Legionella pneumonia typically presents as lobar pneumonia with multiple-lobe involvement, but
Legionella lung abscess is rare. To identify the predisposing factors for
Legionella abscess, we analyzed 62 of the 79 case reports on
Legionella abscess found in literature; 28 (45.2%) were of hospital-acquired infection and 28 (45.2%), community-acquired infection. Seventeen patients (27.4%) died.
L. pneumophila serogroup 1 was the most common, but other serogroups of
L. pneumophila,
L. micdadei,
L. bozemanii,
L. dumoffii, and
L. maceachernii were also isolated from the abscess. Corticosteroids were administered for underlying diseases to 43 (69.4%) patients. Peripheral neutrophil counts were higher in patients with abscess than in those with only pulmonary infiltration. In certain cases,
Legionella abscess developed during neutropenia recovery. However, lymphocyte counts were low in most cases. Clinical factors like corticosteroid treatment, which causes impaired cellular immunity and subsequent neutrophil accumulation in the lesion, might function as predisposing factors for
Legionella abscess.
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