Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
74 巻, 7 号
  • (2) 前庭所見及ひ前庭水管断層所見
    深谷 卓, 小松崎 篤, 蜂屋 順一, 吉浜 博太
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1511-1515
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 28例の内リンパ嚢手術症例の前庭所見変化を1年間観察した. 全体の89.3%でめまいは軽減した. 内リンパ嚢開放群 (Portmann 原法) と内リンパ嚢未発達群の間に予後の差異は認めなかった.
    (2) メニエール病症例54例 108耳の前庭水管の断層写真を検討した. その結果, 健側で48.1%に, 患側で42.6%に前庭水管を同定しえた. 断層写真での前庭水管の同定度と, 手術時の内リンパ嚢の発達度とは相関関係をもっていた.
  • 白戸 勝, 海野 徳二, 堀川 博志, 柳内 統
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1517-1522
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    随意性眼振の1例 (6才, 男性) を報告した.
    眼振の性状は水平性, 衝動性 (左向き), 共同性であり, 振幅約10°, 頻度5~6c/sであった.
    眼振の最大持続時間は38秒で, 開始, 停止ともに迅速であり, 疲労現象を認めた.
    眼振発現中, 頭部の右方偏倚を伴ない, 自覚的にはめまいを訴えた.
  • 単純ヘルペス感染との関連において
    森中 節子, 吉信 敏子
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1523-1535
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 31-year-old man who suffered from vomiting, vertigo and sore throat was examined. As a result of cochlear and equilibrium tests, vertigo was found to be mainly due to the disturbance of the vestibular branch of the 8th nerve. Furthermore, the test for optokinetic nystagmus and that for eye tracking showed a slight abnormality, which indicated the simultaneous presence of functional disorder of the central nervous system. Virological-serological examinations revealed an increased count of the complementfixing antibody titer of herpes simplex. Vertigo recurred with reappearance of positional nystagmus and disorders of the oculomotor system and was accompanied by an increased titer of the above-mentioned antibody.
    From these findings, the following conclusions were drawn: Herpes simplex infection can be an etiological factor of vestibular neuritis, and moreover, it is possible that it affects part of the central nervous system related to equilibrium function, e. g. the brain stem.
  • 鈴木 淳一, 山田 修
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1537-1542
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The tympano-mastoid surgery for chronic otitis media in children can be completely successful in restoring the structure and the function of the middle ear. Our methods and the results were described. Microscopic surgery is useful for the removal of extensive cholesteatomas in children, in the first or at least in the second stage operation. More careful postoperative observation accompanied by minor surgical intervention is necessary with children than with adults until the age of adolescence. There is no indication at all for radical operation on the middle ear which would result in a life-long conductive hearing loss of 50-60dB, and a frequent recurrence of aural discharge.
  • 永野 隆治, 折田 洋造, 沖田 容一, 稲垣 千果夫, 山本 英一, 宮本 永祥, 森 裕司
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1543-1549
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case of the Hunt syndrome with multiple cranial nerve palsies is reported. A man of 67 came to the hospital complaining of dysphagia. Ten days before the consultation, he had severe right temporalgia for no special reason; 6 days beforehand, dysphagia, hoarseness and right tinnitus; and 2 days beforehand, he was hospitalized at another hospital. During the hospitalization nausea and vertigo appeared, but there was no loss of hearing. Examination revealed right 5th, 8th, 9th and 10th cranial nerve involvement with eruptions on the right auricle. Two days later, he developed right facial palsy.
    Remission in all symptom manifestations was seen except for slight facial nerve palsy and recurrent nerve palsy after six weeks of treatment.
  • 柴 裕子, 溝尻 源太郎, 高原 哲夫, 森本 大和, 藤谷 哲造, 高橋 俊博
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1551-1557
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Rhinogenous optic neuropathy includes the optic nerve disturbance caused by paranasal sinusitis and by paranasal sinus cysts. The optic nerve is disturbed mainly because of inflammatory infiltration from paranasal sinus in the former case and compression by a paranasal sinus cyst in the latter.
    We had 14 cases of paranasal sinus cysts accompanied by visual disturbance during the period from 1975 to 1980. We investigated the relation between clinical findings and the recovery of visual disturbance.
    Even after both surgical treatment through the transnasal approach and drug treatment with antibiotics and adrenocortical steroids, four patients gained no improvement in visual disturbance. We found that these four cases had additional three findings.
