Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Volume 15, Issue 2
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • M. Yositake
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 49-57
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    Le 19 juin 1936, nous avons eu une éclipse totale du soleil à Hokkaidô et beaucoup de météorologists ont se dévoué à l'observation des variations de température et de pression atmosphérique près du centre de 1'éclipse du soleil. On a pu apercevoir evidement une dépression de température de presque 3°C. Mais il n'y a eu une si remarkable variation de pression atmosphérique qu' on n'a presque pas per_??_u.
    Le Prof. S. Fujiwhara vient de proposer le problème: “Comment varie avec le temps la pression atmosphérique à 1'endroit fixe par l'influence de l'éclipse totale du soleil” Dans ce mémoire je m'ai proposé de donner une solution à ce p_??_oblem.
    Supposons que 1'éclipse totale marche avec une vitesse cons'ante. Pour simplifier, nous supposerons que l'atmosphère est homogène et le mouvement des particules du fluide es_??_ un mouvement horizontal et ne dépend pas de la hauteur mesurée de la terre. C_??_est-à-dire, les mouvements du fluide sont bornés à deux dimensions. Dans ce cas notre résultat est qu'ily aura une dépression 8mm Hg, quand la variation de température est-3°C. Mais cette valeur est ass_??_z grande en comparaison de la valeur observée. Enfin j'ai expliqué un problème de trois dimensions qui correspond à ce cas où la vitesse de 1'agitation de la chaleur est a_??_sez petite.
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  • S. Ikeda
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 58-62
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    It is a well-known fact that there is a marked difference between the record of Dines' tube anemometer and that of Richard's anemocinemograph. In the former generally the oscillation of small periodicities are not recorded, while in the latter they are generally predominating.
    In the seismograph the proper oscillation is very important to the treatments of the records. It may occur the similar questions in Dines' anemometer, hence the present auth_??_r discussed dynamically the motion of the float of Dines' anemometer. Prof: A. Bücky has already treated this problem as early as 1909, but the anemometer on which be bas treated is different a little from the anemometer used in this country. Hence the treatment in this paper will throw a light on the discussion of the anemometer in the another meaning.
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  • T. Hosi
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 63-64
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    Wir setzen, grundsätzlich, die Möglichkeit der Vorhandensein der unipolare Induktion für den ideale, homogene magnetisierte Erdkörper, durch seine Umdrehung voraus. Dann, erhalten wir das elektrische Potential in der Form: wo, ω; angular Geschwindigkeit, R; Erdradius, φ; magnetische Poldistanz, und _??_; magnetische Induktion bedeuten. Die radiale und meridionale Differentiationen geben die Komponenten der Intentität d_??_s Gestalt des Feldes des Erds_??_rom. Die radiale Komponente hat die Richtung abnehmender Radius, und die meridionale bat richtet nach der Pol.
    So können wir zu geben die qualitative Erklärung der Zustand des Erdstromes doch andere Grösse _??_ muss festgesetzt worden sein, um quantitative Erklärung zu geben. _??_ ist allegemein ab_??_angig von μ, aber nun mehr μ ist unbestimmt.
    Wenn wir den wahre Werte der Erdstrom messen können werden, so werden wir den Permeabilität der Erde zu bestimmen können.
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  • K. Fukuda
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 65-70
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    At the base station of Mt. Tukuba, the mountain and valley breezes are observed during several years and it was shown that the breeze blows from mountain to valley when the air temperature falls at the station, while it blows.from valley to mountain when temperature rises.
    The present author investigated this problem mathematically and made some experiments, on the generall flow of the current by following process.
    A model of Mt. Tukuba was made by copper and dipped. in the water. The temperature of the model was varied by a proper method, and the difference of temperature thus made between, the model and the water causes necessarily some convection current of water as is photographed in Fig. 3. From this experiment we may be able to suppose the general feature of the mountain and valley breezes.
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  • N. Yamamoto
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 70-74
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    Theory of electrodynamics gives us the orthogonal relations between E and H which enable us to c_??_lculate electric and magnetic components of variable field. Employing these values the present author studied the nature of disturbances.
    It was shown from the treatment of Poynting vector that the origin of the flow of energy is in the upper layer of the polar region, and its intensity is about 1.5 × 10-3 ergs/cm2sec
    Comparisons of the theoretical results with observations have also led to the determinations of the specific resistance of the order of 2 × 105 ohms cm.
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  • S. Ota
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 75-80
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    In a field of a gray-absorbtive material, the mathematical expression of heat-transfer by radiation was given by,
    where B represents black body radiation, and Φ, heat source or incident radiation. Applying Φ the incoming radiation of the earth and the sun, the above expression is transformed as follow:
    Thus, we know, the temperature of the upper atmosphere may, for some adequate value of absorbtion-coeff. and heat-capacity of gas, vary with the period of the rotating sun, and for other values, the effect of the sun appears stationary, always supplying the energy of 1/π times of the solarconstant.
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  • Y. Daigo
    1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 81-95
    Published: February 05, 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    The salt injury is generally classified into the following two sorts; one injury to crops takes place when the crops are cultured in the soil containing salt and another injury to crops is due to the salt which will be carried in the air with varius forms. The former has been taken into consideration in case of marine reclaimed field and tide injury by high tide accompanying to typhoon, etc., and the latter, has been caused by salt wind or salt rain. It is the object of this paper to report some experiments and observations on the effect of the solution containing salt and the imaginary salt wind or rain upon the development of the crops.
    1. Germination test of aquatic rice in salt solution: Germination capacity and energy decreases with increasing concentration of Nacl solution. This fact is caused by which the speed of water absorption of seed is get slow by semipermeability of seed menbrane.
    2. Influence to the development of young plant in the salt solution: It has been known in this experiment that the development of rice plant is checked with increasing concentration of Nacl solution, but the growth of rice plant was accelerated in solution with very low concentration of NaCl solution (0.3gr/L NaCl).
    3. Type of the varletal resistance of aquatic rice to the salt injury: In this experiment was cultured rice plant with the solutions containing various quantity of marine water and food solution. As the result of this experiment was classificated rice variety by difference of resistance to salt solution in fore types as figure. 4.
    4. Injury of salt wind or salt rain to crops: A problem which as injury by salt wind or salt rain to crops was known, has yet remained untouched. It has been suggested by some that the injury by salt wind might be caused by wind or salt itself or both. In this experiment was used variety of aquatic rice “Senichi” and spraied to the rice plant marine water as imaginary salt wind or rain. At the time of the first treatment the rice had just growing stage and second treatment was applied when the plants were blooming date and third treatment were made at ripening stage. Brown and dead spots in leaves were a common sympton of these injury. Author found the salt injury to rice plant to increase in the following order, (1) ripening stage (2) growing stage and (3) blooming stage. In many cases, shaded leaves appeared to be injuried less by artificial marine water than comparably sprayed leaves in sunlight. Salt injuries to crops generally were correlated with a spray number of times and sunlight. Salt wind or salt rain have two main effects on leaves: (1) They plug stomata, intercellular spaces, and tracheae: and (2) the toxic parts of salts poison protoplasm and sometimes with physical action of wind.
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  • 1937 Volume 15 Issue 2 Pages 98
    Published: 1937
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
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