Traditional methods for the analysis of trace heavy metals in the atmosphere require collecting atmospheric particles on filter substrates, such as cellulose, quartz fiber member, etc. In this paper, we report on a different filter to capture trace heavy metals in atmospheric particulates. Four kinds of electrospun nanofiber filters, polystyrene (PS), polystyrene-dithizone (PS-DZ), acrylic acid (AR), and acrylic acid-dithizone (AR-DZ) were produced by electrospinning, and used as filters to trap heavy metals in atmospheric particles. Based on these nanofiber filters, the digestion method and eluent were optimized. Under the optimal conditions (oscillation extraction with acetic acid–potassium acetate (HAC–KAC) buffer solution (0.1 mol L−1, pH = 4.5)), the developed method was successfully applied to determine the four particulate metal elements (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) in air in two urban areas of Suzhou, China. Furthermore, a correlation between heavy metals in air and breast milk was observed. The results confirmed that an electrospun nanofiber mat could be a potential candidate for the sampling of heavy metals in atmospheric particles with higher efficiency.

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