavity was carefully aspirated from 17 patients who were selected on the basis of rhinoscopy and radiology. The nasal secretions obtained were diluted 8-fold with distilled water. Relative viscosity was measured by a method of the falling rate of a metal ball. Dry weight, amounts of total protein, albumin and DNA were determined before and every week during the period of drug administration. SAP was given in a dose of 45mg/day orally for more than four weeks.
    At week 0, the mean relative viscosity, dry weight, amounts of total protein, albumin and DNA were 2.83±2.06, 59.40mg/g±48.18, 38.83mg/g±14.49, 2.20mg/ml±1.46 and 31.15mcg/g±18.80, respectively. Significant correlations were noted between relative viscosity versus dry weight, and relative viscosity versus amount of total protein. At week four, the variables were 2.22±1.94, 52.40mg/g±40.91, 40.53mg/g±10.18, 2.82mg/ml±0.91 and 32.24mcg/g±19.78. At week five, they were 2.18±1.35, 59.24mg/g±48.37, 34.56mg/g±12.74, 3.04mg/ml±2.10 and 43.64mcg/g±40.85, respectively.
    The large variability among the patients precluded the quantitative changes in these variables by the SAP therapy. However, relative viscosity significantly decreased at weeks four and five. There were no significant differences for dry weight, and amounts of total protein, albumin and DNA between week 0 and weeks four and five.
  • 犬山 征夫, 堀内 正敏, 甲能 直幸, 増野 精二, 藤井 正人, 大築 淳一, 高岡 哲郎
    1981 年 74 巻 11 号 p. 2701-2711
    発行日: 1981/11/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    頭頸部癌16例に Cisplatin を投与し下記の結論を得た.
    1. 頭頸部扁平上皮癌に対する臨床効果はCR2例, PR3例で有効率38%であった.
    2. 投与方法として low dose regimen (Regimen I, 10mg/day×5 q 3wk) と high dose regimen (Regimen II, 80mg/day q 3wk) を用いたが効果, 副作用の両面からみて high dose regimen の方が有用と考えられた.
    3. 今回のトライアルでは動脈内投与と静脈内投与との間に差をみとめなかったが, 今後ひきつづき検討する必要がある.
    4. 本剤は従来の制癌剤に比べて寛解持続期間が長いというきわめて重要な利点を有している.
    5. 副作用として悪心, 嘔吐を69%の症例にみとめたが懸念された腎毒性は思ったほどつよくなく, 骨髄障害も比較的軽微であった.
    6. 以上の成績より Cisplatin は頭頸部扁平上皮癌に対してきわめて有用な薬剤であると結論した.
    なお今後は本剤を組み入れた新しい多剤併用療法の開発ならびに外来患者に対する regimen が検討されるべきであると考える.