Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
70 巻, 4 号
  • 熊谷 振作
    1979 年 70 巻 4 号 p. 377-385
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bladder potentials were recorded in the resting and stimulating time of the pelvic nerve, using the exposed urinary bladder and pelvic nerve of guinea pig. The correlation between tonic impulses and the mechanism of urination was investigated as follows.
    1) The tonic impulses of the urinary bladder are composed of small sized potentials with 7-8impulses/sec and large ones with 1-2impulses/sec.
    2) Bladder potentials are consisted of many group potentials arising from each bladder muscle fiber. They do not conduct all over the urinary bladder.
    3) The wave of the tonic impulses of the pelvic nerve corresponds to that of the urinary bladder, though both are not the same. The bladder tonic potential is considered to be the compound potential with automatic rhythmic discharges of the urinary bladder and those of the pelvic nerve.
    4) The stimulation of pelvic nerve induces the compound bladder potentials repetitively. This repetition of the bladder potential is brought about as the after-discharges of the pelvic nerve, which is considered as the mechanism to maintain the tonus of the bladder.
    5) The repetitive stimulation of the pelvic nerve accelerates its after-potential and shortens its interval. However, it was clarified that after-potentials were inhibited by the repetitive stimulations for a long period of time.
    6) The bladder potential is inhibited up to a certain limit by the elongation of the urinary bladder, thereafter a predominant bladder potential and the urination occurs. This fact is considered to be the mechanism of the urination reflex.
    7) A marked bladder potential with series of downward spikes occurs during urination. Therefore, the bladder contraction passes from the apex to the neck of the bladder. Furthermore, the predominant bladder potentials are maintained for several seconds even after urination.
  • 米山 威久
    1979 年 70 巻 4 号 p. 386-391
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The urethral pressure profile was measured by the use of a two-eyed 14F Nelaton's catheter in 15 control adult males, 17 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy and 15 patients with prostatism without prostatic enlargement. The catheter was passed at a speed of 30mm/min, using a flow rate of 1 to 2ml/min. The parameters of UPP used in this study were the Max. P, FPUL and Area, as shown in Fig. 1. In the area measurement a multipurpose integrator was used, the application of which in this field has not been described to date. An α-adrenergic blocker was given in 10 of the 17 patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy and its effect was evaluated by the UPP.
    1. There was no significant difference in Max. P between control adults and patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy and with prostatism.
    2. There was no significant difference in FPUL between control adults and patients with prostatism, but the FPUL was significantly elongated in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy.
    3. The Area was progressively larger in the order of control adults, patients with prostatism and patients with prostatic hypertrophy, and the difference among the three groups was significant.
    4. The α-adrenergic blocker elicited a decrease in the Area in all. In parallel with the change in UPP the residual urine decreased and the subjective symptoms improved. The results of this study suggest the usefulness of the α-adrenergic blocker as a conservative treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
    5. Calculation of the Area was considered to be useful in the evalution of UPP.
  • VII Diabetic Cystopathy の臨床的検討
    小谷 俊一, 近藤 厚生, 三矢 英輔
    1979 年 70 巻 4 号 p. 392-402
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    40名 (男性27名, 女性13名) の糖尿病性膀胱機能障害 Diabetic Cystopathy (DCP) を対象として尿流動態検査, レ線検査, 膀胱内圧のタイプと内科的因子の相関, 治療等について臨床的検討を加えた. 糖尿病罹病期間の最長は21年 (平均5.7年) であつた.
    1) 膀胱内圧測定の結果, DCPの特徴とされる低緊張型は13名 (33%) に認めた. 高緊張型は9名 (23%) で, 内8名は脳血管障害を合併していた. 正常型は18名 (45%) であつた. DCPにおいて核上型損傷例が予想外に多い事実は注目に値する.
    2) 最小尿意における膀胱容量と最大尿意におけるそれとの差を検討した. この差が100cc以下に減少した症例は全体の55%を占め, 膀胱知覚障害の存在を示唆する重要な新しいパラメーターである.
    3) 尿道内圧波形 (UPP) による最高尿道内圧, length of continence zone, total profile length は正常群との間に統計的有意差を認めなかつた.
    4) 尿波形検査 (UFM) では平均尿流率, 量大尿流率共に正常群より低下し, 尿線中絶を示す努責排尿例も存在した.
    5) 男性の残尿量は平均78cc, 女性は129ccと有意に存在した.