    1. Visual acuity before treatment had been reduced to light sensation or null.
    2. Accompanying meningeal irritation syndrome. (headache, fever, nausea and vomiting)
    3. Contents of the cyst were purulent.
  • 特にその眼症状について
    柳原 弘男, 丘村 熙, 松田 久美子
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1559-1567
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    眼球突出, 球後視神経炎をきたした鼻性眼合併症26例を報告した. 眼球突出症では, 眼球突出以外にも, 視力障害, 視野欠損・狭窄, 眼底の皺襞形成・膨隆像などの眼症状をしばしば伴うことを述べた. これらの眼症状を呈する鼻性眼球突出症例では眼科医との密接な連携のもとに治療する必要性のあることを説明した. また, 鼻性球後視神経炎では眼科的治療の上, 副鼻腔に対する根本的治療を行うこと, 必要に応じて手術療法は段階的に行うべきであることを述べた.
  • 2. 血清 total IgE 量と臨床所見
    打越 進, 奥田 稔, 海野 徳二, 高橋 光明, 宇佐神 篤, 木村 廣行, 関根 啓一, 金 善坤, 小上 芳春, 大塚 博邦, 富山 ...
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1569-1577
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Serum IgE values were examined in 366 patients with allergic rhinitis with/without bronchial asthma or allergic dermatitis.
    The patients consisted of 270 cases of allergic rhinitis (Group I), 71 with rhinitis and bronchial asthma (Group II), 9 with three of them (Group III) and also 16 with bronchial asthma.
    The serum IgE level was more than 500IU/ml in 49.3 per cent of Group I, and the mean value was 783.7IU/ml (SD 840.1), while that was 74.6 per cent of Group II with a mean of 1769.0IU/ml (SD 1474.9).
    The elevated IgE value was insignificant in the case of Group I, but Group II and III had significantly high IgE levels.
    Patients aged from eleven to fifteen had a higher IgE level (1389.9IU/ml, SD 1074.0) than other ages in Group I, but the IgE level in Group II was not related to any age groups.
    The serum IgE level was not related to sex or the type of allergens, and had no influence upon the degree of eosinophilia or the responsiveness to the provocative nasal test.
    In only three per cent of Group I the serum IgE level was over 3, 000IU/ml. A patient with elevated IgE over 3, 000IU/ml has a possibility of having an other allergic disease in addition to rhinitis, or the person may develop other disease besises allergic rhinitis in the future.
  • 田坂 康之, 玉田 彰, 牧本 一男
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1579-1586
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    喉頭潰瘍を伴った Weber-Christian 病の1症例 (54才, 女性) を報告した. 耳鼻科領域での本症についての報告は極めて稀である. 特に, 喉頭部に潰瘍を伴い, それが全身病変と平行して消長したとの報告は私々の調査した範囲ではみあたらない. この点で, 本症例で得られた成績は貴重と考える. また, 今回の報告では, これまでに報告された Weber-Christian 病の特徴との対比において自験例の臨床所見を述べそれがこれまでの病因説の何れでも充分に説明できない範疇のものであることを指摘した.
  • 野中 信二, 岸本 誠司, 牧本 一男
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1587-1591
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    As 42-year-old woman complaining of swelling in the left parotid gland region for past two years, was admitted in our department for surgery in June 1979. By bimanual palpation, we suspected a left parotid gland tumor which extended into the parapharyngeal space. This diagnosis was confirmed by the aids of sialography and CT scanning. As surgical procedure, we chose an external approach and could remove a “Dumb-bell type” mixed tumor without injuries of the facial nerve and palatal mucosa. From the experiences of this case and other two cases treated before in our department, discussions were made on the diagnosis and surgical treatment for this sort of tumor of the parotid gland.
    Clinical and surgical findings of a 42-year-old woman, who complained of swelling of the parotid gland region of the left side and showed a dumb-bell type of the mixed tumor, were discussed with the emphasis on the following points:
    (1) For the detection of a dumb-bell type of the parotid gland tumor, bimanual palpation of the tumor is useful. Furthermore, CT scanning is also useful for the detection not only of the tumor of this type but also of its extending to the parapharyngeal space.
    (2) Among various surgical methods of a dumb-bell type of the tumor, external approach seems most suitable, since injuries of the vessels of the parotid gland, palatanal mucosa and facial nerves can be avoided when this approach is adopted.
  • 健康正常人49名に対する対光反射の統計的観察
    北 真行, 岡本 佳子, 森 弘, 桧 学
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1593-1605
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using binocular Iriscorder the pupillary reflex to the light was analyzed in 49 healthy, normal subjects and normal values of 10 factors of direct and indirect pupillary reactions were determined.
    The above-mentioned normal values were further discussed, with regard to several factors, such as age, duration of stimulation and state of adaptation of the pupil to the light.
