Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Volume 38, Issue 3
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • K. Osawa, K. Ozaki
    1960 Volume 38 Issue 3 Pages 135-147
    Published: December 26, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: October 19, 2007
    The isohyetal map for the 10 or 5 minute interval of time, if it is constructed from the sufficiently dense network of rain-gauge stations, sometimes reveals celluar or isolated heavy rain areas, which the authors call 'Rain Cells' here.
    In this paper, several examples of rain cells are presented. Various properties of rain cells and their ways of movements are also discussed with their synoptic situations.
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  • H. Matsuoka
    1960 Volume 38 Issue 3 Pages 148-153
    Published: December 26, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: October 19, 2007
    Inoue's turbulon theory is modified by taking into account the age of turbulons and his functional form for Lagrangian correlation function is corrected to coincide with Grant's result.
    A turbulon theory of the relative diffusion of moving origin type is constructed by introducing a plausible assumption that the turbulons can be effectively separated into two groups viz, that of smaller turbulons contributing only to the diffusion and that of larger turbulons contributing only to the displacement of the center of cluster, and the same results as those predicted by Batchelor's similarity theory are obtained.
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  • R. Sawada
    1960 Volume 38 Issue 3 Pages 154-160
    Published: December 26, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: October 19, 2007
    The solar semidiurnal air tide is computed for an atmospheric profile (Table 1) which was proved earlier to give a satisfactory lunar tide. The profile shows no resonance and the solar tide must therefore be due solely to the semidiurnal heatings of the atmosphere. The theoretical computation is compared with recently presented statistical data to infer the necessary heating distribution with height. If the heating in the troposphere is the principal contributor, the observed solar semidiurnal tide may be explained by the eddy diffusion of heat with a coefficient of order of 106cm2⋅sec-1.
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  • S. Tomitaka
    1960 Volume 38 Issue 3 Pages 161-173
    Published: December 26, 1960
    Released on J-STAGE: October 19, 2007
    A formula of gradient wind velocity and relative vorticity for typhoon is derived, assuming that the pressure distribution at sea level is circular in the region of typhoon.
    And the distribution of the wind velocity is derived by introducing the values from the above-mentioned formula to the general solution of equation of motion in the frictional layer as the function of the height and the distance from the center.
    The height of frictional influence and the value of the other elements are estimated for the region of the typhoon.
    These calculating methods are tested with the synoptic data about the Typhoon No. 12 (June) which invaded Kyushu district in the year 1954.
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