    6) 排尿時膀胱尿道撮影を7例で施行した. 6例では膀胱頚部は十分に開大した. 膀胱像は4名が弛緩型, 3名が正常型を示し膀胱尿管逆流は1例も存在しなかつた.
    7) 膀胱内圧測定での低緊張型は糖尿病罹病期間が長い程多く出現しさらに内科的薬物治療を要する重症例に多く認めた. 膀胱内圧曲線のタイプと空腹時血糖値, Insulinogenic Index, 糖尿病性神経症・腎症・網膜症との間には相関を認めなかつた.
    8) DCPの治療法は, まず下部尿路の病態を十分に把握し, 検査データに基ずき下記のいずれかを単独又は組み合わせて選択する. 頻回の排尿習慣, 自己間歇導尿法, α-adrenergic blocker の投与, 副交感神経抑制剤又は刺激剤の投与. 膀胱頚部のTUR. カテーテル留置は厳に慎むべき方法である.
  • 第2報 Erythromycin, Aminobenzylpenicillin-Methylchlorophenylisoxazolylpenicillin および Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim について
    櫻木 勉
    1979 年 70 巻 4 号 p. 403-409
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The levels of EM and ABPC-MCIPC in the prostatic tissue and the prostatic fluid of the dog were determined.
    1. EM: The maximum concentration in the prostatic tissue after single oral dose of EM 50mg/kg was 2.20μg/g and prostatic tissue/serum ratio was 1.49. The maximum level of EM in the prostatic fluid was 8.95μg/ml and prostatic fluid/serum ratio was 4.40.
    2. ABPC-MCIPC: The concentrations in the prostatic tissue and the prostatic fluid after single oral dose of ABPC 25mg/kg and MCIPC 25mg/kg was scarcely detectable.
    The concentrations of SMX-TMP in the seminal plasma of normal adult and in the adenoma tissue of patients with prostatic hyperplasia were determined.
    1. SMX: The maximum concentration of SMX in the prostatic tissue after single oral dose of SMX 800mg and TMP 160mg was 20.6μg/g and prostatic tissue/serum ratio was 0.366. The maximum level in the seminal plasma was 6.5μg/ml and semen/serum ratio was 0.151.
    2. TMP: The maximum concentration of TMP in the prostatic tissue was 6.89μg/g and prostatic tissue/serum ratio was 3.82. The maximum level of TMP in seminal plasma was 5.75μg/ml and semen/serum ratio was 2.90.
  • 第III報 電子顕微鏡的研究
    中村 洋三
    1979 年 70 巻 4 号 p. 410-422
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    From the clinical experiences heat has been known to induce tumor regression without causing significant changes to normal surrounding tissues. Heat has also been shown to enhance the radiosensitivity or effect of anticancer drug to the cancer cells. However, little is known about the mechanism of the cancerocidal effect of heat in spite of large number of clinical and experimental investigations. We have achieved hyperthermic treatment of the bladder cancer for the past 3 years. This report is aimed to describe 1) ultrastrucure of normal and malignant cells of the bladder 2) ultrastructural changes of the bladder cancer cells following hyperthermic treatment and combined therapy with hyperthermia and radiation.
    Normal epithelium of the bladder is composed of three layers, superficial cell, intermediate cell and basal cell. The luminal plasma membrane of the superficial cell consists of asymmetric unit membrane. Overall appearance of well differentiated carcinoma shows regular arrangement tumor cells with moderate numbers of cytoplasmic organelles.
    Poorly differentiated carcinoma develops disorderly with large and irregular shaped nucleus. Ultrastructural changes of tumor cells were appreciated not only immediately after the single treatment but also after ten times treatment of hyperthermia. The most prominent change was the degeneration of the cytoplamsmic matrix like burned appearance. Cytoplasmic organelles, such as mitochondria and Golgi apparatus showed moderate changes in number and form. Some of the nucleus appeared slightly clear nucleoplasm after the hyperthermic irrigation. But plasma membrane and nuclear membrane were almost preserved and seemed to be the most resistant to the heat. After the combination therapy alteration occurred more intense than hyperthermia alone.
    From the present study it was demonstrated that high temperature affected the cytoplasm and nucleus of the cancer cell and might induce a cancer cell death. Further studies must be performed in regard to the ultrastructural changes of normal bladder cells after the hyperthermic treatment.