On bay coasts, a characteristic local wind circulation is formed, because bay breezes and ocean breezes are caused by bay-land and ocean-land contrasts, respectively, and they interact with each other. For the purpose of examining basic characteristics of the circulation, several numerical experiments are performed. The three-dimensional model used in this study has a square bay of various sizes with the ocean on the south side, taking a model bay of 50km in width and 100km in length as our standard size.
Results for the standard bay model show noticeable differences between the east and west bay coasts. Near surfaces, hodographs rotate anti-clockwise on the east coast and clockwise on the west coast. Along the west coast, the depth of the ocean breeze is almost the same as that of ordinary sea breezes, and strong oceanward return currents blow aloft. On the other hand, along the east coast, the depth of the ocean breeze is much greater than that of ordinary sea breezes, and only a weak oceanward return flow can be seen.
The north-south circulation along the east or west coast is the composition of the real ocean breeze and the influence in the opposite direction of the northward bay breeze. Therefore, the scale of the total circulation is much larger than that of ordinary sea breezes, and can be extended to even more than 200km. Through the influence of the eastward or westward bay breeze and its return current, the stratification surrounding the ocean breeze is stable. Since internal gravity waves are generated in the stably stratified layer, signals propagate at the group velocity of the waves. The propagation speed, although it somewhat slows down due to advection, is therefore faster than that of an ordinary sea breeze front.
The results from the standard width model show that circulations along the east and west coasts are independent of each other. On the other hand, the 20km width causes the interac- tion of the circulation on both coasts, so that the ocean breeze is no longer deep even on the east coast. The model with the length of 40km does not show a propagating phenomenon but a steady circulation.
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