We assume that the conduction of heat in fluid is governed by the law expressed in the following differential equation, where
c denotes the specific heat, ρ the density, θ the temperature (or potential temperature when applied to the case of high or low pressure system), _??_ the time, Δ the Laplacian operator, κ the thermal conductivity and
u, v, w respectively velocity components reckoned in the directions of the cartesian co-ordinates
x, y, z. Transforming this equation into the cylindrical co-ordinate and ignoring the vertical component of velocity and vertical variation of temperature, we have where
U and
V respectively stand for velocity components in the di_??_ections
r, φ. In this paper we consider the case in which ß
0 & φ
0 denoting constants independent of
r and φ. Suppose the initial and boundary distribution of θ to be given in forms and then the general solution of the above expression becomes, with when θ is independent of φ, the expression reduces to Several forms of initial distribution of temperature are assumed and examined the modes of heat flow due to drift current, which give some suggestion about the thermal structure of the high or low pressure system.
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