Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B
Online ISSN : 1349-2896
Print ISSN : 0386-2208
ISSN-L : 0386-2208
Special Issue
Volume 100, Issue 2
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
Review Series to Celebrate Our 100th Volume
  • Shinji TOYOTA
    2024 Volume 100 Issue 2 Pages 101-113
    Published: February 09, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: February 09, 2024

    In 1932, Mizushima and Higasi reported the dependence of the dipole moments of 1,2-dichloroethane on both temperature and solvent in the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy, Japan. This report was followed by their first proposal of the existence of conformers that exchanged by internal rotation about a C–C single bond based on experimental data. Their monumental work marked the beginning of the essential concept of conformation in modern stereochemistry. Their proposal was later confirmed by the direct observation of the anti and gauche conformers of 1,2-dichloroethane by Raman spectroscopy, and further supported by other experimental and theoretical methods. The relative stabilities of the anti and gauche conformers of 1,2-dichloroethane and other 1,2-disubstituted ethanes were discussed in terms of steric, electrostatic, and stereoelectronic effects based on analysis of calculated data. Those studies influenced the development of subsequent research in organic chemistry, such as the conformational analysis of cyclohexane derivatives and the isolation of chiral gauche conformers.

  • Hiroyoshi NISHIKAWA
    2024 Volume 100 Issue 2 Pages 114-122
    Published: February 09, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: February 09, 2024

    With the clinical success of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), cancer immunotherapy has become an important pillar of cancer treatment in various types of cancer. However, more than half of patients fail to respond to ICIs, even in combination, uncovering a limited window of clinical responses. Therefore, it is essential to develop more effective cancer immunotherapies and to define biomarkers for stratifying responders and nonresponders by exploring the immunological landscape in the tumor microenvironment (TME). It has become clear that differences in immune responses in the TME determine the clinical efficacy of cancer immunotherapies. Additionally, gene alterations in cancer cells contribute to the development of the immunological landscape, particularly immune suppression in the TME. Therefore, integrated analyses of immunological and genomic assays are key for understanding diverse immune suppressive mechanisms in the TME. Developing novel strategies to control immune suppression in the TME from the perspective of immunology and the cancer genome is crucial for effective cancer immunotherapy (immune-genome precision medicine).

Original Articles
  • Ryo ENDO, Junko IWAHASHI
    2024 Volume 100 Issue 2 Pages 123-139
    Published: February 09, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: February 09, 2024
    Advance online publication: December 29, 2023

    The Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred in the southern part of Kanto district, Japan, on September 1, 1923, was reported to have triggered numerous landslides (over 89,080 slope failures over an area of 86.32 km2). This study investigated the relationship between the landslide occurrence caused by this earthquake and geomorphology, geology, soil, seismic ground motion, and coseismic deformation. We found that a higher landslide density was mainly related to a larger absolute curvature and a higher slope angle, as well as to several geological units (Neogene plutonic rock, accretionary prism, and metamorphic rocks). Moreover, we performed decision tree analyses, which showed that slope angle, geology, and coseismic deformation were correlated to landslide density in that order. However, no clear correlation was found between landslide density and seismic ground motion. These results suggest that landslide density was greater in areas of large slope angle or fragile geology in the area with strong shaking enough to trigger landslides.

  • Yoshie UCHIDA, Hidenobu UCHIDA, Takeshi SATO, Yuko NISHIMOTO, Koichi T ...
    2024 Volume 100 Issue 2 Pages 140-148
    Published: February 09, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: February 09, 2024
    Supplementary material

    From the biota beneath the sea ice in Lake Saroma, which is adjacent to Sea of Okhotsk, a diatom culture of Saroma 16 was isolated. Strutted processes and a labiate process in Saroma 16 were characteristic of those in Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii. Similarity search analysis showed that the 826-bp rbcL-3P region sequence of this strain was 100% identical to multiple sequences registered as T. nordenskioeldii in a public database. The 4305-bp PCR-amplified mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (COI)-5P region of Saroma 16 included a 1060-bp open reading frame (ORF), which was interrupted by 934-bp and 2311-bp introns that included frame-shifted ORFs encoding reverse-transcriptase (RTase)-like proteins. Previous reports showed that a strain of the same species, CNS00052, originating from the East China Sea included no introns in the COI, whereas North Atlantic Ocean strains of the same species, such as CCMP992, CCMP993, and CCMP997, included a 2.3-kb intron in the same position as Saroma 16.
