Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B
Online ISSN : 1349-2896
Print ISSN : 0386-2208
ISSN-L : 0386-2208
Special Issue
Volume 76, Issue 6
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Sakae YAMAMURA
    2000 Volume 76 Issue 6 Pages 77-81
    Published: 2000
    Released on J-STAGE: October 17, 2006
    The permanent-magnet-excited synchronous motor is expanding its usage considerably. It has strong and peculiar saliency of magnetic poles, which causes peculiar torque characteristics. The conventional theories, such as the two reaction theory and the two axis theory are based on the d, q axis method. Although they have been resorted to for a long time, their derivation of the circuit equation is not logical and it seems that they involve approximation and even errors. The author applied the spiral vector method (SV method) to analysis of PMSM and derived the new circuit equations of PMSM, whose solutions revealed new aspect of performances of PMSM.1)-7) This paper reports further developments of SV theory of PMSM; one of them is a new V-curve of PMSM. It is quite different from the V-curve of the conventional theories, and is much more useful.
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  • Restricted localization of the extracellular enzymatic activity
    Katsuyoshi ISHII, Tsutomu HASHIKAWA, Keiji HIRAI, Hiroyuki TSUCHIYA, Y ...
    2000 Volume 76 Issue 6 Pages 82-86
    Published: 2000
    Released on J-STAGE: October 17, 2006
    Histochemical staining of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of rat enteric nervous system was studied using intracardiac perfusion of modified Karnovsky's histochemical medium. The optical and electron microscopical observation disclosed the AChE activity in extra-somatic and extra-axonal space in both the myenteric and submucous plexuses. Absence of staining of intracellular AChE is due to impermeability of the plasma membrane to the histochemical medium during the intracardiac perfusion. Possible physiological significance of the extracellular AChE is discussed.
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