The problein of geostrophic departure has recently been diseussed by various authors as R. C. Sutcliffe, F A. Berson, H. Philipps and others. In the present paper is investigated the geostrophic departure due to the field of barometric pressure, neglecting both the isallobaric component and the Sutcliffe's component (thermal wind effect termed by J. Küttner).
The rectangular components of geostrophic departure are thus given by, discarding small quantities of small order, where ug and υg mean the components of geostrophic wind velocity.
Now, as the distribution of pressure
p, is adopted the from: Which is graphically shown in Fig. 1. Here
The horizontal distribution of geostrophic departure corresponding to the above pressure distribution is also shown in Fig. 1 (arrows denote the direetion of departure).
Further the horizontal divergence: is calculated and sbown in Fig. 2, in which _??_>0 means the divergence and _??_<0 the convergence.
It is seen in Fig. 2 that in the east side of cyclone the convergence predominates and in the west side divergence predominates. This relation is reversed in case of anticyclone.
The above relation well explains the asymmetrical structure and the eastward motion of cyclone in temperatnre latitudes.
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