A statistical confirmation of the author's hypothesis is given. It is shown that all yphoons who invaded into the Japan Sea during the period from 1947 to 1956 can be llustrated favorably by the present hypothesis, without exception.
It seems properly that some solutions of the equation of the stationary motion are useful for the problem of the general circulation. In those cases that the vertical variations are small and non-linear interaction is negligible, it can be solved. Thus the solutions of it give us the vertical motion uitable for the explanation of the cells of the meridional circulation and also give us the westerly flow patterns of the large scale motion qualitatively.. But in the quantitative aspect there happen the difficulties that easterly wind near the equator can not be explained and upper westerly jet is computed as somewhat weaker. If the integral constants are determined so as to fit at equator, then it appears the area where absolute vorticities are negative, therefore as the result it becomes impossible to cover all over the earth with unit regular solution as obtained here.