    From a series of examinations, the following facts were noted:
    (1) No significant differences between the direct and indirect pupillary reactions were observed, with regard to 9 factors of the light reflex, with the exception of pupil dilatation time.
    (2) It was found that the longer the duration of stimulation, the stronger the contraction, and the dilatation phases of the light reflex were more marked in dark adaptation than in light adaptation.
    (3) It was also found that in aged people, the activity of the pupil was under adrenolytic and/or cholinergic conditions.
  • 組織化学的形態からみた筋線維の分布
    佐藤 文彦, 竹之内 智, 松井 隆史, 鈴木 由一, 矢野原 邦生, 久 育男, 日向 誠
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1607-1612
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of the present experiment was to investigate whether the histochemical characteristics were changed after cross-innervation of laryngeal muscle.
    Buller et al. and others have shown that dark muscle becomes light by sectioning and cross-uniting the nerves to dark muscle. These findings were confirmed in rabbits by our preliminary study.
    The present experiment was divided into two parts: implantation of a cricothyroid muscle block with an external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve in the denervated thyroarytenoid muscle (Group 1) and in the denervated posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (Group 2) after severance of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
    The experiment showed that the reinnervated thyroarytenoid muscle of Group 1 and the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle of Group 2 histochemically resembled the cricothyroid muscle on succinic dehydrogenase staining.
    It is concluded that the histochemical property of the cross-innervated muscle as appearing on succinic dehydrogenase staining is determined neurally.
  • 八木 伸也, 石川 保之, 深沢 達也
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1613-1620
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fourty two cases of peripheral facial paralysis were devided into three groups, and were administered Steroid, CH3-VB12, and Steroid plus CH3-VB12 respectively. The effect of these drugs on recovery of facial paralysis was determined using the paralysis score method that had been proposed by Yanagihara (1977), and the integrated EMG method that had been proposed by Yagi (1980).
    In the case of complete recovery, rated paralysis score and the values of the integrated EMG usually increase linearly. By means of regression analysis, regression line around each value could be determined using the following equation.
    Y=B·log X+A (Y=score, B=rate of recovery, X=day, A=constant)
    If we assume Y=100%, X shows the number of days taken for complete recovery and constant B, a rate of recovery.
    Days taken for complete recovery in Steroid, CH3-VB12 and Steroid plus CH3-VB12 were 67.3, 54.9 and 40.3, and the rate of recovery 80.7, 92.2 and 112.3 respectively.
    Third group, one that was administered Steroid plus CH3-VB12, took shorter period of time for complete recovery than the other two groups. It is statistically significant. This means that Steroid and CH3-VB12 had a synergistic effect upon recovery of facial paralysis.
  • 岩沢 武彦
    1981 年 74 巻 7 号 p. 1621-1637
    発行日: 1981/07/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    新 Cephalosporin 系抗生物質 Ceftizoxime を耳鼻咽喉科領域において基礎的ならびに臨床的検討を行なった結果, つぎのとおりの結論がえられた.
    1) 試験管内抗菌力: Ceftizoxime は, 寒天平板希釈法で標準菌株のグラム陽性, 陰性菌に対して抗菌力を示し broad spectrum であった. 耳漏分離の coagulase 陽性ブドウ球菌80株には, 0.39~50μg/mlに感受性が分布し, そのMICの peak は3.13μg/mlであった. 病巣分離の Proteus mirabilis 24株, Escherichia coli 25株, Klebsiella pneumoniae 20株などは, ≦0.2~3.13μg/mlの範囲内にMICが分布していた. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 60株は, 3.13~≧100μg/mlにMICが分布し, MICの peak は25μg/mlに認められた.
    2) 血中濃度: Ceftizoxime 500mg 静注の血中濃度は, 薄層カップ法で静注15分後に32.9μg/mlと最高値となり, 30分後に21.8μg/mlと減少し始め, 静注6時間後に0.7μg/mlの血中活性値を測定した.
    3) 臓器組織内濃度: Ceftizoxime 500mg 静注1時間後の臓器組織内濃度は, 手術時に摘出したヒト口蓋扁桃 (6例) に3.0μg/g (血中濃度14.5μg/ml), 上顎洞粘膜 (4例) に2.5μg/g (血中濃度14.8μg/ml) の組織内活性値を測定した.
    4) 臨床使用成績: 耳鼻咽喉科領域の代表的な感染症26例に Ceftizoxime 静注療法を行なった結果, 著効22例, 有効3例およびやや有効1例となり, その有効率は著効, 有効例を合算すると25例96.2%の好成績がえられ, とくに臨床的に副作用の発現は認められなかった.