Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Volume 17, Issue 8
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
  • R. Saito
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 305-314
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    Monsoon snowfalls at the coastal stations of the Japan Sea have been examined. It is found that the amount of precipitation sorely due to monsoon becomes a maximum when the minimum of pressure wave from a continental high arrives at the station.
    The author tried the following explanation of this remarkable fact. The monsoon cloud is formed by a grand thermal convection. The longer the air stays over the surface of the warm sea the more thicker the cloud becomes. A simple estimation shows that the time of lying of the damp air over the sea is maximum which arrives at the station just at the time of minimum of pressure oscillation.
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  • S. Hori
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 314-319
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    The present author has investigated the relation between the birth of cyclone and the weather of southeastern China. There are two kinds of cyclones which are usually said to be born in the southwestern part of the China Eastern Sea. One is born in the region independently and the other in the climatological frontal zone between cP air-mass and mT air-mass in mountainous regions of South China and the southern part of Central China. This frontal zone is formed by the invasion of cold air mass from the Siberian anticyclonic area affected by the topography of the China continent.
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  • Y. Kawabata
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 320-325
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    In this preliminary note, the writer suggests the fact that the deflection of the vertical referred to the reference ellipsoid which approximately represents the geoid surface in those regions concerned is not only very large in its absolute values but also very systematic and regular in direction in the districts where the seismic or volcanic activity is vlioent.
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  • M. Tamura
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 325-331
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    In this mechanism none of the sort of gear and escapement is used. At every swing of the pendulum, it receives impulse by the falling weight which is raised by means of an electromagnet. That is, in the same direction of the pendulum, the top of suspension chop is carried a short distance (2 or 3 microns), immediately before the pendulum almost immediately crossed the line of center. The pendulum is entirely free, and the principal part of the mechanism is free from friction, therefore it does not need any supply of oil. The pendulum is suspended in an air-tight case placed in a room maintained at constant temperature, so that it is subjected to low air pressure. Therefore the period of the pendulum is rendered free from the effect of the disturbing influences due to fluctuation of air pressure, temperature, escapement friction, motive force, etc.
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  • H. Arakawa
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 331-332
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    Während die Abszisse eine linear geteilte Temperaturskala trägt, ist für den Luftdruck auf der Ordinate eine -Teilung gewählt. Dieses Diagrammpapier, das verkürzt als θp-Diagramm beschrieben werden kann und Piphigramm gennant worden ist, ist eine flächentreue Transformation des Tephigramms.
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  • S. Iritani, B. Okazaki, S. Yamaguti
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 333-336
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    The authors of the present paper made some experiments about the evaporation of water and the results were compared with the formula of Trabert. In the case of evaporation in air current, some modification of the constant factor in the original formula seems to be needed, such that it varies with the air temperature as C=C" (1-0.0142tK).
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  • T. Oti
    1939 Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages 336-341
    Published: August 05, 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: February 05, 2009
    From the results of total radiation observed with the Robitzschactinograph at several meteorological stations in Japan, the author of the present paper calculated the constant a in the formula Q=Q0{a+(1-a)S/S0}, proposed by A. Ångström, where Q is the daily amount of the total radiation observed, Q0 is the same amount when there is no cloud, S the observed value of the duration of sun-shine and S0 its pnssible value. The results of calculation of a are as follows.
    Tokyo 0.22, Nagasaki 0.25, Morioka 0.25 and Mt. Tukuba 0.23.
    Further he calculated a for various kinds of clouds, and he found that a is 0.40 for upper clouds, 0.35 for middle clouds and 0.22 for lower clouds.
    He also found that the total radiation in a clear day in Tokyo can be expressed approximately by the formula: Q0/S0=753/r2 sin h, where r is the distance from the earth to the sun measured in unit of its mean distance, and h the altitude of the sun at the time of the meridian transit; that this expression can be used approximately to the other stations.
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